Unity Captured [v0.03a] [Happy Pillow]


Aug 25, 2017
...Is HappyPillow jumping ship on another asset flip project at the halfway point into an asset flip using their own assets from 2 half-done projects ago?


Sep 12, 2018
So the game appeared 2 years ago on this side and is still a gallery only game...This is what i call true dedication.

I don't even understand why people do this.

- Releasing an unfinished game
- Making promises
- Basing a monetization system around these promises most of the time
- Abandon the project in an unfinished state
- Start a new project
- Rinse Repeat

This will just hurt the developers image in the long run.
While im aware that these bullet points or at least the first three are fundamental to a game that is kind of crowdfunded. I still find it very disappointing to see a ship sink and even more if you backed it. While i personally didn't even play the game because of it's nature it's just happening to a lot of games in the recent past (this could also be my confirmation bias). Also this is not even one of the worst offender at least the developer jumps ship or maybe they even tell the community instead of letting it run for years without a sign of life or sparse updates...Which is actually happening to this game never mind.


New Member
Oct 17, 2023
That guitar riff sounds so Life is Strange... makes me miss the northwest... you should learn to program and make a game about it.