A write-up of things I found that weren't functioning properly.
The sex grapples aren't working properly I think. It appears that if the defender's pleasure gauge fills, the attacker loses, and visa versa.
What causes stuns isn't clear currently. The player character randomly gets stunned, while the AIs appear nearly immune to stuns. The random stuns makes the sex toys borderline impossible for the player to use.
The camera is broken on some special grapple attacks and sex with the male character. For the male character the penis is correctly displayed in one view while the other displays a strap-on.
What to do if the player is grappled is unclear. I.E., does the player button mash or have to do specific action to escape a clinch?
Stripping clothes seem nearly impossible currently and what part is being stripped is unclear. I.E., even if the grappled character is on low health and grappled for a strip while prone, they still escape. Meaning that the only way to strip characters is through punches.
None of the face down positions seem accessible currently due to aforementioned technical difficulties.
In several position it's unclear what the player is supposed to do to get back up or recover from a stun. In the wrestling games this is normally solved by have prompts show what needs to be done or if the player simply has to wait for a meter to recover. (Such as a stamina gauge or if too many hits have received in a short time.)