I get the feeling the dev died or something. They had plans for 2 games, posted multiple character arts and in-game shots for one plus an in-game shot for the other, then posted the demo for boobswatch after which nothing. Their Twitter is equally lacking in any new content after the demo was released.
I'm worried this happened too. This doesn't really fit many other scenarios. It's also kinda awkward as the creator doesn't seem to have anything like a Discord to check either.
The only alternatives I can think of are that they quit (maybe angry, maybe depressed) after seeing they got no interest, or they had a massive hardware failure that fucked their equipment up and they can't realistically buy the tools they need again. The former's understandable if they're a bit
volatile, though definitely not a good idea, and not exactly unexpected considering it seems to have had zero advertising*. The latter is kinda a reach - They seem good enough with the art that they could still make money on commisions and shit, and even if they totally lost all login info and game backups, the logins can be clawed back with time, and the demo could at least be decompiled and used as a base going forward.
I guess Copyright is a possibility too, as (IMO - IANAL) they do stray too close to the original characters for this to be a viable monetised project, however... yeah, as mentioned above, these pages are all still up. I'd have expected them to be taken down by now. Even if he saw a C&D in his inbox, shat, then logged out of everything and never came back, I'd have expected the patreon to be taken down by now by patreon getting a takedown. I didn't sub, but it all still seems to be active and working.
*as an aside, where the hell would someone advertise these days? Here, ULMF, TFGS, maybe LewdGamer if they do a write-up on your game?