- Aug 8, 2018
- 762
- 684
This dewelopper takes so long ewen to long to create updates , but is showing off more things that gets created on soshialmedia but ads no progres to the game (updates) and this is flustrating and pissing of.
1 good choices and bad are swicht so they giwe oposite results
2 some quotes dosnt hawe sens story wise and dialogs dont addup
3 progres on Betraying mario is to sudden/quick
4 characters logic is fucking out off the window (they see each other using phones ewen admit to that and know what they doing , they know each other fore so long so they know whats gonna happend) and dialog is bull shit
5 theres only 1 outcome no metter what at list giwe us 2 (good and bad) becouse you are posting enough on social media so we know whats gonna happend in (bad ending) so this update/build hawe no sens to post
6 and create somthing fore good ending becouse by now i think there is ore will be only on outcom in diffrend shapes
1 good choices and bad are swicht so they giwe oposite results
2 some quotes dosnt hawe sens story wise and dialogs dont addup
3 progres on Betraying mario is to sudden/quick
4 characters logic is fucking out off the window (they see each other using phones ewen admit to that and know what they doing , they know each other fore so long so they know whats gonna happend) and dialog is bull shit
5 theres only 1 outcome no metter what at list giwe us 2 (good and bad) becouse you are posting enough on social media so we know whats gonna happend in (bad ending) so this update/build hawe no sens to post
6 and create somthing fore good ending becouse by now i think there is ore will be only on outcom in diffrend shapes