VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Breaking Beth [Ep. 2] [Lewd Dolphin]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...

    (03/03/2018 - Original Review - Episode 1)

    Come on, this is practically a redone version of Katie's Corruption... It even goes as far as having the bald boss and almost has the same exact things happen out the gate when the protagonist goes for the interview...

    The visuals of the characters are decent... The backdrops are muted white, which looks unfinished and weird... Perhaps they are place holders? The boss character looks almost like a carbon copy of the boss from Katie's Corruption...

    The script is ok, with some spelling/grammar errors... The plot is almost a complete rip off of Katie's Corruption, with a female protagonist who can either go a corruption route or a purity route, and is eventually forced to get a job working for a bald boss that wants the protagonist to do some nasty things with him right out the gate... She even has a boyfriend, although that aspect is slightly different in this one, as he is basically a dead beat rather then a fellow college student, like in Katie's...

    Overall, i can already tell this VN/Game has no intentions of being original... It has so many similarities to the story and play style of Katie's Corruption, I would not be surprised if it plans to rip it off in lots of other ways, if it continues development... The story in this one moves too darn fast as well... Will I revisit it? Why would I revisit a rip off of another VN/Game I'm not a fan of? So no, i have no current plans to revisit it...

    (04/04/2018 - Review Update - Episode 2)

    Ok, I decided to give this game another chance since it added more content... But it's pretty much just as bad if not worse then before...

    Lets start with the Neighbor, it is the exact same model as the fat and disgusting looking guy from Katie's... And how did she not pick up on the fact that he was masturbating to her right off the bat? Then lets look at the bank, the guy she speaks with claims he's been waiting his whole life for her to walk into the bank and ask for money, what? Who does that? No one does that... WAY over the top... And why didn't she call the police, and doesn't that guy know that banks record everything on their security cameras?

    Then lets talk about the new content for her work... It's not like he's blackmailed her or has any real hold over her, and yet you can select to allow her new boss to spank her and grab her behind, again, during a hug... Followed by the HR girl in the bathroom naked and Beth just goes ahead and grabs her breasts, no questions asked...

    In all reality, this is basically a low grade sex fest version of Katie's Corruption... There is no denying it in any way... It's like a adolescent teenager is doing a remake of Katie's with no care for reality checks, plot holes, etc... The Beth character can either play a Super Submissive, Clueless Passive, or Over the Top Aggressive... That is how the choices are normally presented... I already thought Katie's was a B-Rated Porn Fest, but this copy cat game is worse... This isn't a slow or even paced corruption story, as she either does the kinky stuff no questions asked, yells no, or just kind of stands there flitting her hair, clueless...

    You can't take this VN/Game seriously at all... It is in essence an exaggerated version of Katie's Corruption... I tried to give it another chance, but it just proved all my prior observations even more with Episode 2's content... I will not be revisiting this game again...