VN - Ren'Py - Bright Lord [v1.5.0 Patreon] [KissKiss Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the game very, very much. The story is atmospheric and suspenseful. and whilst the mc is okay, the girls/women are all exquisitely crafted, especially the mother who is not only hypnotically enchanting but together with her fiery, tormented older daughter represent, in my opinion, two of the most heart-stoppingly gorgeous women of any I have seen grace these frequently exceptional VNs.

    The rendering is lovingly excellent with clearly painstaking attention to shadow and light which really does intensify the edgy atmosphere of menace which lurks in every shadow and haunts every moment of this tale.

    It will be intriguing to see just how tautly our emotions will be stretched and what chills this imaginative creator will send down our spines before we hopefully reach, once again, the daylight at the end of what promises to be a disturbing, yet at the same time deliciously sensual, journey.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow. 10/10
    This game has it all if you like Landlady/roommate stories *wink*
    The story line is unique and quite gripping. The rendering is top notch and the personalities are fleshed out quite nicely. Playing it leaves you wanting more. Other than some minor typos (most likely due to English being a second language) it is flawless so far. Don't worry, it is well written, that's why I said minor. :D

    I can't wait to be able to play this game from start to finish, although I'm sure that will be quite a ways from now. Still, I will play each installment eagerly and look forward to seeing where this game goes. Bright Lord has a bright future as does the developer.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Good art, interesting premise, promising story...
    All that being said, wow I have never seen a game with the such an aversion to penetration.
    I mean maybe I have, but not one with straight up demonic mind control.
    Kind of makes sense the MC doesn't want to immediately bang his family, but the bright lord seems to almost honor that for some reason?
    There are several scenes where the girl literally begs to be penetrated, and it just doesn't happen for some reason or another.

    Maybe the Bright lord isn't actually what it seems?
    Then again, if the point of the game is to NOT penetrate the three main girls, I'm not sure how well that goes.

    Still there aren't many games that check off all these tags and does a decent job. That's why 4 stars. Hoping with a few updates it will be a 5. I am still interested in where it goes.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I'd avoid this one.

    The game has a point system that doesn't matter because the enity that takes you over forces you to do his bidding to the people closest to you . Why have a point system when its not needed, you still get to have your way with them lol.

    The renders are good and the animations are decent but the story isn't very good., it seems to put you on rails with out you giving your decisions towards the progression to the story.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Renders and art style look quite good.
    + We have some hot-looking female characters that are for sure.
    + While character stories and their development feels darn cliche the parts about Bright Lord, his background story, and Volans feel well-written and interesting.

    Bad Points
    - They became better with phase 2 but until that point, nearly all female characters were acting rude, bitchy, and odd: they were not likable at all. And while they do change with phase 2 it's not going to change how nonsense and annoying they were and caused all that cringy scenes. Except for Emily... She literally stands there as the only female character you can like from phase 1 to phase 2... She is a good girl for sure but her existence is not good enough to carry the whole female part of the game, especially considering she has the least attractive body from all females in the game.
    - Character developments are pretty much cliche well known same old story... We have MC who leaves the house for school. We have bitch older sister who is the best friend of MC before he leaves, now she thinks he is selfish, hates him, hates the whole family, insults them constantly, etc... Little shy sister who likes MC secretly... And hot milf mother who lost his husband (MC's father.) The same old story you can find in literally any 10 adult games you look at. Generally, I don't hate this formula but especially bitchy older sister part is so annoying... You didn't need to make the same formula, and you could have not added bitch older sister and you could make her nice... But Nah... You gotta make the same annoying formula...
    - Even if you resist the Bright Lord & try to not do things with girls they still treat you quite bad when they learn things happened, and that's terrible decision, there should be a different approach for people who resisted using them and players choices should matter on this matter, even after rework it's still same, only change is Margarie calling MC ''Inhuman'' instead of ''Freak'' and it aint enough. They, especially Margarie acted like everything is MC's fault, said he ruined their life, and other nonsense stuff, etc, I mean like seriously? Is this the real way a mother treats her son? If the story was making any sense then she should have said ''What's happening my son... Is he fine?!'' etc, instead of keep faulting him, but instead, she treated her son like a freak even though he resisted doing those things. Even he desperately tried to protect her & others and leave the house away from them? A real mother should have worried about her son, and should have to feel sorry for him.
    - MC & his relationship with Bright Lord is bit annoying, and he is not in control most of times.
    - Sex scenes need to improve. There are some improvements we got with phase 2 but honestly, I was hoping for more improvements. They are still not that good, they are more like average. While their quality looks pretty good, the animation part still lacks longer loops, better physics, and more angles/positions. And characters showing robotic expressions in sex scenes need to change as well.
    - The content we got with updates is not good enough, DEV needs to start lowering his update times or add more content with each update.
    - Forced Liza's girlfriend thing was unnecessary, weird and annoying... Honestly, I do believe she looks fantastic and is probably the hottest girl in the whole game but she is dumb AF and she is cringe... I wish she had a better character or character development.
    - While all Volen's looks darn cool with that all red-colors etc Bright Lord looks just creepy... I wish he was looking better like other Volen's, I can see DEV have a talent for designing them, it could be cool if he used the same talent for Bright Lord too. I know it's tied to his background story and things that happened to him, but still it feels bad while you watch all cool-looking Volen's and see MC's so-called most powerful Volen looking like an ugly ghoul.
    - New Menu/HUD/UI looks bad.
    - DEV making up cover story to show MC bad is straight up nonsense AF, seriously are any of the characters, or the DEV not thinking about later parts? What's gonna happen when MC can't be fugitive anymore? His mother literally told he attacked her in front of TV, all they are doing is dirt his name for no reason. Along with things like this writing seems to be going into poor direction as well...

    For The End
    This is not a bad game, quite opposite even with all that cliche parts it's enjoyable but its have some bad points and instead of fixing them our DEV just keeps creating more bad points and continuing old ones... I was waiting game became closer to its own great potential with phase 2 but looks like while some things became better he added new bad points...
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Search History

    The game has promise and is definitely one that I will keep tabs on. Personally horror is the hardest genre for me to partake in but the cocktail of horror and exotica is hard to resist.

    For the sake of avoiding spoilers, I won't reveal how the author scares you but you have a faint heart I would not recommend playing at night. I nearly leaped out my bed haha.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    Very high quality renders, amazing art with very hot girls and good animations. Animations improve as the game progresses, so I believe the dev is getting better at making them. This game shows real promise and it already has a good amount of content considering how long it's been in development. I'm looking forward for further releases!
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Good renders animation and general design

    But the pacing is too fast for me and there is very little character development. Whilst there are choices, this feels like only small step away from just being a straight VN.

    The lack of player agency is really where this falls down, I just don't feel engaged in what the MC is doing or the choices he is making, It also doesn't feel like the choices the player makes actually does anything.

    Great visual artist but poor game designer
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    good story ,i like it, good animation ,。 I denifitly like the stoy about mystery Power. it show something special . i 'd like to say , please make more story like Bright lord ,dream of desire like this kone of story . They make me to want to discover the result ,where the power come from. Intresting.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Version 0.7
    This game still has 2.5 "issues" that prevent me from giving it 5 stars.

    The most important one, this is a story about mindcontrolling power in an adult setting where the goal of most players problaby is masturbation or erotic statisfaction. The game/novel itself however makes it a point to not want to give you sex scenes because of morals.... this confuses me

    And leads to a lack of masturabtionable content. I persume that most players are over the age of 14 and are not sufficently erotically satisfied with dry humping or asschecksrubbing content. Also the sex scenes are lacking in duration and writing departement. Firstly, I think they are too short. On "auto", they take place for like 2minutes max... Yeah that doesnt cut it for me. Also the writing during the sex scenes is rather bland and not that captivating. Nearly no descriptive work and we don't get character motivation, thoughts and goals during them. Also we don't get any input on how the Bright Lord feels about them. So for me the sex scenes are looking nice but dont give me enough.

    Both problems mentioned above could be excused by very good writing and character development. This doesnt seem the case either, as the plot appears to move along faster than all the characters coping with what is happening. Chloe doesnt like the MC in the beginning and still doesnt like the MC now but maybe probably respects him? What was the point then, why did she piss off everybody and move out but still doesnt want the MC in her life but should be a primary love interest.
    Hopefully wrong future scenario: Chloe acts as bait and needs help/rescue from the MC. After the rescue arc she will accept the MC as a love interst. this however would go against everything she did in the story before: trying to be independent and make her own choices to get her own life and make it by herself. Also, we are at Update 0.7 now and the MC still hasnt come to terms that the world by large is not the fairy tail that 9 year olds think it is. Kinda off putting. I mean is he dense? He has another inside him, got shown mass rape, slaughter and destruction (I speak like multiples of 10000) just from that one crusade flashback alone, and he still hasnt emotially grown. Meh.

    Now for the generic review stuff
    + Great renders
    + Beautiful girls
    - Not enough sex scenes
    -/+ The actual sex scenes are done well but short and lack dialogue and meaning
    + have I mentioned the girls are beutiful and the renders are very nice?
    + Very good animations
    +/- The story premis is what got me to play this in the first place, a dominant male and mind control, but not explored enough imo
    + The Bright Lord concept and overall story where "parasitary divinities" go to war is heckin cool

    If you like the game dont forget to give it a thumbs up on the Discussion Page, it helps with the algorythm :)
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Truly is a dull game, the protagonist is a glorified dog dry humping all the other characters with no pay off. Boring story with so called powers that gives the player ZERO choice in what they do with said powers you just grind through boring scene after boring scene with very little variety & as I said zero pay off for the protagonist. Avoid this one
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the few VN's I've ever played that checks boxes across the board. You like sexy women,these girls are sexy AF. Want an MC that actually has a reason to be conflicted,this VN has you covered. Want a mysterious and frightening antagonist,once again this VN has it. If you haven't played it yet,I can't recommend it enough.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2837974

    Hey man! I have to say, you're doing a great work! The way you structure moral conflicts and corruption as a means of salvation made me very curious about the development of the story and the characters!

    I hope you further deepen the moral dilemmas of the protagonist and how situations lead to darker and more interesting paths!

    Great job man!
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Really beautifull render, a pretty good and interrresting story so far, not much content but hey it's still 0.3 so let's hope it keeps going the good way and let's hope for more games like this one. Good job dev and good luck.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Bright Lord has a lot of potential. If you read nothing past this line, take the review as a "Definitely worth a try" recommendation!

    The overall render quality is in the upper end of what you tend to see in this style of game and even though there are some technical issues with them, they work well enough to not prevent immersion, if you can get onboard with the body and (especially) the facial proportions.

    The Lighting is functional most of times, though I can't yet give a final verdict on that since at the time of playing my monitor had fucked up brightness and contrast thanks to our eternal friend: Windows. I'll revise this part of the review with the next update.

    The most important part about the renders is that expression, lighting, scene construction and so on significantly improve during the game progression to the point of where, after the earliest scenes, they fit the narrative much better.

    The animations need a lot of work. For now though, I am confident that the issues can be worked out since only one of the animations is really bad and all the games aspects are clearly still in very early stages.

    The relationship plot isn't anything new, but that's neither here nor there. Certainly the Mystery plot beneath it promises more than enough originality for your successful incest -AVN.

    The characters are, while more or less presented in trope typical fashion, similarly well characterized by the dialogue and good starting points for real differentiation and character work. There is a reason why the "older sister --> bitchy sexy girl; mother --> sexually frustrated and feeling lost in life; younger sister--> insecure and innoccent " dynamic is so popular. Not straying from it is perfectly fine. (and honestly, there are only so many ways you can switch this up anyway)

    From a technical aspect, the writing is also decent enough, with some but mostly non-intrusive errors and stylistical blunders here and there that shouldn't stop anyone but the most demanding players from enjoying the game for what it is. Especially with all the engrish games out there.

    All in all, the overall unweighted rating would probably end up being 3.5 Stars, but I'm upgrading that to 4 Stars simply because not only does everything about the game come together well but there is also a lot of improvment noticeable during the progression up to where the game stands right now. I am even tempted to go with 4.5 stars and I will definitely revise the score after the next if not the next two upgrades if the current trajectory holds true but for now I feel it is too early to give out that rating, simply because we are so early in development.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent setup, and great models. Just enough story to make me want to know more, but really geared towards H-scenes and being a nasty dude. Has quickly become a solid title, and I'm very happy this VN has taken off. Kudos to KissKiss!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite thing about game is, it gives the feel of domination greatly. The models are great and also story is great too. Progress of the story is just like how it should be. It doesn't gives me much to say, give it a chance. 5/5
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible start for such a new game. All characters and renders look incredible. Story is interesting enough and kinda creepy which is a welcome change from what is usually done. Not a ton in the way of gameplay/choices but that's not a huge drawback. Definitely keep your eyes on this project.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Them bitches look just like in my dreams :)
    Really now, this is decent story, good pacing, guaranteed to FAP.
    I like that the MC is more bothered by the powers that be, than of fucking his "landgirls". This is what we need, more fighting the bad guys and fucking the beauties.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A nice game in a unique horror genre, with great renders and an engaging story
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    I found this game to be quite enjoyable, for now gameplay is limited with only few Options at the beginning. As I am not a big fan of incest I appreciate the Option to define the relationship yourself, however in some instances the dialogue will still use words like 'mom' etc. this could use a rework.[This has been corrected in more current versions].
    Graphics are very well made, putting it easily in the top 10%of 3dcg games graphic wise, especially making low light renders often result in grainy pictures but this is not the case here. What I will say that the background/scenery could use some more love in some aspects, more details here would be nice, also the shiny art-style of the characters does not always fit with the more grey background.
    The story is nice, characters could still use some depth but the lord of light story arch is very well thought through and nicely executed in terms of writing.
    For now it's really a 4 star game but I will give 5 Stars to support this young game's big potential.

    Gameplay: 3/5 | Renders: 5/5 | Story: 5/5 | Writing: 4/5
    GRADE: 4.3/B+