No, but love level is capped based on the girl's rank. As you increase her rank, she'll be able to fall deeper and deeper in love with "fond" the highest love level?
No, but love level is capped based on the girl's rank. As you increase her rank, she'll be able to fall deeper and deeper in love with "fond" the highest love level?
Yeah this is probably my only real problem with the game, I like to build my girls up and let them have their own agency essentially but making them trust you is a huge chore. I understand why that should be a thing but it feels odd how you can make a girl absolutely love you within a few days but she can love and be terrified of you.I've been wondering... is it normal that a girl goes from -9 fear (or "9 trust") to 51 fear if I scold her once for not working? Admittedly I have 18 charisma, but still... Getting trust up is annoyingly slow anyway so I rarely bother, but this makes it even less worthwhile... or rather it may make disciplining girls more masochistic than it's worth.
Actually when you succesfully train a girl for a sexual act (and for succesfully I don't just mean you manage to make her do it, but also her preference towards that act increases) includes a trust boost, sometimes love too increases but in a lesser way. So, when you finally manage to make her whore with that sexual act, you also have gained her trust.I hope the system is expanded upon later, it'd be cool if you had to get them to trust you or fear you in order to do certain things like a girl won't do anal(unless she loves it) until she either has +3 trust or -3 trust for you. So you could ultimately have someone who's fully submissive or fully trusts you and will do anything you ask for either reason.
The maximum I had was about 30 girls and aside from a ~1 sec. delay in the end-of-day phase nothing happened. Playing on a weak notebook or something similar could change things though.Any1 know what the max number of girl packs you can have before the game starts slowing down and crashing is. I currently have quite a bit and i have noticed a lot of slowdown and random crashes
I have 67 Packs, and no pack-related problems.Any1 know what the max number of girl packs you can have before the game starts slowing down and crashing is. I currently have quite a bit and i have noticed a lot of slowdown and random crashes
Huh didn't know it worked like that, I'm sure I've got many girls who I could select say fetish for right away and they'd do it but hate it though so that's not a preference or a trust thing surely?Actually when you succesfully train a girl for a sexual act (and for succesfully I don't just mean you manage to make her do it, but also her preference towards that act increases) includes a trust boost, sometimes love too increases but in a lesser way. So, when you finally manage to make her whore with that sexual act, you also have gained her trust.
But you can also push her to whore herself if you increase her fear enough and in that case you will want to have her love very high, otherwise she will try to run away!
Wizard, 10 base Spirit, +8 Spirit from Angelic Staff for 18 Spirit, copied to Charisma via Faery Form.[...]
How did you get 18 charisma, anyway? I thought the Death Dispenser was unavailable in the game.
It's kinda powerful. Rejuvenation and Faery Form are both bonkers, Enchanted Brothel is great and Magical Servants trivialize Maintenance (though that's just money). Plus Stat- and Training-bonuses for the girls...Wizard IS the class!![]()
It's not the patch, it's a girlpack.After last update (Thursday at 1:49 AM) I can't start New game and also have lots of errors when game starts scripts for events. Also _BK.ini for some girls started to give errors.
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View attachment 381196
After last update (Thursday at 1:49 AM) I can't start New game and also have lots of errors when game starts scripts for events. Also _BK.ini for some girls started to give errors.
View attachment 381194
Im not getting any crash message or trace back log just a CTDI have over 300 girl packs and they're not causing crashes. Can you post a crash message or traceback file for one of these crashes? It's possible that you have an older version of the game or a bad girl pack.
Ever since the 'packstates' feature got implemented, almost all picture loading is done on startup, so there shouldn't be much if any slowdown due to number of girl packs. There's some mystery hickup going on with profiles/portraits, but that's a separate issue from girl packs.
What do you expect anyone to do with this information? We're not your personal IT desk, we can't and won't come over and personally check your installation of BK.Im not getting any crash message or trace back log just a CTD