Unity - Completed - Childhood Friend Fun [Final] [Fire Fenix Fox]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice little interactive touching game. We have cute sleeping girl and we need to undress her and make her cum without waking her. Every time she cums she gets more turned on and will react better to our caressing making playing with her safer and easier. At some point we can even wake her up and she will be open to any touching without getting angry anymore.

    Game is very short and minimalistic when it comes to graphics, animations, sound and possible actions. But still it's enough to have some fun.

    Also there is some censorship - her pussy lips are blurred.

    TIP: If game is too hard you just need to drastically lower mouse sensitivity in settings. At first stage your movements must be very subtle since she can wake in seconds.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It's not nearly as hard as other reviews would have you believe, I beat it in about ten minutes. Each action you can take has several 'stages' from start to finish. The faster you move between these stages, the faster the girl wakes up. Just be patient and you'll be fine.

    Yeah, if you stick your dick inside her right away, she's gonna wake up immediately. Grinding on her instead raises her wakefulness much slower, and actually made it possible for her to cum without waking up. Each orgasm makes it easier to do things without waking her up, and by the third grinding orgasm I fucked up and woke her up, but it didn't matter cause apparently that's enough for her to want it. When she wakes up and doesn't yell at you, the game is essentially in free mode. Auto mode on its lowest setting is useful for avoiding tedium after the first orgasm as long as you're careful with it. Before that, it's a death sentence.

    No, the problem is I beat it in about ten minutes; there's not much to do. Kiss her, play with her breasts and nipples, grind, finger, lick, fuck, and you can push her legs up too. Once she's awake, the game is basically over. There's no ending aside from a game over, as far as I can tell.

    BTW you can zoom in and out with a two finger drag or scroll wheel, that's how you lick her. Didn't find that out until I was done, so you don't need it.

    BTWBTW, she takes matters into her own hands and starts masturbating if you leave her alone for long enough once she's awake, which I thought was pretty funny.

    3 stars because what's there is great, there just isn't much to do.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is good. I was pleasantly surprised playing this. It's a slow burn and can be frustrating at the start but I think the pay off is worth it.

    I'd like to see an ending of some kind. Once the girl wakes up and isn't angry you can go endlessly.

    There are improvements to be made, of course. Coloured, multiple positions. But the girl is cute and the action is good. Would recommend
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a fairly standard staple of its genre with excellent artwork. Careful, slow movements and a bit of patience will slowly reveal more and more options which get progressively more interesting. Move too fast though, and you have to start over.

    I understand how many others find this gameplay loop to be frustrating, but I had no trouble getting through everything on my second try (once I got an idea of the sensitivity). Then again, I am a veteran of the old flash games where things were much more sensitive. Realistically, just pay attention to the bars and how they move and you can successfully wake her in under 10 minutes.

    For the record
    1. The artwork and audio here are excellent
    2. The touch simulation is contextual, but well executed
    3. The reactions your efforts produce are horrifying at times, but the whole look quite good.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    It's worth a solid fap or two but make sure you use the cheat mod on page 2. This game is downright painful to go through without it.
    Art is good, sound is good, scenario is hot and the girl has some great expressions. Super short and super hot, just mechanically inconvenient.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    definitely a 3~4 for a simple sleep/ touch game..

    There are no upgrades/day 2, so "day 1" would seem long. also does take a few try on do's/ and don'ts for exploration.

    the game opens little by little after each climax, (as she sleeps deeper.)
    also you cant wake her up on/ after the first few climax.

    make sure she is at zero awakeness if you want try anything new, or you risk to lose everything. AUTO is not for early on..
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Well, it's this guy again

    Just like Drowsy Girl, this is a night-crawling game with dogshit mechanics that simply refuse to be engaging, or genuinely work at all.

    Likewise, the art is pretty decent

    I hope the dev can take some criticism to make a more original game, or at the very least, fix all the crap he's copying. This is forgettable
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This isn't a game. Games are fun. This isn't even difficult it's just fucking tedious. Having to get her off once is a pain, having to do it THREE times to get to any actual enjoyable content is insane.

    Don't waste your time.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I should love this. Sleep creep a questionable age girl? Yes.

    Do I love this? Hell no.

    So, it isn't a game to find out how to get her excited.
    It isn't a game to get away with rape.
    It instead is a linear game where you have to do 1/10 a movement, then wait about 5 seconds, then do it again.

    Oh if you fuck up you start from the beginning.
    If you right click (automation) you instantly lose.

    It failed to keep me interested. It failed to excite after one fail.
    The linear nature of it made it mind numbingly boring.

    Luckily it's less than 100mb, so trying it is simple.
    Do I recommend trying it though?
    Nah. It says completed, so it won't be getting more interesting.

    With the mod found on page two of comments, I was able to complete the game in a reasonable amount of time and got a reasonable amount of enjoyment. It was still linear and had little to it, so the stars won't go up for it unfortunately. If I were to raise the stars, it would be for the art and sound. The gameplay was not good.