Yes, Jin is the slave, and he'll eventually get more scenes. The idea is to have two paths with him, one where your roles reverse (as you give in to his dominant side, and end up agreeing to become his slave) and another where you "tame" him a bit. I think this last one might still have a variation where you free him or not, but I haven't decided yet.
What's the FC? Is that the protagonist? If so, I am generally trying to add as many images as possible. Ideally, we'll cover all the scenes, but it's not a given (currently I commission 4 CGs every month, but if I write just sex scenes, I can easily outpace my artist. On the bright side, some of the images can cover more than one scene, but it's really hard to make estimates).
And what about an Idea of directly, have him "free" but in the end Jinn will return to you, like that Anime (no H) where a Female Character ruled a Land in wich... more than 50% of the people (Men's) Sleep with her and have lots of Childrens who also Sleep with her too...
Something like that, that kind of Relationship with Jinn... he could be Free but also have a Home to return and somebody too~
But that idea of becoming his Slave in the end, since the Player could Bough him... then, honestly i don't think it makes sense at all...
After all, you Buy him, and the contract already tells how he was with their Mistress, no complains or anything but still for X reason, he at the end went back to the Slave Market.
In fact MDQP...
Why not expand that side of him? Trying to reach their formers Mistress, about why they decided to return him...
Besides, you put his past in Tarkas (Actual home of the FC 'female character') then, why not meaby put a side-mission (1 or 2) about Saving him from the Husbands/Bf's/etc that hate him because he took X woman...
Because that's why i don't understand with Him.
Same goes to... the Female Slave...
I would love to know more about them and meaby meet X character of their past, members of Family or ex-mistress... or even X gang if he for x reason had one in the past...
Because those 2 have potential... and are my Fav characters of the game honestly, they deserve a little more than simple "work at home"
Isn't strange at the end? if you Bought him, if you became intimate with those 2, but don't have any 'thing' about their past? How/Why/Who... before they ended in the Slave Market.. then! after that, think what YOU (the player) will do about them.
1) Hold them with you, living & having sex (if you want, also this in Jinn side means he could.. impregnate you), etc
2) Release them and giving them 10% of your money so they can live 'almost' without problem (with this option, it also could be a good choice that, after a time... after certain days/weeks... one could see them again somewhere in the map and/or know what happened to them... also! if they were back to the Slave Market, meaby add a Re-Purchase option, more expensive and other ideas... that i still think about them)
3) End the Slavery: another route that will change the Kingdom about Slavery, with the Player on charge about it.. with 2 endings, 1 happy and the other a Bad-Ending... (one where you become a toilet for everybody... like that h-anime where X saved the kingdom but have their own ideas and made the females their slaves.. or else)
How about that? what you think?