Just a quick question from one of the options.rpy edits from a while ago.
I wanted to see if I could increase the cache size hoping it might be more stable like people seemed to report.
For reference, it was stated that there's a line in the options.rpy file "config.image_cache_size = 64", but for whatever reason my options file doesn't have that line? So I wonder if I tried to use the console command to change it, would it even do anything? I had hoped to use the options.rpy file to make it permanent if it helped but I dunno if it even does anything now, haha. I have a pretty decent machine so I figured I might as well try so I can use a few more packs etc. I've done fresh installs and stuff, too, to see if that was the issue but no dice. Maybe this just doesn't even work any more though idk, I'm not too versed in how the program itself works.