So... this game has potential. Probably like every other game in here that just started.
But... is a mess, a huge mess. Is all over the place. I get the feeling that you want to create a sandbox adventure, but even in a sandbox you still have to have some ground rules. Some basic guidelines for writing a story.
I just worked only on Elise's path, because she was the fastest one to develop, for me anyway... When you go to the arcade the watch talks to you, which is weird because I didn't know that the watch contained a soul in it...
The story has no connection, no feeling is just parts put together for... well for nothing to be honest, because it doesn't seem to have an end goal; and don't give me that bullshit that this is just the beginning. That's an excuse for bad storytelling.
+renders are great
+characters seem to have some degree of personality, but they are lacking substance
+sandbox adventure is good, but if you don't have rules for it is just going to be some pages put together and nothing more
+characters look nice and pleasant
- the storyline is feeble and all over the place. There are no rules whatsoever, you can do anything but it doesn't feel like it matters to some degree.
- the characters are just some targets for the game and it doesn't make you feel like you actually interact with them
- sandbox adventure that makes you go everywhere with no interesting interactions or reason, you can go in any room watch people sleep, kill them in their sleep..w/e it doesn't matter, they are just there to look at them, it feels dead.
- the dialogue is simple, too straight to the point, other times too complex and with less flow. Not to mention you should proofread more, lots of grammar mistakes and fuzzy sentences. In the intro, there is a line that the guy is saying but the game shows that the girl is talking.
- You wake up before everyone, but everyone accuses you that you sleep too much and are always late for school. WTF is that.
Honestly, you have a great project, but it seems like you are pissing on it more than actually doing something worthy of playing. I was really interested to see where this story goes in a sandbox adventure, but if you don't apply some logic to the story this will be just a hot mess with no connection. You can implement great storytelling in a sandbox, other people have done it, it can work smoothly here too, but you need to define some rules. What is now is just lazy integration of a story into a game that has potential.