Thanks for the breakdown. Any idea about things like Perception, Rhetorics, Lore, etc?
perception: let's you see hidden Loot easyer hiden around the map, it will highlight character's wit quest's or other significant like the lady by the Dock that give you the "Gentel Warmth" Blessing, or notice if people meit Lie to you, or other thing's that meit be of interest during conversations.
Rhetoric's: let's you be better to Talk and Explain and persuade People to your point of view whiteout sounding like Jerk of an Rhino stamping over there Granma's corps...
searthen Npc's will simply not even talk wit you if your Rhetoric is to low notable Nobel's, but as an example an quest's outcome can depend on if you are good enof to convince people in a good way, an example is one guy who feels guilty fore something that happened because of him so he make an Oath until the one he Wronged suffering is over, he will himself sufer by never doing something, so if you investigate the one he made a wrong agents and Learn of his Faith, if you have to Pore Rhetoric your Bad handling of the dialogue wit him can Drive him to suicide...
but if you had Rhetoric you cold convince him to Do BETHER and make the world a better please in memory of the one he wronged instead of just fleeing by making him self suffer.
resulting in an MUTCH better Quest Reward on completion.
Lore: Let you Learn more of the Background story and gain insight in Things that happened in the Past when talking with people or when investigating Ruins and sutsh, often resulting in Bonus Exp and other hints about stuff.
Deception: let's you Lie easier and let and swindle people like the Corps buyer's or trick people that is not easily tricked.
Academics is like lore except it is fore more stuff in the Present rather then the past i think.
Haggling: lets you convince Merchant to sell you stuff fore Cheaper both in conversation fore unique equipment's and just base Prize fore the common Store Front item's i believe.
do remember that there is ALOT of stuff in the game, so it is hard to know how effective all of it is, but it all have some uses, but nothing that should be Critical fore completion.