Well i could leave that comment as a review but since i wouldn't rate it so well and the game is in a very early stage, am gonna just leave it as such to not drag it down.
Just to be clear, it isn't
that bad. Art for instance is great. But none the less i can't quite say anything else stand up to it.
There's many issue with the narration. Mostly because the writter try to fit novel style within a visual novel i would say.
There's many description that are written. But this is a
visual novel. As such one should never rely on text to describe. For it to be about places or actions, the naration should always remain as dialogs, as in direct speech. There's no place for a narator since the player is suppose to incarnate his character within the game,
he is the narator . "Show, don't tell" so they say.
Beyond that, another issue would be the world building. Don't get me wrong, the world that is shown to us isn't bad, but the way we are told about it is. It would be very long and bothersome to pinpoint everything, so to make it short: too much information at once. Lore should be the backbone of the action. Many of the thing we are told we could have figured out ourselves a few scene later. For instance, the very first thing we are told is that the world of the game is our own, but it's nothing like our own yaknow. First we don't need to be told about it if it's not relevant. But a good way to tell us about it however would have been to make a reference through dialog that would have shown us so. Something like "hey i've been to world war 70" or in the case of the game "i remember the world before the convergence""wasn't it 300 years ago" "yeah am a millenium years old". I take that as an exemple but one could criticize it's the intro, so here is another one. A bit later we have that conversation with Lyly introducing the pharmaceutical corp. Exactly the same issue, it is dialog but then it's not quite lively, we're suppose to just ask for info. Info that we will have a bit later with Wistala anyway.
That would cover what's been bothering me about the naration.
Another thing that i find concerning though is how the game seems ambitious. Like, making a full fledged RPG game, choosing sex, race and job? And then give the ability to shape every relationships as we see fit? Well, it's catchy sure, but is it necessary? Do we have a need for any of it in a visual novel? I get that replayability is a thing, that it's attracting more players, but is it really the way to do it within that peculiar game niche? There's nothing wrong about just telling your own story the way you like.
Well, that's all i had to say, good luck to the devs, i'll keep an eye on the project