Here's a walkthrough of the full game if you're somehow sadistic enough to play this game "legitimately" and to completion. Levels are divied up by significant elements rather than what the menu may say.
First Hint - Shortcuts
S allows you to skip some cutscenes. Not all of them, but it saves time, especially for the opening cinematic and the loooong cutscene after the break-em-all segment.
R restarts the level. If you're softlocked or locked in a long death cutscene you've wanked to a dozen times already, here you go.
F2 lets you restart the game. You can continue after any major checkpoint with the top option on the menu.
P for pause.
1 - Break 'Em All
This first level is mainly luck. You're the robot on the top that has to hit the balls on the barrels below. The ball's physics are... wierd. Sometimes it follows you, sometimes not. But generally, I've been able to beat both halves of this segment without much fuss. Enemies will spawn after all the barrels go away. They'll shoot at you and drain your health ("shield" in this instance), but it's a non-issue if you've kept the ball in field long enough to break all the barrels and kept your shield healthy. The ball will oddly enough cooperate and help you kill these enemies.
2 - Break 'Em All, But With A Girl
Similar concept, except you're throwing a girl up into barrels. If she falls below you, a video will play and she'll be flung back up. However, you can only affod this a couple of times (or maybe once). More importantly, her physics are much worse. She won't bounce as responsively as the ball. Instead, you have to squish her into a corner for her to shoot up and have momentum. If you're familiar with GMod physics, it's similar to collision bugging and launching.
3 - Break 'Em All, But With A Gun
Here's our first boss: the purple ball. We WILL see this later. At interval, it will shoot itself into the girl and cause damage. However, we shortly after get a gun. Use Z to fire it at the ball. The catch? We can't hit the girl. She won't fall below you, so there's no risk of that, but the ball has a particular habit of hovering RIGHT ABOVE HER. Move to the far sides and the girl will move slowly towards you, giving you the opening to shoot the ball. You will generally have enough life to eek out a win.
4 - Break 'Em All, But With More Guns
The girl's now gone. Good. But now we have more enemies to deal with. You get to learn quickly that guns suck in this game. The first wave shoots out these very fast, hard-locking, near-invisible bullets that hurt a lot. The second wave is more merciful, with big guys that drop slow, parachuting bombs that do less damage than the bullets. Kill 'em.
5 - The Big Fuck
The third wave and final endevor of this Break 'Em All bit is the second boss: the Big Fuck. He'll shoot volleys of bullets like before, but also fire missiles that are extremely small, hard to hit, and ALWAYS home in on you. Yes, they can and will turn 90 degrees and hit you if you don't hit them first. The bullets, surprise, are the actual threat in this fight. The missiles do only chip damage. Sweep side to side to only get hit once or twice, keep spamming Z to hit the missles and the Big Fuck, and you might win.
Second Hint - Inconsistent Buttons
Certain segments have different keybinds compared to other segments. Z and X are the only buttons you use, but you might find what they do gets switched around.
6 - Wait, This isn't a Break 'Em Up?!
Nope. From now on, we get to play as the girl. Her swimming is... buggy. Her collision is wierd, and you can see so with how jittery the spotlight is on her head. Expect to get stuck against walls and corners all the time. Spamming all the movement keys will... eventually free her... maybe. Swim down till you come across a concrete bunker and an outlet. WHEN YOU HEAR WHIRRING, a drone is coming. Use Z or X to hide against the wall and HOLD IT. Keep holding it... keep holding... Yes, even when the cutscene is playing, you keep holding it. Once the drone is offscreen, swim down to the bottom left.
7 - Many Pipes
You have 60 seconds to hit four switches hidden in four pipes to open an exit. From left to right; 1, 2, 5, and 8 are the correct ones. The exit will reveal itself with bubbles coming out of the sixth pipe and a green bar below. The rest are electic/explosive traps and #3 is an instant-kill tentacle trap.
8 - Green Slime Combat
Here's the first of many rooms where you have to fight X number of enemies before the exit opens on the far right. How do you fight them? ...I have no fucking clue. I'm pretty sure it is random. You swim into each enemy and you either kill them, or they knock out some of your health. This will also be the first time when oxygen preservation comes into focus. Each encounter depletes some of said oxygen, so win or lose, you have to give up some air. Pipes on the floor will refill your oxygen and your life (full for O2, and some of life), but only once per pipe. You have five pipes, so space out your encouters appropriately.
Third Tip - Combat Quirks
Enemies spawn in some interesting ways. Going to the left will get some to spawn on the right off-screen. Attacking enough times in a row will cause a large cluster of enemies to spawn in. This can become a problem if where they spawn is directly above a pipe you desperately need. I recommend camping over a pipe and attacking to the right until you need air. After topping yourself up, move to the next pipe.
Fourth Tip - Collision Quirks
At some parts in the combat halls, the environment loses all collision. You can swim behind rocks, plants, metal, everything with no consequences. It certainly beats getting stuck because you swam awkwardly.
9 - Bombing Run
This level... Remember the super-missiles in the Break 'Em Up section? Now we have a whole horde of enemies that shoot them. The missiles fizzle out after some time, but their absurd homing remains the same, they can actually hurt you now, and they IGNORE map geometry. The exit is a hatch in the middle of this chamber that you have to blow open. Go to the far left over the missile-shooting enemies to pick up bombs. Use Z to drop bombs over the hatch. Enemies will always spawn, so don't bother trying to kill them all. You can also get a refill on your air through the door you JUST came from, which you will need to do twice as the hatch is very sturdy and your bombs will blow up on anything, including the enemies and the missiles.
10 - Grid with Barrels
In this room, barrels rise from the floor. If you hit one too many times, you die. I think you're supposed to go through a sequence of specifc numbers to reach the exit... but you can very easily just brute-force through this. Go down at 1, right at 11, down at 13, and right at 16.
11 - The Fight Room
Welcome to the Fight Room. Fuck the Fight Room. We will see the Fight Room a couple more times. Here, you're supposed to fight the Big Fuck again with bombs, BUT WHY BOTHER?! Go to the far left quickly, swim down the wall, and clip into the roof of the door the Big Fuck goes through. The trigger to move onto the next level is on at all times here.
12 - Bug Combat
Same shtick as fighting the slimes, but now with bugs. Also, some of the pipes are actually traps. Pipes 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9 are all traps. You still have 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10. If your game bugs out saying you've killed enough enemies even though you just started, then the exit's open. You can be hit with traps and get air all you like.
13 - The Rematch
Now the girl can get her revenge on the purple ball in the second Fight Room. The clipping exploit won't work, as the genius idea of placing blocks over the exit was considered. This boss is not too hard, actually... if you exploit it. Like before, the ball will charge at the girl on interval. However, it can fall into the corners, where there's a perfectly convenient pair of walls down there for it to run into and remain trapped in the corner if you slip down in time. Grab bombs that slowly spawn in the middle, wait for the ball to do its charge, then do a quick bombing run and hide behind the low wall.
14 - Trap Room
Another exploration room, but with crushers and spikes. You have to hide along the wall just as the trap springs. Fortunately, the time window between you entering the trigger zone of the trap and when the trap actually goes off is forgiving. The moment you hold Z, you've invincible However, you have to wait for the trap to fully finish its animation to unhide or else you die. It's balanced that way. The path if fairly linear. Right, down, left, down at 5, then right.
15 - Invisible Combat
Oh, THIS hallway. So, the enemies are invisible and you can't kill them. What do? Go ahead to Pipe 2 and electrocute yourself to reveal them. Same affair as other combat halls. Go back to the first pipe, rack some kills, get some air, and proceed. You only have Pipes 1 and 3 for air, so be careful.
16 - Hypno Fish with Jazzy Theme
Aw shit, it's the Hypno Fish. This one is actually what I would call an "acceptable" boss. It will shoot singular missiles at you to which you have to decend into the sand pit to avoid. The missiles automatically blow up at a certain y-coordinate. From the front, it will shoot hypnotic beams, but you rarely have to worry. Wait for the missle to die, swim up below it, let the girl kick it, then retreat down for the next missile.
17 - Uh... Where Do I Go?
Follow the numbers, really. It's not BSing you. Go down from one, stay to the right to avoid 8's kill zone to get to 2, go up to 3, right to 4, right to 5, then down to 6. You will be attacked twice, but you can skip through the second cutscenes per attack.
18 - A Prelude of Terror
The calm before the storm... except not calm at all. Similar to Part 6, use X to hide on the wall and let an offscreen turret blow up three outlets. STAY NEAR THE RIGHT whilst triggering the turret. Once all three are gone, flee to the concrete barrier and press right to hide behind it. DON'T HOLD IT, or you'll die. Three barrels will come in from the left, so stay until the turret blows them all up. Then, swim down into the bottom left corner. You will likely die a lot here.
Here's the second worst boss fight out of all of 'em. We fight the turret now. Well, we fight the turret AND the outlets all over the room. They are not just cover, but objectives. And yes, you do have to destroy ALL of them. Your bombs do very little damage. You can't cheese this one either, as the trigger is not loaded for this one and guns goddamn suck. The way to win is actually quite novel. Go to the rock cover high above the turret. Take out the column of outlets that will block you and do quick bombing runs over the turret after each volley. Avoid the slant above the door so they'll hit the turret. Once the turret's crackling blue, work together with the turret to get rid of most of the outlets. You have air refills in the bottom right corner. Once you get 6-7 outlets remaining, kill the turret and bomb the remainder yourself.
20 - I Heard You Like Touhou
Just swim to the right and dodge the barrels. ...That's it.
21 - Huh?
This room has a bizarre way of going about it. Go down to 2 and get shocked, then up and right through 3 and get vored, then enter the pipe at 5 to... do something, then go back down to the bottom right and exit the level.
22 - Adios, Fuckers!
Hey, a room full of those missle-slinging drones. And hey, it's the Fight Room again with nothing stopping us from going over the door.
23 - You Can't Skip These
Here we have another vague maze where you're likely expected to die blind a dozen times. The catch now is that you can't skip some very long cutscenes. Go down from 1, go through 2 at the bottom, go up and to the right at 10, then right at 4 and 5 to the exit.
24 - A Maze With Touhou Barrels
This one is actually really easy. First, go down at 1, right and up to 9, go right to 7, then down and activate the pipe at 8. Then return to 9, go down to 10, then go left, down, and right to where you'll dodge some barrels and reach the exit.
I am not fucking with you. In this giant fight room, we have to kill 99 enemies. They'll follow and do gradual contact damage to you. You only have 5 bombs at first and they spawn slowly if at all. So what do? Well, we do have a giant ass crusher in the middle of the room we can coax them into... You can't hide, so you have to swim through a tight interval when the crusher opens. It can actually be fun getting a big group of enemies to die all at once. You have an air and life refill above you and a unique pipe below that replenishes your life, but you lose air. Also, the camera can fuck up badly and force you to restart the WHOLE FIGHT. The exit is at the bottom left.
26 - Hard Slime Combat
Here's one of the most BS levels in the game. You're thrown in a hall with slimes that have a very low chance to actually die. How do you win? Well, you go ALL the way over to 4 to electrocute yourself again and nerf them into a beatable state. Pipes 1, 2, 3, and 5 are safe. I recommend going back to 1 or 2 after activating 4, then do your kill-racking to the exit.
27 - The Final Boss - The Turtle Club
Are you turtly enough for the Turtle Club? You better damn well be. This boss will be a final test for your tolerance for BS. You must traverse the top of the screen and drop bombs onto this thing. While you have benefit of bombs spawning pretty frequently, the turtle has a shield that stops any bombs and makes it invincible. ...What? Turns out, you have to kill all of its children that it spawns, children that shoot out homing parachute bombs. And as this turtle scoots along the bottom of the level, it will shoot out 3 lightning lasers towards the top left direction that'll annihalate your health. Sometimes, it shoots multiple times in a row.
For this FIRST phase of killing the children, keeping to the corners is usually the trick. You can hide in the corridor thing you came from to have a moment of immunity. You can go down to duck below the lasers, though putting you at risk of the child bombers. If collision (by the HUD itself?) doesn't fuck you, you can hide in the top right as the lasers go off. The boss doesn't stop spawning, so you have to be quick. The children do have a habit of lingering under the boss or going in the bottom right, just to keep things miserable.
Once that's done, now things crank up to 1000. The boss now shoots out 5 lasers in a much wider range, forcing you to hide exclusively in the corridor. If you're in the top right getting that last kid, sayonara, my guy. Also, the boss might spawn another child and revert to the first phase. If the fight is approaching 3 minutes, hide in the corridor and wait for a cutscene to replenish your air. Once you kill the boss, swim into the bottom right and free yourself from this underwater hell!