VN - Ren'Py - Completed - City of Broken Dreamers [v1.15.0 Ch. 15] [PhillyGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Sulring Durgul

    Developers everywhere, take note: THIS is how you make a game!
    The amount of work and attention to detail that Philly brings to Broken Dreamers is simply amazing.
    Everything fits perfectly: story, characters, dialogues, visuals, animations, background music. Production values are through the roof on this pure jewel of a game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Little warning dear nephew, I'm as biased as fuck in this review, because this right here's like a curfew, a dangerously hot game that will keep most other titles locked inside their folders but a few. Everything from the writing to the graphics & music will amaze you, not to mention the sexy creatures that will frequently try to taste you, your dick or clitoris will be constantly as hard as a branch of yew.

    On a serious note: Damn, I'm left "bouche bée". I'm a sucker for cyberpunk themes, and when you have a developper like Philly making a project of said genre it's like a match made in heaven. I adored his previous work hence my signature and this one might have even topped it which is making me extremely pleased. Bravo!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game! New release angled graphics are beautiful. Special effects at the highest level. I really like the dialogue in the game and the choice. Also, with sex scenes that are at a very high level. I recommend!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my review about the game City of Broken Dreamers, developed by PhillyGames at its 0.4.2 version

    The graphic is amazing; I think that nothing can top that. The animation is fluid, very detailed texture, the illumination is perfect and the art design is a masterpiece.

    The gameplay is very dynamic, it has many routes for many situations, the choices have a real impact here and they can change how the scenes will end (good or bad) for the MC or for the girls. This game has a glossary for the players want to understand some specific terms or go deeper into the story and you can find hidden images in-game when you explore the scenery, the game will warn you with a "possible clue" alert at the left-side for your screen, you just need to pay attention to not miss it.

    The script is amazing, fluid and natural dialogues, consistent tone, the game universe and the characters are well presented, the narrative has a good pace and coherent, the amount of action and the dialogues are well-balanced, the characters are very charismatic, you really care about them and the humor is put in the right moments.

    The sex scenes are diverse, from the soft and vanilla to the hardcore and kinky. The scenes have several positions, they deliver the impact they were meant to be and they are very inspired.

    This game is a rare gem and it proves games from the porn genre can have a great quality story. I recommend for every adult game lover.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 444674

    Based on v0.4.2

    Realized I haven't reviewed this game yet. Let it be known right now that this is currently the best game on this site and the best adult game I've played, PERIODT.

    I remember playing Depraved Awakenings, which was a great game, but it's astonishing to see just how much PhillyGames has jumped in quality when the previous game was already a top contender across the board.

    Every single character we are introduced to bring something with meaning to the table. No one feels forced in. Everyone has a role to play and every choice you make genuinely feels like it will affect you in the long run. This doesn't feel like a landscape only meant to cater to the player's sexual urges. It feels like a living, breathing city that has its own shit happening outside of the MC's influence. Shit that requires his skillset.

    It's not often that an adult game of all things demands your attention, not through tits, ass and pussy, but through dialogue, action sequences, mystery. It's all here. Honestly, this feels like a AAA concept that found a way to being an adult game. "What if Cyberpunk 2077 were an erotic VN." Those are the vibes I get and I absolutely love it.

    I don't have a single issue with this game. None. Characters are amazing(Chandra and Victoria especially), visuals are amazing, animations are amazing, music, oh God the music is amazing and I'm so looking forward to seeing more. EDIT: And that final sex scene as of 0.4.2 is probably the best sex scene I've ever laid eyes on in an adult game. Too much info, but I was basically leaking precum in my draws. I need to get out more, this shit isn't healthy.

    But if you'd excuse me, I need to go paint this ceiling mural in my bedroom in Victoria's honor with Jazz music playing in the background. :love:
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down, the best game on this site.
    Anything less than 5 star would be a crime and anybody giving less than 5 is my enemy number 1.

    Philly just keeps on giving and truly the most creative dev I've seen.
    All the very best for the future releases.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    an insane Game with a really hot Story, which is very slowly and objectively built.

    - the Atmosphere in the game is Awesome

    - Pretty female Characters

    - The Renders are Excellent

    - What I really liked about this game are the Animations, because you realize that the Developers have a lot of love for Detail.

    Max. Rating from me!

    thank you to the Developers for their Time and Effort.......
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Top quality renders; thrilling story; a wide variety of female characters and a mc that is fun to play as.

    Additionally I want to say that I normally don't enjoy a steampunk setting, but the story and world building are so engaging that it will suck you in. So even if you don't find the premise interesting, this game might very well be for you.

    Overall, probably the best adult game I played.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + We have pretty good render and animation quality with pretty good physics and FPS value.
    + We have well written and interesting story. With every update you want more to learn about story. Which things happen? Which things change or evolve... (But that was before last two update...)
    +Well written characters include our MC.
    +Girls looks hot/cute. They are looking pretty amazing and attaractive.
    +We have lots of content and DEV added lots of content with every update.

    Bad Points
    - With last two update this game lost that flow of story which gives you feeling you want learn more and more... Sadly some parts of last update stories was boring/annoying or maybe i should say ''not good enough'' i gues? They didn't reach potencial of this game gave in first updates...
    - Our game still looks damn amazing for non-sex scenes and without scenes characters involved but... Sadly character bodies and faces looks little bit bad when you compare them with other scenes of game. For example some animations MC driving his car, how city looks etc looks damn amazing while girls/women in sex scenes looks little bit bad than how they should, i was hoping DEV improve these things with time but not happened sadly.

    For The End
    This is probably one of best amazing adult game played in my life. You should definitly play this amazing game and try it yourself.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review for version v0.3.1.1 - Uploaded 2019/08/14]
    City of Broken Dreamers is one of the best games I've played on this website. It has stunning visuals at times, good looking models, and a great UI which really aids in immersion in the game.

    The story is interesting, and touches on some common Cyberpunk themes and several characters which are all endearing in their own way. The dialogue is also witty and memorable without any serious spelling errors.

    The game is made in the Ren'Py engine, but beside some of the usual kinks with that engine, it runs like a dream and I experienced no bugs or issues. The animations that occur every once in a while is a bit of a mixed bag, but most of them looks nice and fits nicely within the story.

    All in all, I would recommend City of Broken Dreamers to any Cyberpunk fan who would like a naughty game with an interesting story that don't revolve around sex, but still has its fair share of it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The Connoisseur rating for City of Broken Dreamers [v0.3.1.1]

    "Outstanding" - The Connoisseur

    Graphics are perfect, just perfect nothing else to say.

    Writing is top notch, writer, you know how to keep your players interested

    The story is good, creative not something you usually see around porn games

    This is one of the best porn games I played ever, if not the best

    The overall game is outstanding, characters, the sounds, the animations, the girls, deserving a solid 5 stars
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    So, here I go again... After I wrote my first review ever on this forum on Philly's first game Depraved Awakening, I feel I have to submit my second one once again to this unbelievably passionate and detail oriented developer. The key moment came about when I just watched the last scene of the current version (v0.3.1.1). I simply sat there and watched my hero get prepared for his probably biggest challenge yet. Don't get me wrong. He knows what he's doing, he's good at his job as Ghost, but what lies ahead of him may be something or someone to be reckoned with.
    The suspense builds up with the first notes of a Synth-Pop song that couldn't fit any better to the dystopian cyber punk world the protagonist lives in. From here everything is almost as if it were a movie. The last scenes just flow by, occasionally interrupted by inner thoughts and concerns of the female characters that have impacted and been impacted by the actions of my hero. He is ready, suited up, the bright lights of his goggles pierce through the darkness as he drives towards his unknowingly target.
    I had to watch this scene twice just to appreciate all the details that have been implemented here. I got goose bumps every time.
    I don't want to say or spoil anything no further. This game is already a gem and I can't wait to see what surprises the dev holds in store for my hero...
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Was absolutely blown away by the graphics and animation even before the game even started! This game has barely taken flight and it's already in a league of it's own.

    None of the content seemed forced or out of place. The plot is somewhat more realistic compared to other games and not to mention unique. Solid dialogue.

    Haven't been here long but I've also experienced Depraved Awakening as well and enjoyed that too. Looking forward to what Philly brings next
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the erotic game with the highest production values I've ever seen. So far, it's pretty vanilla in its sexual content, meaning there are no particular fetishes or fantasies being catered to (apart from a lot of sex with different women), but with a game as good as this, that isn't really required.

    - Exellent renders
    - Great quality animations
    - Good looking modells
    - Thought out and interesting Sci-fi plot and world (cyber punk)
    - Great writing, good dialouges
    - Interesting characters
    - Good amount of choices that matter, leading to branching

    - None really that I can see at the moment
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Without a doubt the best adult game being made at the moment.

    The renders and animations are amazing, best of any game out there. The story is awesome and the MC (at least in my opinion) is likable, which is so rare in adult games.

    PhilliGames has a real talent as a story teller. His previous game 'depraved awakening' is my all time favorite adult game but the way this is going it looks like it will surpass it.

    I look forward to see what he has in store for us (y)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow. Just wow.

    This is the best looking game on this forum. By far.
    I mean it, this looks absolutely fantastic.
    The renders, the animations, the lighting, the coherent, immersive setting of it all. Just wow. Out of this world.

    But that's just the surface. The storytelling is masterful, the characters well designed, and the dialogue is spot on for the genre.
    The futuristic, vaguely dystopian, charmingly cyberpunk setting of the story is perfect.
    The girls are gorgeous, hell, even the men are wonderfully rendered, the realism is remarkable.
    The sex scenes are very hot. Each girl likes to do it differently, and I really appreciate that.

    But let me say that, while the sex scenes are fantastic and kinda functional to the story, this game would work and be amazing even with a tamer version of them.
    It's really solid.

    Finally, how not to mention the very fitting musical choices?

    I can't wait for the next update.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I love your work in every games, I'm perfect with all, scenes, renders, characters, game history, and in this chase the sci-fi ambient ufffffffff, it gives a plus to the game, it's perfect, every detail, the reflections, lights, seems like RTX enhanced xd

    PD: Sorry by my English, I don't speak it, but I'm working on it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! Just wow!

    This game is by far the best I've seen here as of today. Unreal.

    Creating something like this not only takes some serious GPU power, but also skills in setting up the scenes and lighting them to create the imersive mood that this game has to offer.
    Along with great animations, a suspenseful story and good character development, this is everything that 99% of everything else here is not.

    I've dished out some harsh game reviews in the past, but this is really something else.
    It's so well done in fact, that I have to put my own project on standby to regroup first, before I can even consider to move on. Not that I'll ever be able to produce a stream of renders like these, unless I drop at least another $5k in GPU's in. I don't want to see the dev's electric bill...

    I'm really impressed by this. Hats off!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    If i had to say it shortly : PhillyGames games are amasing as alawys !
    His first one ("Depraved Awakening") was extraordinay and i find it back in this game ! In a way it even better.
    Firstly the visual effect : Beautifulland extraordinary immersive. The animation are impresives, each characters look almost real and the light effects ! when i was watching those effect i was like Whoaaa that's amasing ! That's i never found in any other games !
    Then the characters : we want to know the past of each of them they are so deep ! As alawys with PhillyGames the characters are not just fuck doll they have motivation goal and so moch more to offer ! You have to try the differents choices if you truly want to discover them. That is for me one more exellent point !

    Lastly the story : if you like cyberpunk setting you will love City of Broken Dreamers. Futuristic city wich is really impressive by the attention PhillyGames has put in each of the picture.

    So if you want something not just to masturbate but to really discover a narrative story with choice that really does have matter then go fos this game. To be honnest i think i chould support this game and i would do it gladly if PhillyGames had a Tepee account !

    To PhillyGames : keep up the amasing masterpiece you've created until now i know you will not disapoint any of us cause it's like you put you soul in your game !
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is looking crazy good. Like insanely good. Like big studio with million dollar budget good.
    Fuck, even that feels like an understatement. A million dollars is hardly enough to get this kind of production value. This is so far ahead of the game, that if you are new to lewd 3d novels I would almost advice you to not play it, because after you've played it the others will look like children's cartoons in comparison. This game feels like a well polished triple-A game from any big studio today. To imagine that this is a one man show is just insane! If anybody is deserving of your Patreon dollars, belive me its PhillyGames. What this is, is so far ahead of the game that you wouldn't want anything else after you've had a taste. It's he cocaine of adult gaming. Go try your marijuana first because this game will ruin everything else for you.
    I may sound like a fanboy and that's because I am. Not because I tried this game once and liked it, but because I've tried pretty much all the top 20 lewd titles of today and I'm tellin' ya, it doesn't get better than this. Great captivating story, immersive futuristic world, dirty sex, cool music. It's PhillyGames Magnum Opus and you would be a retard if you missed it.

    I just have one small-ish gripe: is cumshotting girls backs the hot thing of the future? If so, I'm not sure I want to live in it, or see that sad day. Can I play a protagonist who is not obsessed with pulling out and ruining every hot scene? Would a bioenhanced agent of a fucking futuristic biotech company really be worried about getting pregnant? Would she not take steps to prevent this before planning to fuck someone to sweeten a business deal? Is contraceptives not a thing in the future? Fucking STOP with this bullshit pullout nonsense please it has NO fucking place in these scenarios. Well I guess there are deviants who would rather pull out and smear their goo on someones face or tits but please realize that this is a minority kink. I could respect that kind of storytelling if you made a point out of it with corresponding dialogue. Like "yea you nasty slut smear that cum all over you I know you love it" et c. Any half decent mercenary would just fill that pussy up without blinking and just assume shit will be all right because hey, it's the fucking future.
    Jesus H Christ I don't want to be forced yet again to play a perfect gentleman protagonist worried about knocking sluts up. It's such an immersion breaker and it does not suit his personality at all. Don't force this on me PLEASE!
    Honestly just having the protagonist fill a girl up with cum without warning and having her be pissed off at him afterwords could even be an interesting or entertaining scenario. He's already portrayed as a bit of a rogue so this is something I could absolutely see him doing.
    Pull-out-sex in fiction is the real life sex equivalent of condom sex: Planned, respectful, dispassionate, boring and bland. (Unless you make a point of the degrading aspect of being soiled with semen of course, then it can be at least somewhat hot. Not that I recommend going down that road, but it would at least be better than what we've got right now)