For now, level 1 is the maximum (that is, 20 everywhere) and then only for Mom and Isa, for Claire, no matter what you do, her attitude does not change.
To increase Corruption Obedience and Love, you need to do different events during the day, different decisions in these events change these stats differently, some add love to the detriment of Obedience, and vice versa, some are just love, some are lust, and so on. It is necessary Statistics are almost constantly checked through the girls’ phones to see where things have affected.
While I tried different options, I managed to earn Mom’s obedience at -30, it took a long time to return it and raise it to +20, because as I understand, she only has one event. Obedience per day can increase or, on the contrary, decrease depending on the choice, but I could be wrong.
With love, everything is simple for both (Mom and Isa), there is an event in the living room at 23:00 which, according to the branch of the film Romance and Action, increases the love of both, and it can be used endlessly (maybe they will fix it in the future, maybe not).
I haven’t played the second game from Mr.C yet, but Corruption is just fucked up, the game is old and I played for a long time at that time, it was normal, but relatively recently, when the game was already fully released, I decided to play, and at the advanced levels it’s just complete fucked up, I probably won’t even be able to finish it because the events there have really become terrible, especially with new makeups for the girls, and I’m generally silent about the MC’s attitude towards them...
All I'm saying is that please, the author, don't make this "for now" a great game so fucked up, it's great in the form it is now.