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RPGM - Completed - Celestia the Princess of Fellati [v2.22] [dHR-ken]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game was honestly a lot more fun than I was anticipating going in, but like another reviewer stated, much of it feels underutilized. The game has 3 distinct arcs to the story, and each arc plays out a little differently than the other 2. This keeps the game play feeling fresh as you play along, needing slightly different play styles to keep going. An upside of this is that each segment doesn't last for too long, keeping you from getting stuck in a rut, but the downside is that... well... each segment (and the game as a whole) is rather short.

    I was a big fan of the artwork, with it remaining consistent in quality throughout the game, but the actual H-scenes themselves were a bit of a let down as the machine translation really shows itself with how almost every single pronoun was wrong...

    The story, though, was pretty good, actually getting me invested in the main character and wanting to finish the game to see what happens. It's nice that new game plus is actually a little different from the base game, in the sense that the story changes a bit (on account of Celestia timetraveling back to the start of the game but loosing most of her future memories, probably to cut down on needing to do much rewriting).

    Lastly, the lewd elements of the game play. These might be the game's strongest point, with lots of variations and mini-games keeping things interesting. The pregnancy system is fully fleshed out and a big plus for anyone who is into that sort of thing.

    So, ya. 4 stars. It's good but not great.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    After seeing 5 stars and 1 star reviews, you're probably wondering - what the f...?

    Well go no further, i'll explain it more clearly. This game feels like it has deep systems and looks as if it's actually a high quality game, but the scenes are all over the place and it's not. One there, another one is mile away, one with tentacle, one with bestiality, very few of them are in the town, some are animated and some aren't, and sound design doesn't fit even a little bit. Some scenes are activated at defeat, some through skills, some through events, some in battles, there is also a title system, similar to Karryn's Prison. It's a mess, and it feels like the author thought to make it much bigger and have much more content, but didn't finish anything. It has skill system, which in the end is just underused, title system that's underused, prostitution combat which, you guessed it, is underused, rooms may as well be randomly generated, and so on.

    Why 4 stars, then, if it's such a mess? Well you wouldn't believe, but the story is actually rather fun to follow through, and the antagonist both looks cool, and talks cool. Some character deaths even made me wish they didn't die and made me feel a bit sad for them. Also, it might feel unfinished, but it definitely doesn't waste your time. Level ups are quick, points are excessive, you get immunity to damaging floors very fast, random encounters are avoidable. Bosses are fair. The game is very short, you can finish it in about 1 hour if you skip talking and just go straight to the point, or you can spend about 3-4 hours searching for all the content.

    In the end, i was left a bit unsatisfied, the game felt weird, and i wasn't even able to fap to it because of how weirdly it was designed. I thought of all the systems the game has, i thought that i missed a lot, but i actually didn't, because my gallery was almost complete. Why is there a bath, when you have no reason to go there. Why is there an inn, when you have insta-heal crystals and like 99 potions almost at the beginning? And after killing the antagonist it's just it, and the game skips to the ending. And why the story is written so well?

    Play only if you are not necessarily expecting to fap. You'll be disappointed if that's the only thing you're after.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    i saw the 5 stars and thought it was at least mid, it is not. its below that.

    the game have about 30 h-scenes but only about 8 drawings, sometimes its " animated " but many times not

    at some point the game almost go from a 3/10 to a 6/10, but remain underwhelming, hard pass
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    You know, sometimes you have games that are great because they try something brand new, but here is a game that I think aims at the opposite end and instead shows strength in mastery over the basics.

    This game is very simple RPGmaker stuff, so simple that it is skilled enough to flip the gameplay on it's head in interesting ways. It never stops being an obvious RPGmaker game, but it does interesting things with the mechanics that are already there.

    Also, a bonus, but almost every single scene is animated. Good stuff!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    As far as HRPGs go, this game doesn't do anything spectacular but it does iterate on the tried-and-true formula exceptionally well. You've got a standard combat system and defeat H scenes that have become standard since a long time. There are also event H scenes that you can find once you explore town periodically. What makes this game quite exceptional is the quality of the artwork and animations, and while there aren't a ton the devs went with a quality over quantity approach and I think it ultimately pays off.

    The gameplay loop is very condensed, so you're not wasting your time wandering around places looking for the next thing to do. The entirety of the game takes place in just a few locations, with the town hub being the primary place where you make preparations before going off on dungeon crawls. Combat is very straightforward, and at least on Normal difficulty you can just spam the basic attack to get through most enemy encounters while using your skills and abilities for select encounters and boss fights.

    There's a rudimentary skill system, where as you level and explore you gain skill points to learn new abilities from the skill tree. You initially start with 1 option to invest points into, but as you progress through the story you gain more branches to put skills into. Each branch has linear progression so you're pretty much encouraged to just max each branch as you go. You could technically hoard points until newer options are available, but the game heavily encourages you to just put all your points into the options you currently have.

    Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the game is how each portion of the game offers new gameplay twists. The game starts as a standard RPG, then you have a segment where the main character essentially acts as support and the penultimate act even features a battle fuck segment. Each arc gives a fresh new take on the formula, and will keep you on your toes.

    Upon beating the game, you get the option to fully unlock the gallery as well as start a new game+ run. It only takes a couple of hours to beat the game, and a few more if you want to see the minor story changes that NG+ has. And if you're too lazy or impatient to discover all the H scenes for yourself, then you're always free to throw the switch after you beat the game. A virgin playthrough is definitely possible, but although some NPCs will caution you that tossing it away will make the game easier by farming demon eggs for some new items, the game isn't so difficult as to warrant farming eggs and not worth the tedium in my opinion. Just play the game how you want, cherish the romp, and enjoy your time.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Wake

    This game takes place in the same universe as dHR-Ken's previous game, Knight Ellen and the Town of Sodom. It therefore has many similarities to that game: dungeon exploration, mid-game capture event and a slot-based pregnancy system. Personally, I am not fond of that latter piece, but I cannot deny that this game is well made.
    The animations are good, the story is quite decent, there is 'rewards' for picking the wrong options sometimes and in general the addition of an 'Easy' mode for gameplay allows you to play either for the game- or for the lewds. It is not as long as the previous game, but still very enjoyable.