Show me where I claimed or gave some sort of weird hint that I'm the boss, I dare you.
I'm a goddamn patron and test player. I'm totally fine with that and I don't care how many of my ideas or solutions for problems the dev accepts or ignores. It's about helping, even if someone isn't very good in something but tries anyway.
That probably means in your world I have him in my pockets, right? Something is wrong with you man.^^'
Just for you... it was an opinion and what I said to you the first time was all about that it won't happen NOW or maybe not even ever. That's up to the dev and his planning. You still haven't figured that out? But I'm glad you know everything how the game becomes better without a doubt. You must be one hard worker who offers counsel to half the world, right?
I'm not a fan of bragging but I dare to say I did a bit more than you when it comes to actual help. All you do is whining and not being able to wait. That's what little kids do but their biggest defense is not knowing better. Would you like to be handled like a child now or can we keep the discussion on adult level?
I would say AmorousDezign is old enough to make his own decisions, knowing which ideas and opinions are useful or not and able to go forward even if all those "bad influential people" around him are gone. Or would you like to claim we were always there, even when he was a child, and made him do those crimes of not having a female MC at the moment?
But how kind of you to mention that. You are truly a legendary think tank in action.^^