Others Character Creator 3 CC3+ character with genitals (Female) version 0.2


New Member
Mar 21, 2023
Hi... I'm totally new to this site and just came across this thread after an exhaustive search. I realize this is a few years old but was wondering if any of this is still available (morphs for female genitalia and the male genitalia). All of the Youtube and Dropbox links are dead and while I do have the anatomically correct female from the OP (thank you very much for that!), I would love to give her some options and a male playmate. Still using CC3 until I get rich...

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Jun 2, 2022
Привет... Я совершенно новичок на этом сайте и только что наткнулся на эту тему после тщательного поиска. Я понимаю, что этому несколько лет, но мне было интересно, доступно ли что-нибудь из этого до сих пор (морфология женских гениталий и мужских гениталий). Все ссылки на Youtube и Dropbox мертвы, и хотя у меня есть анатомически правильная женщина из операционной (большое вам за это спасибо!), Я бы с удовольствием предоставил ей несколько вариантов и партнера-мужчину для игр. Все еще использую CC3, пока не разбогатею...

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New Member
Mar 21, 2023
Thanks... I couldn't read your post as it appears to be in Russian (I'm in Canada) but I did follow the link. I'm still using CC3 and iClone 7... I can't upgrade because I don't think iClone 8 supports the Kinekt Mocap.


New Member
Apr 4, 2018
Thanks... I couldn't read your post as it appears to be in Russian (I'm in Canada) but I did follow the link. I'm still using CC3 and iClone 7... I can't upgrade because I don't think iClone 8 supports the Kinekt Mocap.
It Does, I've tested it out a bit ago.


New Member
Jul 17, 2022
so, i found these

but find it odd that there's no videos or preview showing these assets at play. Anyone actually have these and know if these work properly?
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New Member
Mar 29, 2021
so, i found these

but find it odd that there's no videos or preview showing these assets at play. Anyone actually have these and know if these work properly?
Ohh I would love to know how to do these…

Lord Xtheth

New Member
Oct 11, 2021
I've imported a model with it on but can't find/import the sliders
NVM just drop the custom sliders into (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Reallusion Custom\Actor\Avatar Control)
I might be very late to this party, but would you mind sharing the end result of these files with me please?
... for science?


New Member
Apr 4, 2018
I was hoping to get the CC file lol. But it does look good. I tried to make my own copy. I'm still new to things. The attatchment doesn't skin to the body at all for me. I have no idea how to change things.
Oh lol. Here you go.( ) Also make sure you put the sliders in this folder (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Reallusion Custom\Actor\Avatar Control)
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Lord Xtheth

New Member
Oct 11, 2021
My folders weren't there, it took me a minute to find them. Awesome work. Hopefully one day I'll figure out how to import the thing on my own lol. When I try the gens appear off of the body, won't attatch no matter how hard I try, and refuse to work with me.


New Member
Apr 4, 2018
My folders weren't there, it took me a minute to find them. Awesome work. Hopefully one day I'll figure out how to import the thing on my own lol. When I try the gens appear off of the body, won't attatch no matter how hard I try, and refuse to work with me.
Yea CC4 sucks with that. I've been trying to learn enough of Daz, So I can port them to blender for that reason. Are you trying to animate or make pinups? If you don't mind me asking. Because blender might be your best bet with animation and daz for pinups

Lord Xtheth

New Member
Oct 11, 2021
Yea CC4 sucks with that. I've been trying to learn enough of Daz, So I can port them to blender for that reason. Are you trying to animate or make pinups? If you don't mind me asking. Because blender might be your best bet with animation and daz for pinups
Blender is a thing I've never been fully able to learn. It has been getting easier though. I might give animating in blender another shot sooner or later. I'm trying to get together enough material for a VN I have been stirring on the back burner for a couple years.
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New Member
Apr 4, 2018
Blender is a thing I've never been fully able to learn. It has been getting easier though. I might give animating in blender another shot sooner or later. I'm trying to get together enough material for a VN I have been stirring on the back burner for a couple years.
This helped me out and this too . Also use for models. Oh, and what's VN?
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New Member
Apr 4, 2018
Any new way for genitals in CC4? or an updated slider file to make it better.
Nope they hate NSFW content.

Better off exporting it to blender to add genitals



New Member
Jun 30, 2023
La exportación de Daz al creador de personajes no admite genitales porque se manipuló la malla.
lo mismo pasa con algunas prendas


Jul 20, 2022
I think this is a thread that we really need to band together, and hire out a Zbrush artist to make something great with blend shapes. Have used the initial morphs and those are really pretty solid, but now there is CC4 and ICLONE 8 which in some ways are game changers. Ability to create adult games correctly using the reallusion products would be amazing. Anyone know a great Z Brush artist?


New Member
Apr 4, 2018
La exportación de Daz al creador de personajes no admite genitales porque se manipuló la malla.
lo mismo pasa con algunas prendas
Hmm, nunca probé la importación, pero tú también deberías poder hacerlo. pero aqui hay un tutorial Google translate
(Hmm never tried the import but you should be able too. But here's a tutorial)