nope I'm done liz preg pathThere never was a problem with Mother Susan's impregnation. The chances are random and you should never try it without the fertility potion. Better save after you consumed it and reload if it failed. Basic rule for every female NPC is... if you see the sperm swimming this NPC can go preggo.
You have to lie to Walter after you followed aunt Liz in the evening at Tuesday night and discover she takes baths. If you tell him she wants a baby you unlock pregnancy for her. If you don't do that you lock yourself out of that route.
The changelog in the OP should provide information about that. If not wait a bit until it gets updated.
Vela can be found in the desert area east east-south on the world map. The world map gets unlocked if you follow the main story (unlock the hidden village with the beasts and do the second quest for Krall) and the human guard in Blackforest Village, who blocks the east exit, is gone.
You can find several water buckets in many locations. Check around the village and in houses.
My means liz can't be impreg in this ver