[I wanted to write something short but then this huge ass post happened, sorry in advance xD]
A "BigBrothery" (well implemented) kind of game would be awesome, but it wouldn't work with 13 characters. At least not in "Monthlyish update" Patreon Style. That would mean that each update gets exponentially bigger as you have to cover more and more scenarios (depending on the order in which players get out of the show).
The other option is a game with a less defined story in which most interactions are kind self contained. But it is clear that the dev has a big complex story already in mind. Sure he's adding some choices here and there so people feel better, but at the end what you get is what happened with chapter 3.
It's a shame, all the same I am intrigued and I will keep playing. The story got me even if there are almost no choices and the sexy scenes are very few.
Now... what I originally came to write: