Well I found the Meat Pit that the some of the girls was talking about at the start of the game, but I can't seem to get into it, the one path is blocked but some monster telling me that I don't belong in that area, so anyone have any idea how to get into it?
You have to start a fight with a couple of the guards in the sewers there's two standing near a narrow opening, and one claims you broke his arm. You get two options tell them to fuck themselves or an IOU which is 1,000 silver you have limited time to pay it but it seems nothing ever happens, but I haven't gone back into the sewers.
I believe theres another way when your Hookton talked to Captain on the docks outside then talk to sailorsnear the large containers or boxes, they'll say they can hide you for a fee. But they end up giving you the the thugs and you end up in the meat pit. I think theres also a couple options you can fight them or try to and they get pissed and throw you into the pit. If you play along they send to a Manor in Valos and you have to work your self out of it.
THeres a submission/dominate (hidden) stat for the women living in the Manor, you get 3 choices to convince her to be dominate. 1, Answer (I insist ) 2. answer (I would never) 3. A book (The Maiden) (I cant remember the full name of the book but The Maiden something)
If you fail to get her to dominate you still get released however you get locked out of the manor, if she dominates her bother she locks him in a cell and Claire can freely go in and out of the manor plus you get a 3 some cg.
You can get another shot at the Manor while your in Valos there's a scholar in a run down building I suggest you search for the books he has and read them, this will make an impression on him and he ask for your help. One of the quests is to obtain a book which will lead to the Manor quest where Claire has to regain her freedom. And also convince the women to be more dominate.