If you want to get updates on what I am working on/what I added on a weekly basis, you can follow my patreon (the updates are public), or you can check my blog or the game's itch.io page.Do you have some kind of roadmap? Not necessarily when things will be added, but more what you plan to add in future updates.
Love the game!
If you want a proper roadmap, I never wrote one, actually. The current plan (other than adding chapter 6 which is the final one) is to complete all the unfinished paths/relationships in the game, which is a fairly long list, round things up with some more "one shot" scenes, adding a few more quests for the guilds, add more content for the noble path, wrap things up for a few factions (mainly add something more for the League of Merchants and the Zanti family, but there is some more stuff as well) and some more miscellaneous stuff which I expect will crop up along the way.
I should have probably laid out in detail all the things I wanted to do, but this was the first game I made which is open-ish world, and I ended up using a "shotgun" approach to content creation, which was a bad idea, and made it harder to nail down the finer details for each area of the game beforehand.
If you have specific questions about this or that path/faction/character, I can probably tell you what my plans are for it.
Glad you like the game! ^_^