
Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
Friend, you don't need a code from an outside source. Everything you need is right there in the game already... Try this post... I've put this kind of info up here in forum at least a dozen times now. Check out this link...

Adventure ever on, Phat:cool:(y)
The problem with posts like that is that they drown and is pretty hard to find just a couple of days later. In other threads the thread owner links to posts like this from the initial post together with the links to the downloads etc.


New Member
Jun 29, 2022
Is anyone else having a problem where it doesnt show the cum scenes. I'm playing on windows and I checked the files and the scenes exist but whenever one is supposed to play it just shows me the blank training room before switching to the post cum image.
Mar 9, 2022
I recently launched the game and I've noticed that Denise has a lot of female customers and Zoe has a lot of futa customers, will it eventually happen that the girls will favor a certain customer base, or will it just be random at some point, and is there already a hint when the Futa MC is coming?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
I recently launched the game and I've noticed that Denise has a lot of female customers and Zoe has a lot of futa customers, will it eventually happen that the girls will favor a certain customer base, or will it just be random at some point, and is there already a hint when the Futa MC is coming?
I imagine they won't favor 1 type of customer over the other


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
The problem with posts like that is that they drown and is pretty hard to find just a couple of days later. In other threads the thread owner links to posts like this from the initial post together with the links to the downloads etc.
Did you leave the post per page what it was when you first join or did you changed it to something else?
Change it back to default and you will get the right page.

When I click on the link it takes me straight to the post and what is in the game.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
When I click on the link it takes me straight to the post and what is in the game.
Yes, but in 2-4 weeks someone else will ask for the cheat codes, because both the post with the codes and the post with the link to the post with the codes are drowned in all the other posts.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Yes, but in 2-4 weeks someone else will ask for the cheat codes, because both the post with the codes and the post with the link to the post with the codes are drowned in all the other posts.
And a simple search up above would reveal how to cheat because cheating is in the game.

But I guess there are players who don't know how to search and don't see whats in front of there eyes in the game.


Active Member
Aug 23, 2017
mrkhing Game's great. From a gameplay perspective, this has to be one of the more advanced simulator/management games I've played. A lot of different mechanics and avenues for growth, which some might find annoying but I'm personally a fan. Glad you picked a host of milfs (at least in body type) for the pregnancy update.

As far as feedback goes, my two recommendations would be tuning the affection system and decreasing/removing the penalty for pregnancy.

The courtesan side of the affection system is fine since most of the daily conversations/sex scenes are repeatable, and for them the sex is tied to affection. Only change I would make there is removing the repeat costs for breeding (since there is no passive affection gain). The wives side of the system on the other hand take way too long. Doing everything (this includes daily conversations, paying for the most expensive room, and giving ALL the gifts) to a wife only nets 77 affection per week. That means it takes a little over 2 weeks minimum just to have sex... once. The grind it takes to even reach that point and progress through their story is already pretty significant. I understand the desire to gate the content a little, but the repeatable stuff should be cheaper/free or the gifts need to have a greater impact simply due to the opportunity cost of them only being useable once per week. To put it in perspective; if a girl wanted to spend a month getting to know me and going on dates before having sex, I'd be fine with that. But if she expected the same level of effort and money each time, there wouldn't be a second time.

As for the pregnancy penalty, it's a bit crippling that it completely wipes out their talents. Sure they get an increase to their revenue mod in exchange, but it's very little compared to the amount that you can get by just spam training. At the moment it just feels like a punishment for having a fetish with the only justification being that they sat around for a few weeks. Wanting to breed any of the courtesans that are on your raid team just wastes too much time. Maybe just make it reset the individual training values and keep their talents, but I personally think it shouldn't penalize them at all.

I recognize there's an option to take a vacation for a week which would drastically speed most of this up, but I don't think the game should be balanced around using it. There's plenty of stuff for a new player to do each day and it feels silly to skip. If you really wanted to gate the content somehow, I would tie most of this stuff to energy. But that might introduce a separate issue since you can technically train your max energy to the moon at the moment. You could alternatively just make the gifts purchasable.
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Active Member
Oct 25, 2022
And a simple search up above would reveal how to cheat because cheating is in the game.

But I guess there are players who don't know how to search and don't see whats in front of there eyes in the game.
I guess I'm one of those who don't know how to search then. It took me several tries before I was successful when I searched for the cheat codes a couple of months ago.
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Jul 12, 2020
the games is good but the raid mechanics suck fucking ass i shouldn't have to wait a month if my team wipes just to finish off whats left there should be some kind of consumable i can buy that will will restore their health so i can finish it.


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
The problem with posts like that is that they drown and is pretty hard to find just a couple of days later. In other threads the thread owner links to posts like this from the initial post together with the links to the downloads etc.
And a simple search up above would reveal how to cheat because cheating is in the game.

But I guess there are players who don't know how to search and don't see what's in front of their eyes in the game.
*Only mrkhing, the dev and posting authority for this title, has access to post to the OP. I do not.
*Everyone who visits a forum has access to search said forum. I cannot do that for you.
*What I can do and keep doing is direct and redirect folks to the information they have requested.

I have typed out step by step instructions with screenshots on the requested subject as well as many others for many such games. Sometimes I am the one who helps, other times I am the one asking questions and receiving help. In this forum, I help, mostly, because I get this game. It came naturally to me. I just understand how it works and love that it has built in cheats to help reduce the grind.

Even though I mostly help others here, I have had occasion to ask a few questions myself. The one that sticks out in my mind the clearest is one to which I already knew the answer but was in the middle of a brain fart and unable to access the answer. I'd asked why I was unable to invest in my new properties at one point. Turns out I had forgotten to hire new managers for the new properties... DOH! Yeah... We ALL have those brain dead, brain fart moments. That, IMHO, was a stupid question as I already knew the answer. Yet, a friendly response from a friend in forum put me straight and I have made checking that I have sufficient employees part of my regular checks going forward. Speaking of regular checks...

Make sure that this screen gets reset to your preference of modifier. It resets to 1 on occasion as it did when I upgraded the business to level 4. This image is from an old save. I cranked it to 50K last night after running a deficit before readjusting the GRADE setting. This is also the place to ensure you have sufficient management staff. If any of you ever need a hand with this game, I'm always here, several times every day.
1.15Screenshot 2022-08-29 001007.png

The search here can be confusing and frustrating at times, like when I went to search up my prior post that applied to the question to which I recently replied. I knew that it was a post that I had made so I searched my own username with the word "cheat" as a keyword. I got back a full page of posts that I had made that involved the cheat section of the help menu so I still had to reread several of my own posts just to find the one that best pertained to the topic of money to answer the question posed in forum. Sometimes it is easier just to ask than it is to search. There are grumpy folks that will send all inquiring folks to the search and not even bother to give an answer. Personally, I find when I know the answer I can reply just as quickly with that answer as I could with "use the search." Should we use the search feature? Yes. However, we should always be able to ask questions as well.

Alright kids... PapaPhat's done with the soap box moment.
Have a great day and happy fapping!:devilish::devilish::devilish::devilish::devilish: Hahaha:ROFLMAO:

Adventure ever on my friends, Phat;)(y)
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Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
the games is good but the raid mechanics suck fucking ass i shouldn't have to wait a month if my team wipes just to finish off whats left there should be some kind of consumable i can buy that will will restore their health so i can finish it.
Make a save before you raid. Yes, save skimming is technically cheating but it will prevent the difficulties you are reporting here. The trouble is that the raid results are totally random with only a slight advantage to the competitor with the highest scores. So, I save, play round one, win and save again or loose and reload/replay. I prefer things that require strategy over random bullshit but it is what it is so I do what I do. The only other trick I can offer is just good strategy, make sure that your chosen team gives you the point advantage in EVERY category! If not, you can retrain your girls at any time between raid sessions. Let me know if you need a hand with that. There is an energy cheat that makes training much easier and avoids the rest and wait nonsense. For example, this is the Pianist, my best girl... And my best girl at present...Screenshot 2022-11-30 093818.png
I could retrain her raid skills like five times or more with all of those points. Using the energy cheat in the help menu you don't need to rest and wait. Just give yourself more energy and keep training. If you are averse to cheating it may help you to think of the in game cheat options provided by the dev as a feature of the base game rather than a cheat. As to save skimming... necessity IS the mother of invention! Hahaha:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I hope this helps, my friend. :) Adventure ever on, Phat;)(y)
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Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
how to do corporate marriage ?
a1fox3 is correct about the first wife, Sophia. You go to the bank on a Monday to see Mia Armstrong who becomes your futa in law when she offers you her daughter's hand in corporate marriage.
My Sophia is pregnant with our 10th child at present. :)

To get your second wife, Shannon, you must first upgrade your business to level 4 then you will automatically meet with Mia Armstrong, futa in law, again to discuss your prospects for a second marriage.

Considering that there is a cyber attack on your business during your grand reopening post upgrade, Shannon's skills in cyber security and defense will make her a perfect business fit.

However, Shannon is also on the willful side and seems like she will be a bit of a handful. Sophia is easy. Being Mia's daughter, Sophia is accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle. Once she sees that you are not just some pimp but a successful business owner who can keep her in the luxury to which she is accustomed, she falls right in line and is a loving, caring wife and a good mother. She is also a genius accountant and keeps immaculate books.

Once you are actively intimate with your spouse (takes a while and some effort to build her affection) there are options for play in the spouse menu that will make her more submissive or dominant and more loving and affectionate or a straight up breeder. You can change these settings at any time but going from one end of either spectrum to the other does take several sessions in which you may engage every morning.

You build your relationship over time with conversation and gifts that generate affection points that you may spend to upgrade your relationship status. Be aware that you need to have an equal amount of affection points banked to actually participate in the upgraded act. More details below in with the images...

Once you have obtained a spouse, you can visit her any/every morning before opening for business by clicking on the wall phone to the far left, circled and denoted with an arrow in red below... (old image when I only had Sophia)
Screenshot 2023-01-31 150942.png

Now that I have two wives, they both appear to be selected when I click the wall phone...
Base Profile Screenshot 2023.04.22 -

Click to select a wife with whom to engage with conversation, gifts, play and sex... Her overview screen will appear... This is a recent screen just before spending time with Sophia that morning so you can see the stats to the right indicate that her attention level has slipped by one from the previous day. When your spouse returns from the family unit from her post delivery care after a new birth, her favour and attention will be much lower and will take about 3 days for you to fully recover. Just remember, happy wife, happy life. You keep your wife happy, she will in turn keep you happy. Gaining her trust and affection initially can take some time as it would be in a relationship IRL. These are arranged marriages so you have to put forth the effort to win her affections.
Base Profile Screenshot 2023.04.22 -

As I began to mention above, leveling up your spouse's intimacy will cost you a certain amount of affection... The first is just a hand job and costs 40 affection points to upgrade. HOWEVER, you need to have at least 40 affection points banked to be able to actually receive said handy. So, to upgrade and actually receive your first hand job, you need to have a minimum of 80 affection points. You do not loose any points for participation in the intimate action, only when upgrading the level of intimacy. By having that 80 point minimum you can spend 40 to upgrade and have as many hand jobs as you like on your bank of 40 points. BJ and sex come next and require even more points. The same rule of remaining banked affection required to upgrade and still participate applies to all of the intimate acts, BJ and sex not withstanding. All interactions with your spouse while you spend time together earn you affection points toward future intimacy. At level 5 and pregnant with baby number 10, Sophia is maxed out yet still accrues more affection so you will eventually have way more than you can ever spend as well. Spend time together and earn affection points. Points are awarded for all interactions, small talk (up to twice per day), gifts (most points gained if given once per day, Sophia's best gifts are hot sauce, marti gras mask, towel and strawberries in that order, gifts refresh every Monday), Intimacy and Play. You will quickly see the affection growing as you spend more time with your spouse. Some interactions generate many more points than others. But, we all start with just the small talk and build from there...
Base Profile Screenshot 2023.04.22 -
Just remember to save up 80 to upgrade to HJ and actually receive one, 160 for a BJ and 320 minimum to actually fuck. Again, once you spend the points to upgrade, no further affection points are deducted for that action but you do need to have at least the number of points banked to participate in that action.

I love talking about things I enjoy and I really enjoy this game. I just hope you are able to use this info to have a better experience in your game, my friend. Adventure ever on, Phat;)(y)
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Jan 20, 2022
the games is good but the raid mechanics suck fucking ass i shouldn't have to wait a month if my team wipes just to finish off whats left there should be some kind of consumable i can buy that will will restore their health so i can finish it.
If you go on vacation it is enough time off to heal your squad.


Nov 5, 2017
beginners question
how to hire /find the fifth courtesean?

i thought it was buy an extra room (fifth room)

but when i go to that window

Naamloos 1.jpg

it seem i have enough money and energy but when i click to buy a fifth room i cant buy one

even when the text says that there are 4 rooms availble

i can see in the careerbook that should be 1 courtesan is availble (not by photo but by text)

for next upgrade brothel i should have 5 girls , but i really dont know what i do wrong

so any help is welcome ;-)
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Nov 5, 2017
hmm now i see
vacant rooms 4
occupied 4
limmited to 8
so how can i buy/build another 4 rooms?
i also see i have 8 guestrooms , but i dont think it s possible to make a guest room a courtesan room ?
bit strange for me , i already earned enough to take over the first concurent but still unable to get a extra room

so again any help is welcome
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