I noticed that exceedingly long recovery time as well, my friend, so I went with a different strategy, save skimming and replays. Before starting a Raid, I save, then I play the first Raid, when I win, I exit back to the main Raid screen and save again before proceeding, if not then I reload and replay. You do not lose your place by exiting to the main Raid screen to save after you win a round.
You can reassign your Raid skill points at any time. You do lose the skill points you invested and need to spend new points to reassign. I posted a tutorial for best Raid results for the first set of Raids. You do want to look at each new opponent and revamp the girls Raid skills accordingly. You can also have a variety of girls skilled in different areas and exchange them when needed. Look at who you are raiding and make sure your points exceed your competition in EVERY category for the best chance to win each round. However, even by having all of your point tallies higher, there is still an element of chance involved. That is why I suggest the save skimming and replay method. Otherwise, the Raid process can draw ever on for months in game time and seemingly never end...
You have to get over any aversion to "cheating" in this game. This is corporate war where you will lose if playing by the rules. This game plays more like a win at any cost type of dog fight, top dog wins and there are no real rules. Can you do it strictly "by the book?" Maybe... But, it will likely take you a week of game play to get done half of what I accomplish in a single game session. So, are you going to allow these "shell brothels" to slowly bleed you dry or will you do whatever it takes to win?
My daily income is in the double digit Billions. I have to keep investing in my existing businesses just to keep my bank account in a more manageable single digit Trillions figure. You should be filthy rich in this game. Hell, you NEED to be filthy rich in this game! Hahaha

I have posted some other tutorials including screenshots from the game to show how to "juice the system" here in this game. If you have difficulty finding them, just ask. I will repost links or even recreate them for you. I love this game and enjoy helping others to get the most fun out of this game as possible. I hope this helps you, my friend.
Adventure ever on, Phat

PS: The Pianist is currently my "best girl." You can see her stats in the image below. If your girls don't have similar stats then check out my tutorial posts in this forum or drop me a request in a reply here. I'm on F95 daily and enjoy helping others enjoy these games.

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