I think there's some bug in the edition of _BK.ini files in this current game version,
generate_as = "all" seems to work. generate_as = "free" makes girl never appear. Tried that with activating only two girl packs to test. Not sure about generate_as = "slave".
Aside from that, it seems like a lot of events that are supposed to give you items do not work either. Can't load rank 1 rank 0 whatever items.
EDIT: The problem seems to be "free" AND "unique = True". Basically if "free" without "unique" is activated you see shit ton of clones in free, but with "all" and "unique = True" they can only appear in the slave market. I do not think this was the intended behaviour.
Are there some special properties that force the girl to be not possibly free and unique? Traits are random and so are stats. Weird...
EDIT2: Ok so playing around with game.free_girls, the girls with "unique = True" and "generate_as = "free"" do not show up in the UI, but their data is there. By manually changing the base pack of Boa Hancock to "unique = True" and "generate_as = "free"" and using the renpy command
for g in game.free_girls: print(g.pack_name)
I see one occurence of Boa Hancock, but the UI isn't there. By manually setting every girl of game.free_girls to Boa Hancock (basically doing game.free_girls[X] = game.free_girls[Y] where Y is where Boa Hancock is), no girl shows up in the UI, it's a ghost city...
EDIT3: Ok, if I don't want to cheat, but interact with the girl, I have to look it up on
for g in game.free_girls: print(g.pack_name)
and then type
show screen free_girl_interact(game.free_girls[Y])
where Y is the position of the girl in the array (starting from 0). Apparently it is just having a girl with "unique = True" at generation time that causes this problem. Must be related to a _BK.ini loading problem, since manually changing the "game.free_girls[Y].original" field doesn't do anything. Which field? I do not know yet.
EDIT4: Don't do that ^, game is stuck.