Ren'Py Brothel King [v0.3] [Goldo]

4.60 star(s) 48 Votes


New Member
Sep 27, 2017
Hypnotism modifiers are based on which style you choose and consequently which values a girl has in her love/trust: if you choose negative emotions and she's currently trusting/loving MC, her positive values become a malus for hypnotism, the same way as when you choose positive emotions but the girl fears or hates MC. Here's an example:

Hypno style = positive, girl loves/trusts MC -> hypno bonus
Hypno style = positive, girl hates/fears MC -> hypno malus
Hypno style = negative, girl loves/trusts MC -> hypno malus
Hypno style = negative, girl hates/fears MC -> hypno bonus

Bonus/malus amount depens on how much girl loves/trusts or hates/fears MC
Ok. I am starting to understand how the negative hypnotism works for an evil character. Thanks for this info. I am glad I asked this because I don't see many posts about how evil characters work so maybe this will help someone else, too.

A couple more questions for evil characters: If I keep them all in fear, is there a way to get them to still love me or do I want them to hate me, too? It seems to me that some of the slaves should still come to love the MC even thought they fear him, especially if they have masochistic traits. How will this affect girls' allowances? Do you just have to pay them a fortune to overcome the negative effects and keep their mood up or do you want their mood to be bad, too?
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Jun 10, 2019
I think it would be more interesting if the game wasn't so slanted against virgins in the main character's thoughts/dialogue while interacting with girls and when it describes how the customers feel. Obviously virgins don't have sexual experience and would act differently during sex than well trained prostitutes but many people in real life like the idea of sex with virgins so it would make sense that at least some people in the game would too.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
Virgins can have sexual experience, don't forget that service, anal and fetish acts don't take virginity away. Moreover, a customer having a sexual activity with a virgin girl pays more, especially if the girl has the related Bride perk.

An evil MC should not underestimate girl's love, especially if their fear is high; love alone can perfectly balance fear malus, so MC is not foced to spend too much in furnitures and upkeep. Also, a girl in love with MC will likely stay with him and not try to run away, even if MC terrifies her. Think of it like a situation involving Stockholm syndrome, where a captive girl stands by her captor.
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Jan 12, 2018
There is a setting in the _BK.ini file in many girl packs. "unique=true/false". Changing this setting to true will do what you want for a given girl.

Note that not all pack creators use _BK.ini files. So you would want a generic file to copy into the packs that do not. And you can then edit the files in the packs that already have ini files.
Moreover, you need to both have a BK.ini file with the False cloning setting in every girl pack AND start a new game: I tried this method with a formerly started game and clones kept coming.
Thanks for the responses but with me being new like I said where would I get a generic one to copy into the girls packs without it? Also i'm good on the new game front I haven't actually started one yet I just start a new one each time to test any changes I make.


Mar 29, 2018
Thanks for the responses but with me being new like I said where would I get a generic one to copy into the girls packs without it? Also i'm good on the new game front I haven't actually started one yet I just start a new one each time to test any changes I make.
I put one as an attachment but don't forget rename it to a _BK.ini since the forum does not allow to attach ini-Files.
There is also the list of the currently possible traits and fixations included but be aware that they may change on newer versions of the game.
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New Member
Nov 26, 2017
i have got a problem, every night it says

Label: none doesn´t exist (custom girl girls/Fubuki

can someone help


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
i have got a problem, every night it says

Label: none doesn´t exist (custom girl girls/Fubuki

can someone help
Delete BK.ini file inside Fubuki folder; if it was my girl pack get the new one at this link:


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
It's better if you post the entire error message, just use "copy" button at the bottom of the message window, then paste it here; I'll try to help you.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
Hi guys, I've started to work on the walkthrough, but from tomorrow I'll be offline for a week or so; if someone wants to help making the walkthrough I'll post a link below; the file will be editable by everyone, so please pay attention to select the view only version if you just want to take a look and don't change any text unless you want to add valid infos:

walkthrough - (work in progress)

See ya soon!
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New Member
Jul 20, 2018
well its not a message its just like this
Try adding this to the base personality part

often = ["cold", "superficial"]
rarely = ["sweet", "pervert"]

I had similar problams with other girls and changing things around like that seemed to fix it as of right now all the spots in base personality are blank
Edit: I added this to her and i did not receive any of those error messages
Last edited:


New Member
Jan 13, 2019
What are the chances that in the long term we can have custom girls with custom backgrounds/likes/dislikes? Those would be relatively easy to write in by the people creating the girl files, though I have no idea how dialogue is stored or referenced in the game. It's a bit immersion breaking when one of the custom girls starts talking about her home town.


Mar 18, 2018
Ability to give girl custom background is already in game: girl packs have files that allow this. Problem is lot of content creators do not use them, instead just release pictures without customising. _BK.ini file for Boa Hancock pack:

[background story]

generate_as = "all" ; Can be set to "all" or restricted to "free" or "slave" (the girl will then generate only as a free girl or slave girl)

## You can provide a custom origin or just "random" (if you do, make sure to include the origin description below)
origin = "Amazon Lily" 

## Origin description must be written in the girl's own words
origin_description = "Amazon Lily is the island of the Kuja, an all-female warrior tribe. Pirates often raid us because we make prized sex slaves, but we give them a hell of a time when they try."

## If provided, this label will be called instead of normal city interactions. It must take 'girl' as an argument.
## The regular dialog options can be called from within this custom label by using 'call free_girl_talk(girl)'
city_label = "boa_hancock_city" ; provide the custom label name (between quotes)

## If provided, this label will be called instead of a random back-story. It must take 'girl' as an argument.
## See the 'slave_story' labels in BKinteractions.rpy for examples of how it might work (feel free to set up the events very differently)
story_label = None ; provide the custom label name (between quotes)

## If provided, this label will be called every night. It must take the 'girl' argument. This could be useful to increment some values, run some tests or reset interactions.If
## It is recommended that such labels run silent and add a StoryEvent if necessary.
night_label = "boa_hancock_night_check" ; provide the custom label name (between quotes)

## This adds a custom button to the regular slave interact menu.
interact_prompt = ("Visit her room", "boa_hancock_interact") ; The first string refers to the caption of the button. The second is the label which will be called upon clicking the button. It must take 'girl' as an argument.


Jun 10, 2019
Brothel King is really fun and interesting in its own right and surprisingly addictive. I've been playing it on and off for about a month real time. I found another game that is very similar to it a few days ago called Whoremaster. While I think that overall Brothel King is better there are three features in particular in Whoremaster that I think would be really cool if they could be added to Brothel King in some capacity. I listed them below in order of what I think is the most important.

1.) Girls able to have babies:

There doesn't seem to be a way to do this in Brothel King but it is a feature in Whoremaster that I find really adds to the game and makes it more interesting. The girls in that game can get impregnated by whoever fucks them, which in my few real time days of playing that game have included the main character, clients, random event rapists, and beasts. The key feature is that the babies grow up and eventually can join the the brothel as individuals which the player can assign to do whatever they want. I've put my character's adult children in charge of various businesses and in the more prominent roles within them and put the adult children my slaves had with random clients to work in the same roles as their mothers but that was my personal preference. Anyway, this ended up becoming the main focus of the game for me and is the primary reason that I'll continue to play Whoremaster instead of Brothel King even though the Brothel King overall interactions are more advanced. I think it would be really cool if Brothel King could add a similar feature!

2.) Scale of businesses:

In Brothel King you can really only have one business at a time. It can have subsections such as tavern and strip club, but it's basically still one location and the most girls that you can have at any one time seems to be 48 total (32 in your business +16 in the farm) with the farm being the only other location where you can have girls. In Whoremaster, a fully upgraded brothel can have 250 girls at a time and it is possible (but very expensive in game) to buy at least four brothel locations that can each have a maximum capacity of 250 girls at a time when all the upgrades have been purchased. It is also possible for the player to buy and run other businesses such as a medical clinic, a farm (that actually produces agricultural products), a pornographic movie studio, a gladiatorial combat arena, and a community center. There may be more, but those are what I have been able to acquire so far in my game. Each of these starts out being able to hold around the same number of girls as can be held in all of Brothel King and can have their capacity incrementally increased for a few thousand gold per upgrade up to a maximum capacity of 200+ girls per location (which costs hundreds of thousands of gold to achieve per location). Each type of business does something distinctly different that makes a difference in the game and that attracts and makes use of girls with different interests and skill sets. I think it would be really cool if the scale in Brothel King could be adjusted so that the player could have more girls at a time like this and also have more variety of businesses.

3.) Controlling gangs and sending them to attack rivals:

In Brothel King there are the plots associated with the main quest to bring down the city's corruption or help it depending on your personal preference but you don't have an army/gang of your own at your disposal. In Whoremaster a fun feature of the game is that you can hire gangs to work for you that you can assign to one of several tasks which can be changed each turn. These include variations of protecting your businesses, attacking your rivals, and acquiring useful materials such as magical items, girls, and territory. I think it would be cool if there was a way to hire gangs in Brothel King too and use them to abduct girls, attack Kosmo's businesses, etc.

Anyway, those are some of my thoughts about features of Whoremaster that could be really cool if they were adapted in some capacity in Brothel King. The two games are very similar. Brothel King has more complexity of interaction with individual characters but Whoremaster has more complexity for overall game play. I think it would be really cool if those concepts could be integrated and that the result would be more fun overall.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
1.) Girls able to have babies:

2.) Scale of businesses:

3.) Controlling gangs and sending them to attack rivals:
I suggest you head over to the HHS forum if you want your feedback to have more impact.

But to address these issues a bit:

1. Pregnancy has been discussed and the current stance of the developer is that he doesn't see a meaningful and semi-realistic way of adding it and no-one else has come up with one, either.

I don't particularly care either way, but as implemented in WM, that feature (and a great many others, as well) is largely cosmetic.

2. The one-brothel limit is a conscious design choice, one that I whole-heartedly support after having played WM and been bogged down with 50+ working girls, the same amount in the dungeon, a dozen scattered around and another dozen coming in daily. Almost none of them have any emotional impact in such an environment, and the game becomes a micromanagement hell. Worse, because it lacks what minimal automation there is in BK.

3. The gangs in WM are also mostly cosmetic. They net you a bit of cash, provide a little gating for some content, but the important things can be accomplished by other means (girls, city functions) just as well.

What you're after is a 'ganglord' experience, aka what WM is explicitly aiming for. BK is a more subtle sort of fantasy VN/brothel simulator hybrid. If you want to 'kill things and take their shit', there's also Pytfall.

All that having been said, if you can come up with a good proposal, including at least some of the mechanics, or better yet, make a mod out of them, I'm sure Goldo will consider your points far more carefully.

If you're just after a much larger number of girls (which means your number of girl packs might start becoming a problem), you can easily edit BKStart.rpy and change the values. That requires a new game, but if you know your way around the Ren'Py console, you can also change it in an ongoing game.

And, uh, just to self-promote a bit, I have a crude 'mod' with a growing changelist posted on HHS. Goldo and Kite80 seem to be away, so it pretty much hangs in limbo right now, but I can always use some more feedback. If you can convince me of some interesting feature, maybe I'll take a crack at it. But just 'pregnancy!' is too much interface work for too little gain, and multiple brothels are right out. A very limited 'gangs' idea has been implemented, but not released. Basically, you get to steal money from 'arsonists' and 'rapists', provided you have enough security goons or can reach them yourself.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2019
While that's true, there's different levels of cosmetic.

E.g. in WM a girl's individual traits are largely there to let you to picture her as something more than a collection of numbers. Only in serious concentrations do they have a significant effect on gameplay. Plus, the way the game is set up, this also matters very little since quantity trumps quality. So the whole trait system has meaning only for a few 'waifu' characters.

BK at least has the beginnings of having traits influence gameplay to a more significant degree, and I've personally taken it much further. In vanilla, a poor trait (Square, Defiant) can make a difference in who and how you train, and a Caster or Magnetic girl can be of great help to your brothel. Plus, there's the whole perk tree and girl builds thing, with you optimising their synergy (although Bride used to be OP, maybe still is).

Furthermore, the VN-lite nature of BK means traits can have a direct impact on your interactions, e.g. using cosplay to train a Provocative gal.

Basically, I'm thoroughly disenchanted with the WM approach of throwing a ton of girls at you, letting them perform a variety of mostly useless tasks and expecting you to larp you way through the micro hell. And pregnancy is pretty much a top contender for that in my book. YMMV, obviously.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
One more note about sending our men to attack rivals: for now there are no rivals in the full sense of the word, Kosmo tries to obstacle us a few times but there are no rival brothels in city quarters... not yet. Don't know if Goldo wants to implement rivals, we have to wait after 0.2 update and see which are his plans for the future; if he wants to add this feature to the game, then we could talk about sending our men to trash rival brothels (and expect rivals will try the same with us).

Walkthrough update:
there's still a lot to add, but for now you can see what's been made so far and tell me if something's missing; your feedbacks will help me a lot!


Active Member
Nov 16, 2016
Game's ok, but I don't like how it forces me to use 'borrowed' assets I don't like - that is for example making Sill from Rance games your default slave etc.
I'd like it to be more flexible, and allow me to modify a lot more stuff.
As far as I'm concerned adding your own girl packs just means that you add image packs to the game's folder, and the images are used for randomized girls in the game, with no way to edit their name/stats/traits etc. ?
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4.60 star(s) 48 Votes