Wow! Finally a game I can fully stand behind. We need to save Mother Earth, urgently! Sitting around, being an annoying brat, only serves to make others want to bitch-slap you and will change nothing for the better. And here I get to use a superpower that makes sense in this day and age. Fucking for world peace is so yesterday, boomers did it - didn't work. Fornicating for greener pastures of tomorrow is the hot shit, and rightfully so!
I'd like to propose a new tag for games like this: 'environmental-friendly' - Mods! Do your job, help players save this planet.
Also, 'teach I'd like to fuck' was always a favourite of mine. Leading brilliant young minds which, I am sure, have lots of potential and plenty of career options ahead of them, on to right ways - that is my calling. Nothing sweeter than to be the good-hearted, well-meaning, supportive instructor who goes to great lengths in order to mould their characters. Granting the ladies proper education, offering access to new and enticing perspectives, letting them imagine a brighter future that awaits... It's all about PoV after all.
Preferably in front of me, face down-arse up o.c., when I bugger them while they transcend onto shambhala plane, getting their living shits pounded out. By sucking my carbonator-converter clean (100% organic may I say) they can contemplate life choices opening up to them like their rears did. How holesome is that, I ask (and so important - given the fact youngsters today got no direction, no goals, nobody seems to care for their well-being)?
...Don't tag me, or quote me, or dm me - I have to save the world. Hope I don't need to fart, tho.