Receiving oral sex will be added before release, full interactive oral (Giving and receiving), against wall and cowgirl will be added in a DLC after or mid development of the second game, more poses are on discussion.
B&L2 will come with more positions and interactions from the getgo~
I know I'm talking about another game but we are more close to show something tangible than what has been teased. The base content will be:
Daily stuff:
- Everything included on B&L1.
- More interactive dating.
- More dialogues and traits.
- Everything included on B&L1.
- Interactive oral (Giving + Receiving).
- Cowgirl (Giving).
- Missionary (Receiving).
- Sideways (Giving + Receiving).
So, yeah, although it seems like we are not working on the games, well, we are, is just that Sack having a chronic disease was not in our plans. That really stopped us in our tracks for a couple of months.