3.50 star(s) 2 Votes

Oshitari Azumi

Who's the strongest Nobbu?!
Former Staff
May 23, 2017
Huh. I'm both terrified, yet turned on at the same time despite the game having no sexual content.


New Member
Aug 21, 2017
Okay, I gave it a try. The gameplay itself is pretty niche with no option to skip special attack, so unless you want to sit through it everytime you use it, you'll end up using girls with a more temporary skills (summons) instead of instantaneous because mauling through the enemies is faster. In addition, some functions overlapped so for example, you want to switch weapons but ended up unleashing your special instead. It's pretty terrible. You also have to roll through your weapons instead of selecting (1,2,3, etc.)

Your buddy will only use her primary weapon so there's really three ways to go with this: machine-gun girls to provide suppressive fire (twin-tail HEAVYgoi bestgirl), 1-shot sniper to deal with those armored mobs (aka. you suck at aiming), or tank-girl (melee weapon, let her tank while you spray and pray). Overall, you'll find your buddy does better than you because they can actually aim in this FPS speed.

I don't know if it's just me, but my "DRILLING" mode is fucking broken. You can poke her for a while but suddenly, the cursor will lock itself to the center and you can't really do anything unless you move the camera around. It makes it pretty much impossible to play it.

If you want to play for lewd, not worth it. If you want to play for challenge, ECSTACY mode is the way to go because those guys are tough and you'll start to utilize that "Hit that blue orb weak point" thing A LOT. Even then, there's stupid shit like "only guns can damage the orc spawn-point". The campaign itself is pretty boring until you meet those occasional bosses.


Apr 12, 2018
Hey Guys,

I can´t start the .exe :cautious:
It crashes with an error message: (0xe06d7363)

Can anyone help, what i have exactly to do...!?
Thank you :geek:


Active Member
Feb 16, 2018
Hey Guys,

I can´t start the .exe :cautious:
It crashes with an error message: (0xe06d7363)

Can anyone help, what i have exactly to do...!?
Thank you :geek:
the folder path must be english, and if still have error, you can add the virtual memory on the game driver


Apr 12, 2018
the folder path must be english, and if still have error, you can add the virtual memory on the game driver
Please don´t hate me, but i don´t understand nothing... :-(
Thank you for you´re answer, but what exactly do you mean...?
I´m from germany, so is my folder path not correct or must there any special symbols like "/" etc... ?

Sorry for any trouble with me...!! :cautious:


Active Member
Feb 16, 2018
Please don´t hate me, but i don´t understand nothing... :-(
Thank you for you´re answer, but what exactly do you mean...?
I´m from germany, so is my folder path not correct or must there any special symbols like "/" etc... ?

Sorry for any trouble with me...!! :cautious:
the folder path need to only contains english characters or numbers, like D:\abc or D:\a1


Apr 12, 2018
the folder path need to only contains english characters or numbers, like D:\abc or D:\a1
It doesn´t help... :(
How can i do this: "add the virtual memory on the game driver" ?
What have i to do?
When it will not work i give up - and thanks for ur help!!! :geek:

Good Old Call

Mar 15, 2018
I still don't get the drilling mode. There was a 8 pages long tutorial on it the first time around, but they decide to never show it again


Feb 1, 2019
guys, is anyone experiencing severe lag issue with this game?

The game just crawl to a stop as soon as i start the game and the graphic doesnt look so impressive, so what gives?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Man I wish the weapons were balanced better in this. The sniper is just a massive disappointment. The shotgun and machine gun are just miles ahead of everything else. I keep trying to make the less useful weapons work and it's such a pain. Kite around orcs for 5 minutes with the bow/sniper, trying to line them all up and orb shots. Or I can just unload on them with the shotgun/machine gun and kill them instantly lol. Making the sniper/bow pierce multiple enemies instead of just doing massive damage was a big mistake. They're completely useless against most mobs, especially the ranged attackers that won't chase you. Your allies getting fucked up from your rpgs is funny and all but also really hurts their use too.

I always play on hard/ecstasy mode though. Anything works in normal. Hard/ecstasy are really shotgun or minigun only unless you wanna run in circles for 10 minutes every group of mobs. Makes me pretty sad cause I'm usually a sniper type in these games but with the clunky aiming (Why can't we turn off that shit auto aim) and the sniper blowing, I really can't seem to make it work in hard/ecstasy mode without a tremendous amount of suffering. Even the pistols are better with the high rof and quick reload. The melee weapons depend on if you can stunlock whatever enemy you're fighting. The skeles seem to shrug off most of that though.

Tier list seems like (Hard/Ecstasy mode):
1: Shotgun, Minigun (Just way above everything else. Only weapons you don't have to kite for hours with to kill a single enemy in Ecstasy mode.)
2: Staff (With all staff talents and not in a small enclosed space. It's incredibly powerful aoe and has decent single target damage. Only issue is you have to be moveing slow to charge it for a while. Pretty hard to use against quick enemies like skeletons.)
3: Assault Rifle, Pistols (Decent rate of fire, but still below Minigun)
4: Melee weapons (If the enemy shrugs off your attacks and keeps moving/attacking, you're fucked. Otherwise they're actually really powerful)
5: Bow (At least has some spread once you get talents)
6: Sniper (Bleh)
7: Magicite/Grenades (I think Magicite can't even deal damage to the gold piles and it's negligiable damage to certain enemies. I had some stuff that I just plain couldn't kill with these). Seems mostly for the knockback over a legitimate weapon
Special: Bazookas. They seem okay but I don't really use them because they'll injure your allies. If you don't mind that I think they're okay. Especially Aki's signature weapon since it has 4 shots.

If anybody finds a way to make the sniper rifle work without kiting for hours, lemme know. Maybe there's a build I'm not aware of or I'm missing material crap for it to work better. I think the biggest issue is it never seems to hit enemy weak points unless I get right in their face. I wonder if accuracy would help. Feels like it should have a bigger bullet or something. A lot of enemies seem to have invincibility frames while attacking where their weak points can't be hit. It really fucks over the sniper with it's shitty RoF.

Also, are the rof/reload mods as terrible as they seem? They seem really pitiful for their cost to use in comparison to ele damage or something.

guys, is anyone experiencing severe lag issue with this game?

The game just crawl to a stop as soon as i start the game and the graphic doesnt look so impressive, so what gives?
Nah, works fine for me. I have a pretty high end comp though.
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Feb 1, 2019
alright then, i will have to try extracting the game to my ssd. Hopefully, it helps with the performances.


New Member
Aug 21, 2017
Okay, for grinding at least. The best way I can see is to rush normal until you clear the campaign and just farm the final map. You just have to fight the boss and if you kill it then you win (don't have to kill everyone). If SSS rank, you can net 8k-9k EXP per run. If S, 6-7k. Let your buddy be meatshield and stack her with EXP-UP Material. She won't be much use.

Use Shotgun, nuff said. That thing is ridiculous and I'm starting to suspect that the damage calculation for the spreadshot is wonky and each bullet does the damage that was stated (so if it said 350 dmg, it's 350 x (number of shots, say 10) = 3500 damages per close range shot). If you have the Material to reduce RoF, this is where it comes in because you'll shred through the boss pretty quickly.

Machinegun works too but try to aim for the dragon's weakpoint (chin). Its spread-shot is actually a good thing this time because a few lucky shots and the dragon goes down. If you suck at aiming, spray and pray is another way to do it.

If your aim is good (without using focus since that one auto-aim), use pistol/rifes to deal with the mobs as those have great aim. Sniper is busted because once you aim, it's hard for you to get out of auto-aim and the enemy will be near you before you know it. Sniper is broken (bad) and is only meant as a knockback/lucky-damage-if-hit-weak-point machine. If you want pure knockback, bring catgirl and let her spam Magicite, enemy will be continuously knocked around.

Special effects can be really useful in this game at higher difficulties. Lighting, Fire, and especially ice. With machine gun + Ice effect, you can stop enemies in track pretty easily. Fire provides DoT but also mini-stun which is also helpful in keeping them away.

I recommend just grinding the Catgirl's extra mission in ECSTASY for material. You'll have easiest time managing things and aiming won't be too much of a problem. Stack the catgirl herself for bonus item drop.

If you want glasscannon but easy time, focus on leveling the mage. The amount of mob she can lock-on can make short work of almost all maps. If you can stack her with elemental of each (Ice, lighting, fire), her passive (increase the chance of status ailment) can cause the enemy to be stunlock for ages. DoT also help in taking them down faster at those ECSTASY level. Beware that against Gunorc, she's really susceptible to their guns. A few shots in and she'll go down unless she's geared up (or you spec her to reduce gun impact.

My strat is to use Catgirl + Magegirl to pretty much stunlock them forever (Catgirl magicite has 100% chance of inflicting Lighting....or you can change to fire/ice too) so combine that with your attack and the mob won't be moving anytime soon. Just carry around shotgun for those spawnpoint and/or RPG for airborne bullcrap (helicopter).

ECSTASY (and Hard for many later maps) are NOT designed to be cleared by low level girls (20-ish) unless you have godlike aiming power and focuses on their weakpoint 24/7. Of course, earlier ECSTASY level can be cleared with lvl 10-30 but it takes time. Once you start running into those GUN-ORCS, that's where the nightmare starts.

GUN-ORC can stun-gun you to death in 1 round if you can't react fast enough and jump away....even then, another GUN-ORC can be shooting at the location you're recovering which puts you in quite a pinch. I'd recommend not going against them until you're in your 35-50 which is when you start allocating some of your skill points into defense and weapons are strong enough to actually poke at them safely (they still won't die in 1 shot but it's a lot more doable). They are very annoying, but that's probably the most fun I had with this game. GUN-ORCS require you to really know your surroundings because if they're hitting you from all sides, you're kinda fucked. It stops me from just charging in and actually makes me look around before engaging.

Overall, the game could really use a "disable auto-aim" feature because by the fucking god....that thing pretty much makes you unable to aim their weakpoint since auto-aim won't aimt their weakpoint, but their mid-point.
As for Fruitsmootie's request....sorry, I can't get sniper to work too. I tried tuning the sensitivities but it doesn't help against the auto-aim feature. There really needs to be a way to close it in order to fully utilize sniper.

However, I can help elaborate on other weapons. Bow suffers the same issue as sniper but got off better due to its ability to actually do spreadshot (somehow) once you get its talents. Otherwise, it's mainly to look cool and for continuous short-range sniping. Bow is pretty much a no-scope close-range sniper.

As for Magicite and Grenade, they are situational utilities rather than damage dealers. Grenade (not grenade launcher, that one not as effective) is pretty much an anti-tank. It is similar to that FIM bazooka but a lot more spammable. But since you rarely face tanks in this game, it's quite obselete. Of course, if you have to deal with helicopter then it's bazooka (preferably FIM). Grenade also works to an extent as an AoE anti-personnel but you're better off using guns and spray to apply elemental debuffs.

Fire/Ice (+Lightning if you use Catgirl's personal weapon) Magicite has only 1 goal, to apply AoE Elemental debuff. Elemental debuff (burn, freeze, shocked) are not 100% chance. So it's not stunlock the moment you throw it. Still, throw enough and you'll start seeing them stack up. It can give you that breathing room for both you and your buddy to do something else. As it has minimum-range limit, you'll have some trouble throwing against melee enemies although it's not impossible. However, they are really useful against those big cluster of range-mobs (e.g. slimes, GUNORCS, etc.) because you throw one like spamming bazookas and give yourself a breathing room to do other stuff. Knockback is also a plus.

Reload/RoF mods are preferences but you can live without them. For me, I used RoF mods with Shotgun girl and uses an Unload and Run method. WIth faster RoF, I can unload all my seeds faster in order to get out of situation faster (e.g. rush in to kill something)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I don't know the rules about linking to different sites or from different people or whatever, but here:

" - Extract
- Run setup.exe and install update
- Copy crack from CODEX dir to installdir
- Play"

Found on Fitgirl-repacks, tested it and it works. No issues with any of the nude mods either. Btw for anybody unaware, the nude mods are pretty much complete and there's an all in one package here

People are still working on even better stuff, but that already works well enough.

Wow this game is actually decent now lol. The mouse control fix is even better than the 60 fps. You know how you were locked from aiming accurately before? Like you could only aim at certain angles, that's fixed finally. I kinda wanna restart and replay everything. The sniper is actually pretty good when you're allowed to aim it.

There is a new bug I'm seeing with the new version though. I'm getting hit by skeletons before they even attack/from range. Makes them even more obnoxious than before.
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3.50 star(s) 2 Votes