HTML - Candy's Legacy [v1.39] [root]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Ok, I'm convinced that this isn't a game, but a torture tool.

    I've played it for one hour and a half and all I did was click the same icons over and over. SOMETIMES something new happens, but after taking a bath and applying make up for a million times, I've had enough!

    This game does not respect our time.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    While many bad reviews are absolutely true, I can't give this game an average score. Wrapped in very poor, grindy and repetitive game mechanics is a solid bimbofication story with a ton of quality content. The custom editing of porn clips to reflect hypno treatment is perfectly themed, and later in the game, you feel how disconnected from reality and lost in the pink haze the main character is.
    I revisit this game after about a year, and I can say that a lot of care and work was put into it. It's sad that this piece of content is bad as a game, but if you are into bimbos, and don't mind porn and a little grind, you can have a good time with that.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Dont know why it is rated THAT bad!
    If you are into bimbo stuff and hypno you can have like half an hour fun with that..
    Granted its not the best game out there and its kind of repetetive, but the gifs are good and ist kind of fun..
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolute grindfest for minimal engagement. No real story, no gameplay flow, just random porn video clips that show up if you press enough buttons, and you've gotta press a *lot* of buttons. Get your wrist brace ready, and not for fun reasons.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Uses alot of grinding and endless clicking to hide lack of content, dialogue is pretty poor and the story has been done before in other html games. Essentially you waste time playing the same events and clicking the same routines to eventually get a new scene or gif and the back to the grinding again. It definitely lives up to its reputation as one of the worst games here.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Rajat Saigal

    A fairly lazy game. Extremely repetitive and linear, a barrage of the same 6 gifs for most of the game. Progression involves clicking through boring weeks for ages. Gave it an hour's try and then ditched. Much better HTML games exist out there, and most of them can string more than one sentence together.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a game about pressing a button labelled "public bathroom" and pressing a button labelled "makeup." There is very little indication of progress or of direction. The amount of grinding is almost insulting.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Way too much grind and repetitive videos. This game would be better if it had a Quest Journal to at least give the player a hint of what they needed to do next. You'll be spending hundreds of days in-game just cycling through the same videos that are nothing more than a tease.
  9. 1.00 star(s)



    The game honestly just keeps getting worse. There's some devs on here who milk their games redoing the same existing content over and over. This dev has absolutely never experienced how repetitive and grindy his own is. If you want carpal tunnel, this is the game for you.

    Just open up redgifs and look up stuff for your nut and move on with your life, there's nothing here other than a lot of media that's worth putting up with 9 billion clicks for.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The grind is real. It just keeps growing and growing and growing with tedious content. I was hopeful this game would be fun at first but most of the time you're just repeating the same thing over and over again on the off chance there will be a new scene mixed in there somewhere.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately, this game developer must have never sat down and played their own game. This amount of grind is unacceptable. You might be able to sue this guy for carpel tunnel. After "100" should be through most of the content. How many times do you need to shower, put on makeup, do the various jobs? You're looking at the same couple GIFs literally 100+ times. If a developer reads this: please do yourself a favor and play your own game. No cheats. Sit down..block out a few HOURS and sit there and click through your own game. NO CHEATING. Do. Not. Cheat. Sit there and play it like we do.

    You will not enjoy it.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Be prepared to do the exact same thing 300 times in a row. There's actually some potential in this game, but it's overshadowed by the overwhelming amount of repetition required to get to it.
    Another thing to note, is that since it's not completed, you're always stuck with a thought of "Am I out of content and just wasting my time right now". It can take weeks of in game time for another event to happen so you never know if it's just over, or your grinding for your next event.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Extremely repetitive and boring. Complete lack of story and too much grinding for nothing. I have seen many html games of this kind but this one is bad on a whole another level. I would like to say something positive but unfortunately can't see nothing good. Do not waste your time with this game .
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Its basically watching porn with extra steps. Theres no real story or gameplay elements to it. Push the button - accept - move on. Alot of work to get basically nothing for it. Story isnt even really there. And the English not so great.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Grinding is insane.....even by using editor, the amount of grinding is still ridiculous...

    Purchase 100 makeup for 100 days and I still barely able to unlock most of the scene. To unlock 1 scene, you probably need 7-14 days worth of time. Basically the time is spend for shower, makeup, go clinic, sleep and repeat. It gave me a bad case of carpal tunnel syndrome from all those clicking.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    So much grinding and tediousness to this game.

    There could be a decent game here, but the dev decided to make it a tedious grindfest and ignores all feedback about how much the insane amount of grinding ruins the game.
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Little your dream

    This is not a game. It's just boring html. With elements of erotic pictures and gif. Also in the game is another from the same developer. Making 2 games at once is difficult. But my opinion. Emphasize, and all the seriousness on one game. And it's not interesting to play both games knowing what the plot is about and what will happen next. It would be better if the developer made one game for a long time but more efficiently than meaningless and small updates
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This is not really a game. There are no meaningful choices. The plot could be put into a visual novel and as long as the player kept hitting the next button, it would all unfold with no interaction

    Also, the game reads like it was written in a foreign language and run through an English translator. The sentences of dialogue are short, as if they were written for formatting and not for conveying information.

    The only reason this game gets 2 stars is that the porn gifs are quality. Top notch Photoshop skills.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the concept and the gifs and pics are very carefully selected. Looking at the image file you see a nice progression from non-bimbo to bimbo which is hard to do with real porn.

    But the game story itself is bare bones and obvious, the writing is functional though with plenty of mistakes, and the mechanics are a total click fest. As far as I can tell you are supposed to save $1,000s of dollars for plastic surgery by earning like $60 a day.

    There is some progression in corruption/bimbofication, but it seems to happen once a week. You end up seeing the same scenes over and over again with no variation and no story. Except in that weekly progression you get maybe on more gif and one line of text. Not at all worth the effort.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    It's really not bad, it's just not much of a game. You just click forward through image transitions that get more and more annoying the longer you play. That's a bummer, because the premise of the game is really quite good. I just wish there was less grind and more story.