VN - Ren'Py - Celebrity Hunter [Ep.15.1] [Geiko Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting story, great quality animations. Nice models. Gameplay not bad either.
    Only thing I think could improve in case of "predicted" gameover routes where there are extra scenes could use a checkpoint system which it loads in this case. I save a lot and I had save points at those places (also if somebody reads the text saves also :D ) but this could be a nice addon feature
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, love the art, writing, many tags, animations are nice on the lewd scenes and outside, can be imrpoved for sure, but devs are doing a good work all around, and the designs for the girls is really good.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Download the banner and you have more scenes than there's currently in the game. Also you have to savescum a bit or buy the walkthrough (yes buy), so its more or less the AAA fuckover that we're used to from big companies, only far from complete but with sucky mechanics. Others have pointed out the flaws as well, never read just one review.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    After playing this game for a while I can confidently say: FUCK this game.

    The worst part is that clearly there is some effort put into it, but the gameplay is a total mess that ruins it, and the fact that the dev makes the game super convoluted and then SELLS you a walkthrough? Downright despicable.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Without the walkthrough this is just shit

    Doing something in date 1 kills you without a option to get out of it in date 4 without being clear so you have to back track and hope this time its right . Later you just skip trough the story trying different option to see can you keep going till you lose interest.

    and CHARGING for a walkthrough way post the game here but not the walkthrough?
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I really meant to give this game a chance and I am all for choice and consequence. Unfortunately, choices here are mostly ambigious and unless the Dev breaks the 4th wall to tell you (which shouldn't need to happen) you aren't really in control of your fate. Additionally, you never feel you have a say in what to see because you are constantly threatened with a game over from your boss if you don't make the right decisions. So while you are rushed along, you rarely feel like you have any agency in what happens and that's a cardinal sin in choice based games.

    While I see the potential, it just isn't a lot of fun right now.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with suprisingly low rating. I image it could be the ntr or gay traits of this game, but it shouldn't put you off because overall it is a really good game.

    The models and renders are good and fine. Tought the background (mainly the main island background one) and lighting could be better, but everything is in harmoy so one thing doesnt stick out.

    The best thing about the game is two things, the choices and its permuration. The second is how how hot the build up and scenes are. It has quite a deep number of choices, a bit stagerring at first but really enjoyable once you get the hand of it. And the sex scene are quite good, especially the Sayuri's sister in her college lecture.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    The problem with this game is that it is 20% enjoyable and 80% annoying.

    The enjoyable:
    The girls look good. My fav is Sayuri just love a beautiful Asian girl but I also like Priscila a lot.

    The story with the girls isn't to bad and I'm pretty sure the game is going to be heavy on NTR which doesn't bother me but what is annoying for me is what makes it difficult to play.

    The annoying:
    This an AVN but if you try to enjoy some adult time with Priscila you are murdered .

    Then the other problem I have is that the game is basically a betrayal game. The MC being a reporter means that he always has to find a story so if you don't betray one of the people you want to be with you get fired and it is game over.

    I would rate it differently if the stories came from just random side events and weren't from celebrities I would like to date but every LI you meet you will have to decide if you want to betray them or not by giving up personal information to the paper about them.

    I've already run in to a game over because I didn't want to give up any info to the paper about Sayuri or Priscila. And that is the other part if you want to get the info to give to the paper from one of them you can't follow the romance route because you will fail at getting that info then.

    Then there isn't really that much adult stuff in the game. The only time I have seen a blowjob was actually an NTR scene with Julia with some guy in the college she goes to.

    And then with Priscila I thought they were going to do it but her driver shows up and stops that from happening. There is a scene where you can eat out Priscila but that will also get you killed because you didn't get the info you needed.

    I actually now just quit playing the game like I am suppose to and just cheat. I look at the labels and just use the console to jump to the scenes I want to see.

    So basically it is the game mechanics that kills the game for me.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Because of the low rating I wanted to skip this game, but good thing I still downloaded it. This is the case when the rating is too low for the game.

    The game is really good, good picture, but the quality of animation is... Or rather video, the game is a big disadvantage that there are no animations, but recorded in advance rendering, and it is of poor quality.

    Sex scenes are still very few, but it is not terrible, because the story is also not bad, yes, moments you know in advance what will be, not very intriguing, but sometimes can surprise.

    There are different ways, so far you can't see them clearly, but hopefully in the future everything will be confirmed as the developer of the game promised us.

    In general, definitely recommend to try this game, I have already added it to my vishlist in Steam, I'll wait for it to come out there. I hope for a large number of supported languages.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok now I get why this games reviews are all over the place.

    The GOOD
    The renders are very well done, characters all look unique and have there own distinct personality. The MC's love interest is sexy as fuck. Animations are pretty well done as well. 4/5

    The story PREMISE is good. The setting the story is in is understandable and makes sense. It feels like there is a deeper story that the dev wants to tell and it does draw you in initially.

    The BAD
    The Story after it initially draws you in the story starts to get weird. MAYBE not because the story is weird but I feel the English translation is doing a poor job conveying the story content to and English speaking audience.

    My gut tells me there is some fairly bad translations going on here as the original game is written in Portuguese. Technically speaking it is an accurate translation from one to the other but it seems to be missing some of the nuance to convey the correct emotion to us. I could be 100% wrong as I don't speak Portuguese.

    The OPTIONS none of the option I have seem so far seem to be leading you down a path you can assume. Most of the time you can assume this will probably be the corruption route of this will probably lead to the romance route etc. Again what I assume maybe a bit of a language barrier none of the choices seem to be drawing you one way or another.
    making a lot of your choices random guesses and then reload and try again.

    This game would benefit greatly from a walkthrough mod especially on the English side.

    I see a lot of potential here, it could just be bad writing but I think it's the language variables that make this VN seem a bit hollow on the English side and why the overall score for this game is low. Conversational English and a clear cut path to a given route would help as well as a gallery option.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Celebrity Hunter is a vissually better then most games here. Creative story and a fun point click adventure. I instally subs. Also a + for not having that basic renpy sound what all big bro or repny games have. But some sound would be nice the lack of sound is personally a negative. (i forget that kind games when i alt tab.)
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Ep 6.

    Like the reviewer before me, I'm also surprised at the low rating. I've been playing this since it was released here. It's far from perfect, but I've been enjoying the story so far. The models are attractive, there seems to be a variety of choices that matter, and overall, there's Priscilla. Sandbox isn't my favorite thing to see in a VN, but it's workable. Looking forward to more.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of [Ep.6].

    I am surprised by the score, maybe I am missing something. maybe this has been in development for a long time? I feel like this should have 3 or 3.5 stars rather than 2.5 (thus I give a 4).

    The main heroine is super cute, although the story is somewhat unbelievable, the situations are unrealistic, it is hard to suspend my belief (though there is a fairy so that makes it easier haha). But anyway, just due to Priscila this deserves a better score, since appealing heroines is one of the biggest requirements for good games.

    I would probably play again once it's done, but might not revisit it again while on development.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Priscila is a very good model and the other models are very HD and very beautifully designed. There are no bugs in the game, that is, there is no element that spoils the enjoyment of the game. It is a game that progresses with choices, so making different choices leads to different progress and I think this is a very good thing. I hope this goes well. And I would like to see the old man in every update. Because he is one of the main roles in the story ;)
    THX chef, let's cook this game now <3
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Shame, I wanted to really like this game, but boy, does it ever make it difficult to do so.
    As others have pointed out, the renders of the characters are fine, but the backgrounds wanna make you gouge your eyes out. Definitely falling into the placeholders category and I wouldn't be surprised, if some of those images were taken directly from the store page where these scenes are being sold. However that wouldn't so bad if there was something else to distract me. Which brings me to another painful subject, the story.
    At the time of writing v0.5, the story is straight forward and is more to the boring side, where you are once again, just an average boring Joe with an attraction to being yelled on by their boss. And while I do appreciate the variety of talking approaches, it quickly dies when the game starts telling you what to do and basically punishes you for what you came here for. You know, the A part in AVN... Wanna seduce them all? Tough luck, you'll either end up fired or dead. Either way game over.
    Overall I'm very disappointed, but I do hope the story and game overall will improve with time, but I won't hold my breath. Anyway, good luck dev.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Review at episode 5.
    This game is very good, even though it's still in early stages (for the english version that is).
    After a special encounter, the protagonist will have his carrier and life turned upside down.
    The flow of events seems natural. They are nice and varied.
    The characters are few, different and interesting. The MC is well behaved too.
    The artistic side is correct. Some positions and animations could be improved.
    The sex scenes are well made, though not too many yet.
    The english is correct. The music of the main menu is nice, though a little too loud.

    A game to try, particularly for those searching for bisexual content.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    i think this game has a lot of potential. I enjoy playing a masculine bisexual character, which is something in short supply. And although so far there's only love interest who is very well developed, I do find her interesting. I hope as the game gets more developed the other love interests are added in from the beginning rather than to the end because I feel like i've already had to choose whether I want to be committed to this one.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    TLDR: I'm giving this a one star for a few different reasons that culminated in just a not enjoyable experience playing. Do not recommend in its current state.

    This is a review of the Episode 5 version of the game

    Sound: 0/10 if that was possible

    To start, the game opens with volume on 100% and everything cranked to the max. After finally loading the menus and fixing the music, while playing the game every single time dialog advances, there is a "tick" or "check" sound that plays which is not tied to any of the volume sliders, so there is no way to mute. You either have to mute the game in task menu options (which is what I did) or listen to this "tick" 30000 times.

    Renders: fluctuates between 7/10 in spots, to 2/10 in others.

    The main girl so far is actually pretty and a decent quality render. She gets the 7/10. The backgrounds, maps, everything else gets like a 4/10. They look like stock images that have had zero edits or objects added to make them unique, and as for the main map screen just looks unfinished and cut off. The animations quality is really, really blurry. which is the 2/10. It would have been better off rendered as still images.

    Story / choices: 1/10

    This ultimately is where the game was lost. The overarching story is mostly forgettable, but how the choices work just kills it. I played a "romance or seduction" route for the main girl rather than the "friend" path, which ultimately ended in a game over screen. When making romance choices, the players are met with positive feedback from the girl leading someone to believe they were making correct choices, however that results in the Main Character just being shot and killed, leading to a game over.

    The "correct" way to play the game is to balance the friend choices (which literally are often times a choice of do you want to be her friend, or do you want to date her) with romance choices, ignore the positive feedback she gives so you dont die at the end. Players dont know the correct number of choices to make to not die...just have to keep trying until it was correct.

    I played through it twice, once full romance and ones trying to vary up the choices and died both times.


    The game is advertised as having 70+ hours of gameplay. It took me an hour to get my character killed.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly I like the game but I I'm extremely disappointed with the lacking of content, I've been paying the geiko web site for a long time just so can geiko now release this version for 40$ in reais, with no respect to Brazilian fans, for americans? 8 bucks.... Honestly not surprised, but disappointed at the same, still why this game has such a lack of content? It's been years and still not nearly 20 minutes of gameplay.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    - I can appreciate the attempts to make choices matter. There are some differences if you want a casual fling or a serious romance which I like. However, some branching plots just go nowhere like Cassia, if you betray Nathan for Cassia, you reward is... literally nothing. Oh and the rest of the branching plotlines are either incomplete or just paywalled.

    - A lot of false advertising and misinformation. The game is laughably nowhere close to "70 hours" long as described in the description (this was written in the overview. Guess mods removed the claim). I'm a slow reader and I've finished it in 20 mins.
    - Majority of the images/animations you see in the animated banner are not available in the current release. Its paywall galore. Everything except 1 sex scene is paywalled. After years of supposed development, there is just 1 sex scene where you go down on a girl. Thats it. The game will keep reminding you can get more scenes if you just pay them though.
    - The animations are pretty bad. I've mentioned there is just one and its extremely low quality. Like something from the 2000s era of flash games.
    - This has got to be the worse version of renpy in F95zone history. The game bootsup with some loud & crappy royalty-free song, lots of transitions/intros that cant be skipped, some of the UI is still in Portuguese, pressing F1 (which quickly toggles the menu in a normal renpy game) will crash the game, you can't quit the game so you must alt-f4, you can't select a file to load from the main menu so you have to click continue which will randomly load a savefile (not the latest one btw) and only then you can right click and select which file to load, you can't go the main menu once you're ingame for some reason as clicking 'Start menu' will just restart the entire game, quick save/quick load is completely removed, pressing 'A' key (accessibility feature to change font size & line spacing) fucks your screen and you'll have to alt-f4, and just pressing the 'S' key will crash the game and you don't even have a chance to rollback or ignore like in a usual renpy game, they even removed the renpy features that protects you from crashes lol. Feels like everything in this game is just soo halfassedly thrown together to make a quick buck from the PC community.