Im going to do something, i dont think anyone else has done before. Give a theory about this game. Rather I think what the original vision and story was.
Its weird and out of place, but hear me out guys, here is what I think the original story and game play was meant to be.
I think, in the beginning the story was going to be this, Madeline was responsible for the bus carrying the male campers from their respective shows crashing, along with the male staff members of camp pinewood. As for why, im not entirely sure, perhaps she was possessed by a ghost, who knows.
But that is just the beginning, now Madeline was and possibly still is meant to be the main villain of camp pinewoods story, but here is what I think the original intend of her was, she possibly wanted the girls of the camp all to herself, either due to being possessed or another reason, but originally her arranging the crash was her way to ensure she would get what she wanted, but there is a monkey wrench in her plans.
The main character we play as, the only boy in the camp. Now going from the early version of the game, it appears that Madeline was meant to be a sort of...Wall for us, a cockblocker if you will.
Obviously we want to have sex with the girls right? Well she would be preventing that, such as, if you tried to go all the way with say Frankie or Gwen, she would pop up and cockblock you every time, which would have story significance as the main characters woe in the opening scene is that they are a virgin and as such this has impact.
Now in saying that Madeline is the peripheral wall of the game here, how was the game play supposed to work at first? Simple, Camp pinewood would be a mystery game. We would need to build up love points and affection from both the girls and Milfs of the camp to piece together whats up with Madeline and why at one point she cockblocks the main character, but doenst seem to care what the girls wear or do with each other.
As you progressed in the main story 1 of 2 things could have happend, either 1 Madeline would approach you and offer you a deal, if you stay out of her way and let her do as she pleased with the girls, she would let you do the same. If you agreed, this could have been the 'Bad' route, where you were not only allowing Madeline to do what she does to the girls, but take part in it as well and get all the sex you want till the end game. Or offering herself in exchange for you staying away from the girls, unlocking her for requests, but maybe making it more tricky to pull things off with other females in the camp.
On the flip side you could refuse, making an enemy of her, putting you on the 'Good' route where she is your enemy and you actively try to stop her. However this played out, its clear that Frankie was meant to and seemly still does play a big role, possibly being the main love interest per say, or partner, but not the only one.
Here the idea would be to gain enough influence and affection among the girls and milfs of the camp to basically overthrow Madeline and lock her in the metal cell room in the camp office. This in turn would mean that maybe Francine takes over and we get to find out why Madeline was doing what she was. And why the summer camp seems to go on for eternity, she did something.
Later girls would be added in to flesh out the story, having their own minor roles to play in either the good or bad routes, which also change weather they are happy to do what you want in the good, or a bit more reluctant, but still willing in the bad, due to you helping Madeline and knowing she would 'Punish' them if they refused you, but the bad route could result in Frankie hating you for taking part in all this and maybe lead to a bad end with her getting Madeline and you arrested, as that is seemingly planned to happen.
So what do all of you guys think?