VN - Ren'Py - Champions of Liberty Institute of Training [v0.83] [yahotzp]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.82
    TL;DR The game has a good concept, but ultimately it's hampered by several things.

    - The models look good, and the visuals overall are decent
    - There's some creativity in the adaptation of powers into the world, having some fun with them
    - The choices matter enough to warrant re-runs

    - Every character is basically the same. There is very little distinguishing them besides the superficial or one-line backstory
    - The sex scenes, while generally plentiful, are ultimately very similar to each other. Once you've seen 5, you get the impression you've seen 95% of how the sex scenes will go. There is very little variety, and there are even occasions where when there COULD be variety, the dev chooses not to include them.
    - There is a character (Imani) who is basically just designed to have sex with your girlfriend (if you choose)? It'd be good to be able to actually spend time with her first
    - The combination of free-roam and linear storytelling means often you won't have the appropriate stats required to see everything, but you couldn't possibly know what is required for the future beforehand, requiring going back multiple saves
    - The story itself is...kinda boring. Typical "you are the golden one, the world hinges on you" rubbish. General high school antics, which doesn't help with the very generic characters too.
    - The world-building is just as boring. I've found that most of the time, female-only worlds are generally pretty poorly written. This is because the world-building is inherently silly. It also means all you're seeing is women, which lessens the actual impact of actually seeing a hot woman when EVERYONE is just a hot woman. I have seen VERY FEW games pull the all-female world-building off, and this game doesn't come close.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I like Lesbian VN's but this isn't one of them. The idea was good, but there just isn't any plot it's just a bunch of missions strung together while you work to accumulate skill points and relationship points from the other girls. When you get enough points the other girls will have sex, which is done from POV and didn't seem very imaginative. About half way through I just lost interest.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is actually excellent.
    The concept of superheroine school is amazing.
    There are many characters, all interesting.
    Renders are top notch, you can get to this observing how detailed characters are, with piercings, earings, each character with her own style. Also, you can see it on body types, every character has a different, some are small and slim, others are muscular, every character has a detailed body type, instead of all being "samey" as it often occurs in other games.
    With what I have said was enough to give it 5/5, but it is worth mentioned that I also love the gameplay loop in this game, and it feels like it is re-playable enough, trying different builds at different events of the game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    CLIT is a fun superhero story styled as a lesbian dating sim, but there are a few mechanics that get in its way.

    First, although I normally think most sandbox games on this site would be better on a renpy engine, this is one game where renpy feels like a clunky choice. In a dating sim, I want the full sandbox experience of choosing when and whom I date, but CLIT's renpy engine (and shortage of sandbox events) puts everything on rails in a frustrating way. There were so many times where I was pursuing a character with intention and yet still missed key events or hot scenes with them, just because the event triggers at on a certain day and I didn't have the points required to unlock it.

    That brings me to the next frustrating thing: the points. I love that this game has layers of complexity, with affection, lust, corruption, and respect (as well as like 8 personal stats). However, it is a clusterfuck to keep track of your points, in addition to feeling not very rewarding even when you do have enough points to unlock a scene with someone.

    I wish there were a UI element that showed each character's points whenever they were on screen. It would also be incredibly helpful if dialogue choices listed exactly what was required for them when they were presented. Like, if I know I'm just 1 respect or 1 affection away from unlocking a choice, maybe I can roll back to 2 saves ago and choose something differently, instead of just moving on and feeling defeated.

    In summary, although it has a fun story and some cool mechanics, a player is all but forced to read a walkthrough while playing CLIT and to stick to very strict choices if they want to hit certain events with their desired love interests. For me, at least, that's a very frustrating way to play a game and an anti-pattern in a dating sim.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    An interesting game.The truth is sad that there are many characteristics that need to be improved and there is little time for this.Only 1 characteristic per day can be improved and it is unclear which of them will be needed on missions.And for the rest, I'm waiting for the continuation.And good luck to the developer in this game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games i've seen on this site. High quality of renders, awesome character desgin, alot of sexual content with different girls.
    Only one thing is sometimes sex scenes kinda short and going all by same scenario: short oral, short fingering, etc, i was expecting more variety from game with so many girls with superpowers.

    But still, CLIT is awesome, looking forward for new updates and hope for more content with Candice and Taylor.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly better than expected.

    The cons: It's a bit sandboxy but without actually being sandbox and giving you the headache of what to select and when, which honestly I do really like. But stats etc were still a headache and there still was a lot of repetition in scenes. The amount of squirting was way too much. Believe it or not you don't actually need to show squirting everytime to display that lesbians were indeed satisfied after sex. And this one is just a personal preference but I do prefer getting all the content in one playthrough rather than replaying to see different paths. Some people enjoy that replayability aspect. I personally don't. Also wish there was a walkthrough document or something as there isn't one incorporated in the Android port.

    The pros: With all that said I'm pretty intrigued by the story. The whole different year and planet thing, the Hemingway thing, all that jazz about powers is pretty fun. Also there wasn't a single hero mission I didn't enjoy. I loved them all. The hero costumes are pretty great (except, well, the MCs.) The powers are well done. Overall the game really has strong potential depending on the direction it takes and how it handles some things in the future.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved this game, I found it very fun, the renders are quite good, and the characters are diverse and largely respect their personality. The teachers are sexy and parody great superheroes, but not blatantly, if not making references to them, an example of this is the appearance of the billionaire doctor who despite not having superpowers is intelligent, which always has one or two backup plans (Batman is that you?).
    The reformed supervillain, is the sexiest character in the game, the phrase "her body is made for sin is just perfect"
    The branching of the paths is interesting, that your choices matter with respect to who you are going to get involved with, if you are going to be a Hero who follows a very high standard of justice, or if you are going to have a more open profile when it comes to sexuality.
    I haven't finished all the content currently, when I do I will edit the review in more detail.

    low points:
    Was the stripper catsuit necessary?
    What I can complain about is the uncomfortable animations of the characters when they are on screen, the first few minutes were uncomfortable to watch, although over time you will get used to it.
    How confusing the actions of the protagonist's girlfriend can be, it seems that she has a great dependency on the mc, but at the beginning they made us see that she was good at everything.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say? this game is a masterpiece. If there were academy awards for adult VNs, it would easily win the prize for the best lesbian game!
    Sure, you can keep complaining about there's only lesbian sex, but it's the raison d'etre of this game. It wouldn't exist otherwise. So if you don't like lesbians, well it's plenty of games out there, nobody force you to play this one. :)

    It's probably one of my favorite VNs. Fast and with lot of sex (and I mean lot and lot and lot of hot wet lesbian sex) I simply love it.
    You play POV only. I was doubtful at first, but it's a killer feature. It really improves your gaming experience.
    There are some issues in some of the close up sex scenes, but the overall CGI quality is terrific.
    yahotzp improved so much since the first game: VULVA, I bet there's only room for further improvement.
    I really like the game design. I'm not an expert, but I could describe it as such sort of semi-sandbox branching story system
    The story is above average: enjoyable, exciting and with a couple of nice plot twists.
    Some people complained about broken English. I didn't notice that, but I'm not a native speaker, so maybe I miss some mistakes.

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    If I have to find something I dislike, it's probably the stat system. I like the RPG gameplay, but the stat system is a bit cumbersome and not easy to understand at first. it would be probably work the same way, if not better with less stats.

    - POV gameplay helps to improve the gaming experience
    - very good semi-sandbox branching story game design
    - Story above average
    - Above average/good CGI
    -Fast game with tons of lesbian sex

    -Broken english?? (I didn't notice that though)
    -Stat system is a bit cumbersome
    -some texture issues in close up sex scenes.

    I really love this game. It has a lot of potential. It's a pity it's so much underrated. Best lesbian game ever for me. I hope it will gain the attention it truly deserves.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    My main criticism comes from the writing and grammar as it all sounds robotic, stilted, clunky, and unnatural. None of the characters sound unique to reflect their personalities and there is too much overreliance on honorifics for character names. Hell, why do you think I've made a Word document dedicated to fixing the dialogue.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good written game. With much humor! I love it! Nice renders. i would be happy if the pictures could offer a slightly different perspective. Currently they are from the first person perspective, but it would be nicer from the third person perspective.

    You can find some characters of hid other game. I cant wait till the next update!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very unique. Nice render, good writing, lively characters. Superpowers make everything sexier.

    The story has a lot of love and I do appreciate lesbian-love as a man. One of my dreams is to become the protagonist. She's young, has rich and famous parents, has superpower, and a faithful girlfriend! I envy her life haha.

    Overall the game is much better than many other adult games. Refreshing to see a real lesbian masterpiece! 4 stars and an extra star for Asian appreciation.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Champions of Liberty: Institute of Training(CLIT) has a good story, not great but definetly good. With some interersting characters. Heroes and Villains are interesting, but more importantly great to look at.

    Graphically, its quite good. Some of the posing and expression could use some work, but the renders are high quality and enjoyable.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.6 review.

    TL;DR version - A surprisingly good title worth checking out for both the visual appeal and the story.


    The characters in the game are fairly nicely rendered. Not quite as high res as some other titles, but a far cry better than most. While not all of the potential LIs are to my taste, the Developer makes sure that the player will be spoiled for choice.

    The body types of the different characters range all the way from waifish to muscle bound, so there is probably something that will appeal to almost everyone.

    The UI could be improved a little with how your powers can be used to interact with the world around you, but that's really a nitpick item all things considered.


    I'll be honest, with the title of the game and the premise I was expecting something that was considerably less developed. Instead what I found was a game which had an interesting premise and a number of surprisingly well fleshed out characters.

    It was a source of no small amusement that some of the plot elements (How are there only females? How does reproduction work?) that people were complaining about in the comments actually got their own little scene where they were elaborated on in a manner which actually felt natural to the events in the game.

    Without going into spoiler territory, there are enough little twists and turns that I am excited to see what comes of it. Some of those twists and turns, such as certain fidelity path attempts, were a little less well done than others.

    There needs to be a better guide though. Even with the walkthrough, it's can be confusing to keep everyone and everything straight. The number of times I had to stop to check bios to refresh myself on who was who when doing different choices was a bit frustrating.

    Still, it's a game in development and the updates actually come with surprising regularity. The game is fun and even without being finished is worth a few different playthroughs. I'll be eagerly awaiting the next update since I have at least a couple questions I'd like answers to.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    this game has hot renders,, an interesting story, a lot of humor, and is definitely worth your time. I don't usually like games that are exclusively lesbian, but this game is an exception. Five stars
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    In summary the purpose of this VN would be to be a Boku No Hero porn of life, I found the protagonist's appearance bad, besides having super powers "kind of shit"... Besides having bad graphics, honestly I wasted a lot of time with it and I wouldn't do it again.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Female protag * Superhero* lack of emergency flotation devices (stupidly big boobs)* good renders* Mostly unique story* 5 stars. Looking forward to more updates.

    uh... crap I seemingly need more words in this review to be able to post it? who knew.. lets see if this is enough!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great, lots of replay value pursuing other character routes and posibilities, all characters have a grounded feeling even if it's a bit of a sex-crazed world, and you get atached to them. Im all about this kinds of world building without men, and full of lesbian romance, as soon as next update hits public im probably joining the patreon, for a couple of months, since i have some money for it, Im looking forward to this game.

    About the game design, is really clever, it has a good way of developing events and progress relationships. Plus thanks to the way decisions stack up but dont feel mandatory to have a full experience, It feels free enough to explore and make up youre own story, and have fun with it.

    The models are varied, original and great. its clear it is made by someone who apreciates the many ways of beauty there is in diversity.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great as a rapid dispenser of fap content. Only women exist in this setting, so it's all lesbian content. There is considerable variety in the sex scenes, and the variety in the girls is also appreciable. Really looking forward to what they provide next.

    I generally use a 'slower' / story based game as a base, and use good, faster paced ones like this to keep up the rhythm. So while not my favourite on this site, this game has been great.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome.. I like all the characters and the way they look.. They all have good histories to explore.. Mei, Tonya, Imani and Sara are my favorites and I have good expectation for they future.