VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Book 5: Untold Legend of Korra [v1.0] [Muplur]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent art and overall production quality, but poor design makes it dull and tedious.

    Disclaimer: I dropped the game after a couple of hours. While the setup was promising, hours of grind with little reward and nothing of interest left me with no desire to continue.

    You take the role of some sort of avatar trainer who is hired for vague reasons to "train" Korra, who has become a lazy unemployed bitch. Along the way you encounter other characters, from the show and original, some of whom also need your "training".

    The setup is fine, the art quality is there, the writing is ok. But the game immediately and repeatedly fumbles the expected content. Your goal is clearly to train Korra, and you'd expect it to be a gradual process, with her disposition being a major focus. Instead, Korra is pretty much ignored for the first few hours, and you can just immediately off-screen degrade or train her with no build up, requirements, or change to how she interacts with you.

    The main content seems to be "side quests", revolving around other characters and mysteries. These are strictly linear, you can only do one at a time, and they have extremely specific and obscure requirements to progress. This results in you just grinding through hours of filler dialog, going through the motions of manually skipping day after day in order to progress arbitrary timers. For all this work we get very little reward, and what we do get is very underwhelming - usually a single sprite with her tits out. There's no hint of whether we'll eventually return to the main draw of the game: training Korra.

    Overall, the game fails to deliver on its premise, at least for the first few hours. In return, all you get is unrelated grind.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has great art/renders and the story is pretty good as well, the MC gets to bang a lot of women and has good sex scenes. Only issue is some NTR is not avoidable and for that i give it a 4 and not a 5 star rating, even though i do not like NTR it was a very good game.

    Art/renders. 9.5/10
    Story. 9/10
    Sex. 8.5/10 NTR
    Characters, 9/10
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Ah it was a really good game... but it was really grindy. The beginning also confuses you since things start really slow. A lot of the game I felt like I wasn't even trying to corrupt korra but other characters. At least until later in the game.

    Eventually it got better but was stll pretty grindy. The art is really really good and I think that is what makes this game good. Otherwise the story is only so-so and the game is just to grindy.

    But it is worth playing its not all that bad and the art is worth getting.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty mediocre overall, but it is elevated by incredible artwork.

    The story is fine, the writing is actually pretty good (at least in terms of clarity, grammar, etc...), and the dialogue is okay.

    If this game only had decent artwork, I would probably give it a 2/5. Maybe bump it up to a 2.5/5 just by virtue of the fact that the dev actually completed their game, something I always want to commend.

    But as I said before, this game's art elevates the entire game. The art starts out pretty decent, if a little bit awkward. But the quality of the art keeps getting better and better throughout the game and, by the end of the game, the art and sex scenes look absolutely phenomenal.

    If this dev makes another game and they are able to maintain the level of art this game had in its final act throughout the entirety of that new game, it may go down as one of the best looking 2D Western adult games ever. A more unique plot and a more likable and less derivative MC would have easily made this game a 5/5 for me, but it unfortunately wasn't quite there.

    Side note: This didn't effect my score, but I'm getting so sick of games with the "futa/trans" tag only to realize that it's only one scene in the entire game. I swear like 99% of the games on this site with that tag have basically no futa or trans content
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Good idea and decent art but falls flat on execution. The pacing is quite bad and the next steps for progression is almost always unclear. Progression with each character isn't the smoothest either. There's a foundation for a really great game here, just needs refinement. Still worth a try.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Cons: Not ideal gameplay if hoping to play mindlessly. Almost high difficulty level in terms of progressing. (for me, at least). Technical (can be frustrating) and grindy

    Pro: Many options and great (bonus) scenes to unlock. Great for a 1st game. Noticeably high efforts towards story and dialogue. I disagree with the "Akabur style" criticisms, I think it makes it more user friendly.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game, interesting, unlike most. If I could, I would put 4.5, but I put 4 because of the very small number of genres. Almost all the sex scenes, in my opinion, are very similar and by the end of the game a little boring. Add NTR (fan of the genre), more feet fetish and other things-strong 5.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Zer0x J360

    To keep it simple, the game is amazing. It's been on my watch list for a while, and while playing a bit of the earlier version a year ago, I decided to wait for it to finish before actually completing it. Now after i finally did, i have to say that every moment was worth it.

    For starters, i was a fan of avatar the last airbender for most of my early years growing up, and when i heard there was a sequel it hyped me up. However watching a couple of episodes of legend of korra, it just doesnt bring as much impact as the last airbender did. So I never watch more of it.

    However seeing this game, i was intrigued, not only is the artstyle in itself unique, the story that unfolds as you progress through the story is quite rich. And knowing the thought that the dev said that he "felt bad as to what went down in legend of Korra". They did a brilliant job, where in 5 years they make not only a great porngame/h-game but also a great storybook ending to the show. (i'd consider it canon)

    Now i have to say that where there are some imperfections, like the lust/love mechanic, the story and characters stay true to the original sources and thats a huge Thumbs up for me, since in some parody games, they downright forgot about personalities and just make the characters "sluts" from the get-go.

    I really liked the ending, some might hated it because it felt as if the whole story is useless. But, looking at it from a storyline perspective (not from Guru's POV) you will see how it makes sense, and how Guru's interaction with the characters is more of a push towards their goals, then a means to our(the player's) fanservice (harem ending and such).

    In Conclusion, whether you're a fan of the Avatar franchise, or not, you will enjoy it, because the story is well though out even for uncultured people. It's a 5/5 for me. I'm looking forward to what the devs are making next!
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Gonna try to keep it short.
    1. Art
    2. Plot ( i think the whole spirit manipulates behaviour is neat)
    3. just all of the Asami content
    4. the whole Trainer aspect
    1. the fact that at the end you just dissapear (guessing it has something to do woth starting a journey as they said)
    2. that you can't prevent Korra from getting raped by Vaatu, like i dont know a love route where the Guru is in danger and like aang in book 2 Korra will have to drop her feelings for the Guru and save him from Vaatu
    3. I would prefer being the one that trains her rather than let someone else train her for me, kinda defeats the purpose of a trainer- style game
    4. Please please a thing that lets me see if i am on love route or lust and if i just gained lust/love points.

    In the end starting the game for the first time, I didn't really expect to enjoy it but was provin satisfingly wrong.

    Great Game I really wish you the best Muplur
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. solid art, with a good variety of both girls and fetishes. Can get a bit confusing here and there so you may want to look up the walkthrough. Also I don't think it was to grindy at any point, but you do need to pay attention to money.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    overall a good game
    even though some elements of the game I didn't personally like I still played it and enjoyed the overall plot... that is until that fucking ending.....
    words can't define how pissed I felt when seeing it... there is only one way to describe that ending: UTTER GARBAGE!!!
    like the game had such potential to end on a high note only to be ruined by the dev wanting to make Guru the MC of his next game (it seems) otherwise there was no other reason for it(he/she really has been inspired by Akabur in that front with the shit ending)

    like all those better ways the game could have been ended, heck I feel like I can list 10 ways from the top of my head alone that would be considered by all as a good ending, all those possibilities, all gone down the drain, there was not even a good fuck in the end... we just see korra being banged by shitty fuck (THAT'LL GET THE PEOPLE HARD -_-) all for the sake of the shit end plot and an even shitty reason to make guru not present after the events

    the only reason I have the game 3 starts is coz of the ending, otherwise it would have been a 5 in my book (the ending ruined my experience to that point)...Hope the dev realizes how shitty the end was and atleast give the players a better ending atleast in his next game if not this one
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a great game. Competes with Four Elements Trainer, but in some ways...its better. The music is good and fitting. The Simpleness makes fapping so easy lol. I had low expectations when I found this game. I had never heard of it and it did not dissapoint.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A complete non-cg game here is quite rare, a complete game with great art and a trainer!? it should get 6 start just for that but this game got so much more. cant believe Muplur's patreon isnt more successful.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    great game! played for hours. very addicted and fun. played over and over no matter what. well designed game. very thought out, interesting scenes, great art style. would recommend this game to everyone
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    First time I had tried to go through the story it had a very hard barrier in my face of familiarizing myself with the zones and finding all the spots where all the events could happen.

    Big variety of characters and side characters
    Good explanation of world building and why the characters act this way very natural and not hair pulling for the avatar world.

    Even if I played lots of trainer games I still had trouble finding some of the optional scenes with the characters, I just didn't knew what to do and tried everything in order yet still missed content with the clothing shop girl and the wife.
    No galleries to replay some of the scenes

    Final thoughts:
    It's a polished version of a good trainer game.
    Easy got over 12 hours of content
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I wish we could give 4.5 stars to a game because I feel like this game deserve more than 4/5, even though it's not one of my fav here.

    + There's a lot of content for a game with drawings
    + Artworks are great
    + In-game walkthrough
    + I've came across zero bugs
    + Gameplay pleasant, no excessive grinding
    + Animated

    - The story did not captivated me
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better trainer games in the genre. Very nice artwork (a cut above quite a lot of these games). Decent story. Nice variety of side characters. Very respectable amount of content. Game is nearly finished with regular updates. Minimal grind and minimal annoyances.

    We're just starting with the end game content, but looks like it might escape the fate of a lot of similar games where you grind away slowly unlocking basic sex...and then the game ends just when things get good basically.

    Strongly recommended if you like the genre.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review written for version 0.7 Public)

    The gist of it? You're most likely going to enjoy it and want more.

    the long story? Well, it's a trainer game set in the universe of Legend of Korra, as the title would suggest. Not only does it offer a nice variety of different girls to play around with, but also displays some great artstyle as well as music which (partially) comes straight from the show. Not just that, but there's more: The characters have nice progression to them while the story at hand is honestly not all that bad, but i'll talk about that more in a sec.

    So, regardless of all the meaningless fluff, I'm just going to give you a list of the things I personally think make this good:
    • The Artstyle - not only is it quite well done, but also pretty detailed and it depicts the characters quite truthfully. While the style might not be for everyone, it definitely shows high-quality all around.
    • The music (for the most part) is well placed and thus offers a nice enhance to the mood. Some musical cues might be a bit off-putting at first, but before you know it, it grows on you.
    • The characters themselves: The game has quite the variety to offer. From the titual Korra to Asami as the two mainstays, interlined with several other characters from the show like Lin and Opal, littered with smaller roles. All for you to play around with.
    • The respective arcs for said characters, at the very least for Korra and Asami, are well thought out and provide a nice contrast to how they actually are. They do however grow and learn in their respective arcs (they'd better, it's a _trainer_ game after all :p) and thus feel well-rounded as characters.
    • The story on display is more prominent than in most other trainer games. There's a reason as to why the status quo has shifted to the way it now is. What that means for you in particular I can't tell. Either you'll try to unravel what is going on, or just enjoy the trainer side of the game. While the game is quite heavy on exposition from time to time, at the very least it makes in-universe sense and thus later parts fall neatly into line, instead of sticking out and giving you a strange feel of disconnect.
    • The content on hand is quite vast and if you warm up to the games setting, you are in for a nice ride alongside a good chunk of CGs for you to enjoy.
    • The grind, while noticable early on, is kept quite low later down the line, once you progress get further into the game. While it's not just a free fap-fest, it's not as grind-tastic as some other games out there.
    So, sounds great right? Game has depths, has character growth as well as enjoyable content. Sounds quite good so far, but to all things good have to come things bad:
    • From time to time it is unclear on how to progress in the game. While it does offer you small hints on how to progress, the actual trigger can be hard to pin down. While this is true for some of the trainer games, in here it is more prevailant and noticable.
    • Some music, like mentioned earlier, might be extremely well-suited given the games atmosphere. Others however, I personally dislike. This might be a personal preference thing so I'm not going to dwell on it for too long
    • Some of the writing might be a bit too much. This is probably hard to quantify, but to me it appears that some of the scenes can be too lengthy to actually enjoy. You might be gaining more enjoyment out of it, so I may very well be just talking out of my ass here.
    So, with that all talked about, what can I say as a final verdict? At the very least, give it a try. It's free (on here :p) so you've got nothing to lose, but very much to gain from checking it out. Not only is it overall pretty well rounded, but I personally found it to be quite the enjoyable experience while it lasted.

    The only gripe I personally have is that the game has development-times rivaling that of other games which are well-known to release quite slowly. With a game that has this level of quality to it, it may be understandable, but also is very much frustrating, as you may end up longing for more. This however did not influence my review.

    Final score - Excellent game.

    (On the note of the stars rating. While 5/5 would to me signal a perfect score, this is not the case - there is no perfect game experience, period. However, my negatives are more often than not nitpicks and thus I'm more than willing to give this game the 5 Star treatment because I personally think it is well deserved in this instance.)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has amazing art the style is very much like the show the the story is interesting and fun to play through the characters change as you play and it cool to see them develop the h scenes are top notch and bring characters from the og avatar era and the legend of korra era there are consent updates and this is a very entertaining game to play give it a try
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Unreal Bober

    Well, very good game.
    I really am a connoisseur of history in games that call themselves visual novels. Here I plunged into the story of the author, very well written for the "fan pen."

    The plot will tell us about the son of the guru, who, like his father, became a guru and his name ... everyone calls him guru so let it remain.
    I have not played this game before and have not watched Avatar, but honestly I will say it doesn’t matter, because Bitch Korra is really what you want when you play the slave game trainer.
    You need a character you hate and want to break. From the first seconds of communication with Korra, I already realized that this game seemed to be created for such sick perverts like me.

    The characters are well-written, well, let's say so probably because they have Original prototypes but even so, I like very good arches to gradually curb Korra. And I like that when they give you a task to bring Korra to submission, the characters have a real motivation because Korra is like a spoiled child, and yet this is a spoiled child with great power.

    What I would like more public use and humiliation for Korra. Let her fuck the whole city).

    Well, it was a preface to the rating.

    The good side:
    Good storyline.
    Interesting corruption of the character and you can see the inspiration of Akabur, but I like it even more.
    The dialogues were surprisingly interesting to read. You usually skip them, but the lines of behavior of the characters are really well thought out and visible.
    Good art.
