The assets for the environment and models look amazing.
It's just that it's a bad pretty bad time trying to read it. Commas in random places, ending statements with question marks and questions with periods, misspelled words, grammar is all over the place. Awkward dialogue. Sometimes too formal or unnatural but at least they’re not all talking with internet slang. It's not a matter of something being lost in translation. It's not that someone can't understand what's being said. It's more like it's distracting and makes the story rough. It ruins any kind of tone you're trying to set with each scene and makes the characters not feel like they're their own person because I just keep thinking about the person who wrote this rather than thinking someone is actually saying the words.
It's just all so bad I can't really get into the story. Seems more story-focused than content-focused too. It's like the dev wants this to be treated as a legitimate story and visual novel and not just something with good looking renders but it very badly needs heavy proofreading. Otherwise there's no point in playing the game.
Even if the dev is a non-native English speaker, I really don't think that works as an excuse. If you're going to write a story in English that is for English readers then you need to make sure you're proficient enough.
It'd be like volunteering to coach a basketball team but you've only played tennis your whole life and don't know anything besides the one or two games you've watched on tv. It'd be like "We appreciate your enthusiasm but why are you trying to coach the team if you don't even know the rules?" You may be a tennis champion and an overall great athlete but that doesn't mean that translates into your skills as a basketball coach unless you learn and get really good, really fast.
The same reasoning applies to VNs that are written in English and intended for English speakers. You could've made this game in your native language (or other languages you're fluent in) and marketed it towards people in that language but you didn't. Someone probably could've later on just provided a translation as well which would maybe be improved over time if it's popular enough. Only in this case, you probably just need help from a solid proofreader.
Maybe English was chosen because it might reach a wider audience but I mean at this level of acquisition, it just kills the story for me. Gave it a 3 because I appreciate the renders and the effort but I'm just debating whether or not I drop this right now.
It just kind of baffles me that people don’t get that concept. Maybe because some reviewers only speak English and can’t imagine anything else outside of that bubble while the rest are just as lacking in fluency so they don’t really see the problem. I wish I could explain this better but it’s like you do realize that this dev isn’t an idiot and can read and write in his language just fine, right? But he chose specifically to step into this “arena” and chose to make game that's story-oriented and not just hot pictures to look at with interesting game mechanics (nothing interesting in terms of game mechanics btw).
It's just that it's a bad pretty bad time trying to read it. Commas in random places, ending statements with question marks and questions with periods, misspelled words, grammar is all over the place. Awkward dialogue. Sometimes too formal or unnatural but at least they’re not all talking with internet slang. It's not a matter of something being lost in translation. It's not that someone can't understand what's being said. It's more like it's distracting and makes the story rough. It ruins any kind of tone you're trying to set with each scene and makes the characters not feel like they're their own person because I just keep thinking about the person who wrote this rather than thinking someone is actually saying the words.
It's just all so bad I can't really get into the story. Seems more story-focused than content-focused too. It's like the dev wants this to be treated as a legitimate story and visual novel and not just something with good looking renders but it very badly needs heavy proofreading. Otherwise there's no point in playing the game.
Even if the dev is a non-native English speaker, I really don't think that works as an excuse. If you're going to write a story in English that is for English readers then you need to make sure you're proficient enough.
It'd be like volunteering to coach a basketball team but you've only played tennis your whole life and don't know anything besides the one or two games you've watched on tv. It'd be like "We appreciate your enthusiasm but why are you trying to coach the team if you don't even know the rules?" You may be a tennis champion and an overall great athlete but that doesn't mean that translates into your skills as a basketball coach unless you learn and get really good, really fast.
The same reasoning applies to VNs that are written in English and intended for English speakers. You could've made this game in your native language (or other languages you're fluent in) and marketed it towards people in that language but you didn't. Someone probably could've later on just provided a translation as well which would maybe be improved over time if it's popular enough. Only in this case, you probably just need help from a solid proofreader.
Maybe English was chosen because it might reach a wider audience but I mean at this level of acquisition, it just kills the story for me. Gave it a 3 because I appreciate the renders and the effort but I'm just debating whether or not I drop this right now.
It just kind of baffles me that people don’t get that concept. Maybe because some reviewers only speak English and can’t imagine anything else outside of that bubble while the rest are just as lacking in fluency so they don’t really see the problem. I wish I could explain this better but it’s like you do realize that this dev isn’t an idiot and can read and write in his language just fine, right? But he chose specifically to step into this “arena” and chose to make game that's story-oriented and not just hot pictures to look at with interesting game mechanics (nothing interesting in terms of game mechanics btw).