Celebrity CGI in games - is it legal?

Sep 10, 2018
I think you're right darth about the pure capitalistic society being a dictatorship and I think we can both agree a dictatorship is a shitty society to live in. Hence why capitalism with real checks and balances is the ideal. A balance between the social aspects and the economic which is why we have developed the grid locked political system we have today. The issue is that that system has been gradually bit by bit through each presidential administration inching towards that pure unchecked dictator capitalism through progressive changes in policy and a breaking down of regulation. In my opinion the way forward is that needs to be remedied. As for alternatives to capitalism altogether if one can top it then sure. (which is what I meant before btw I typed topping not toppling). I don't think socialism is that answer. Ben shapiro argues it better than i ever could:

The anarchy component is just that qualifier against the envitable government development and abuse in that system.


Lord of Passion
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Dec 28, 2017
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I think you're right darth about the pure capitalistic society being a dictatorship and I think we can both agree a dictatorship is a shitty society to live in. Hence why capitalism with real checks and balances is the ideal. A balance between the social aspects and the economic which is why we have developed the grid locked political system we have today. The issue is that that system has been gradually bit by bit through each presidential administration inching towards that pure unchecked dictator capitalism through progressive changes in policy and a breaking down of regulation. In my opinion the way forward is that needs to be remedied. As for alternatives to capitalism altogether if one can top it then sure. (which is what I meant before btw I typed topping not toppling). I don't think socialism is that answer. Ben shapiro argues it better than i ever could:

The anarchy component is just that qualifier against the envitable government development and abuse in that system.
Damn... I accidentally hit the back button after I'd typed out a whole response in to this video as I watched it. I'm going to try to recreate some of that, but I'll undoubtedly have missed something.

To start, the entire thing felt more like a stand up comedy routine, than an honest discussion of the topic. He very much mischaracterized AOC and Sanders, as well as socialism itself. Which makes sense, because Ben Shapiro is a propagandist. He is paid by wealthy elites to give these speeches, and while last I checked, his news program makes money on its own, he's one of very few right wing media personalities who isn't directly funded by people like the Koch Brothers, or Praeger. Though he does tread water for them both, as he's in Praeger U videos, and in this very video he praises the Heritage Foundation.

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He also has great videos on a lot of different topics, like anarchy, antifa, marx, Liberalism, and a bunch of other philosophy. Watching his channel is really helpful in day to day, even if you don't always agree with his take, just because the philosophy helps you to understand why. One more, in particular that I think is important would be:

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Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
In a country where Jeff Bezos is allowed to have 142.3 billion dollars, the cost of a loaf of bread is 2 dollars.
Jeff doesn't have 70 billion loaves of bread, sweetie. Bread goes bad quickly. So even if Jeff did have 70 billion loaves of bread, it would only feed the world for two weeks tops, and then the rest would be moldy and start making people sick.

Instead of trying to steal Jeff's money, you should look for some peanut butter to go with you're jelly. Set up a PBJ stand in front of your mommy's house and sell sammiches.


u z i

Nov 9, 2018
page 1 of this thread- legal and moral issues on using of celebrities' image in game
page 5- socialism vs capitalism
dont mind me. just here to observe:geek:


Forum Fanatic
May 19, 2017
page 1 of this thread- legal and moral issues on using of celebrities' image in game
page 5- socialism vs capitalism
dont mind me. just here to observe:geek:
socialism is illegal and immoral. capitalism is legal and moral.
no property rights under socialism, you don't own your likeness, anyone can use it
property rights under capitalism, people use your likeness anyway, oh well life goes on
Sep 10, 2018
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Damn... I accidentally hit the back button after I'd typed out a whole response in to this video as I watched it. I'm going to try to recreate some of that, but I'll undoubtedly have missed something.

To start, the entire thing felt more like a stand up comedy routine, than an honest discussion of the topic. He very much mischaracterized AOC and Sanders, as well as socialism itself. Which makes sense, because Ben Shapiro is a propagandist. He is paid by wealthy elites to give these speeches, and while last I checked, his news program makes money on its own, he's one of very few right wing media personalities who isn't directly funded by people like the Koch Brothers, or Praeger. Though he does tread water for them both, as he's in Praeger U videos, and in this very video he praises the Heritage Foundation.

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He also has great videos on a lot of different topics, like anarchy, antifa, marx, Liberalism, and a bunch of other philosophy. Watching his channel is really helpful in day to day, even if you don't always agree with his take, just because the philosophy helps you to understand why. One more, in particular that I think is important would be:

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Jesus fucking christ dude. You wrote a book to counter my 300 words and a youtube video. I missed this post but now I've seen it it's tempting to crawl up into a fetus position and declare socialism the future. I'll do some reading and formulate a response when I can.
Nov 21, 2017
I think it's somewhat illegal because Lindsay Lohan sued Rockstar because she thought they used her for GTA:V (She lost... because the lady in question wasn't really based on her as far as I know.) But she could sue so it seems you can't use someone's likeness without paying them or getting permission.

On the other hand, there are paparazzi who take pictures of famous people without permission and selling them. I think the argument for the legality of paparazzi is that they take pictures in public places, where anyone can take pictures.

There was a site once that was called 'Sinful Comics' they sold porn comics of drawn celebrities and even used real names. It seems this was legal enough.

Fanart of Marvel characters who are played by celebrities seems to be legal enough.

Bottom line I think you can get away with making a CGI celebrity game so long as you don't sell it.


Sep 22, 2017
Anarchy, like most socialist ideologies recognize that they cannot exist alongside capitalism. So, for instance, I live in the US. For me the goals are along the lines of education, in particular about how capitalism is the cause of most of our problems (not to say that feudalism or slave economies of the past were any better) so that we, together, as a nation can choose socialism.

That's where things get a bit difficult though. As I stated before, I don't believe in forcing people into one system or another. I'd suggest that a post-capitalist US immediately decentralize and allow autonomous regions to define their version of socialism. This could translate to Florida looking a lot more like modern Cuba, while California looks more like Catalonia, and idk, Nevada looks like what I described above. Each of these areas could still interact with no problems though, using contracts, consent, and consensus.

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~sigh... that was a lot of typing. Now, once you see how capitalism doesn't work, we have to talk about what does, what doesn't and what needs to happen to make something work.

Capitalism does work. Is it a perfect model? Nope. But it is leagues in front of the other three options: Anarchy, Socialism, and Communism. If you believe otherwise, then you need to go back to studying.

Why does capitalism, as we know it in the U.S. today, have so many issues? Because, it is weighed down with programs based in socialism. That is, programs that take from those working and give to those not able to work (originally), and now those who refuse to work. Helping those who cannot help themselves is honorable, but giving a living to the lazy. That's a recipe for disaster. It was written a long time ago "if a man will not work, neither shall he eat." Even though the term was not yet coined, that's capitalism.

Let's not forget that people from around the world are still dreaming of coming to this imperfect nation so they may have a chance to have a good life. This is a fact that most living here fail to remember or appreciate. Even the poorest Americans live at a level that is considered rich in many parts of the world, a testament that capitalism does, indeed, work.


New Member
Sep 27, 2020
Jeff doesn't have 70 billion loaves of bread, sweetie. Bread goes bad quickly. So even if Jeff did have 70 billion loaves of bread, it would only feed the world for two weeks tops, and then the rest would be moldy and start making people sick.

Instead of trying to steal Jeff's money, you should look for some peanut butter to go with you're jelly. Set up a PBJ stand in front of your mommy's house and sell sammiches.

That's the problem. Why bread goes bad quickly but money can become more quickly?

Piketty pointed out this problem. If they can get a risk-free profit more than GDP growth rate, the richest can easily get more and more compared to real wealth. In fact, it happened between 16th and 19th century. The interest rate of Bank of England was about 3%-5% more than GDP growth rate.

Some peanut butter or a PBJ stand in front of your mommy's house and sell sammiches are about real production and wealth. However, they existed before the age of capitalism. The logic of capitalism is to destroy your PBJ stand in front of your mommy's house with their fast food chain and you have to buy peanut butter from their food production chain. As a result, you have to work in mcdonald and walmart.

Omae wa shinda

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2020
A simple legal question become a fight between socialism and capitalism.

Short Answer:

Longer answer:

You could actually made a poorly render CGI or just modified a celebrity 3d model face into something other than original face. but still if recognized the celebrity's face, you could get into trouble.
Still the logic is that , cartoon face won't get you into trouble (unless the show is still running or they have iconic presence like for example Mickey mouse.)(Who would want to watch parody mickey mouse going for mile-high club anyway?)
Real life face like parody Jake Paul or some recognizable pornstars might get you well...… trouble.
Anyway still no.... i won't like it if someone I knew is in a porn or in the bad light, fake or not. That is all for making parody game or parody porn game.
Last edited:


Active Member
Jun 3, 2017
I once tried to make a shirt on one of those websites with an image of Bobby Singer from Supernatural and a fan quote:
"In times of tribulation, Bobby Singer comes to me, speaking words of wisdom: Balls"

Even that was rejected on legal grounds, something about using his image without permission.


Oct 21, 2019
wow .. people that never experienced real socialism write down wise word about socialism ... :)
that's always funny ... 100 dicks in another person ass does not hurt ! > BUT they can think of a better socialism now! :)

what happened to the celebs in the games tho ?
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