On the one hand, a remake of a remake of a remake could be seen as a greedy move to maximize profits. On the other hand is my penis, and the comforting knowledge that I don't pay for porn anyways. I can count the number of h-projects I've financially supported on just a few fingers and it only took a few "version 0.00010.v.20b.001.ds.5...3.4.swe remix reboot [abandoned][onhold][onhaitus][technically completed but actually has very little content and barely runs while also being filled with bugs]" patreon scams to learn my lesson. Paying money every month so that every 3 months you can get a single still image in a scripted scenario that might not even push your buttons.
But, like I said, I browse this website so... my porn is free! I'll light a candle for the patreon paypiggies that make these things possible for us. Their sacrifice is not in vain!