Feb 17, 2021
I've played this game for some days and decided to quit. Appearantly, this game is developed by a whole group of staff so it has great plot & lore & lots of content. Compared to other games developed by 1-3 people, this game is indeed on a much bigger scale.

However there's something fundementally "wrong" with it.

1 The name should be changed to "Claire's quest to be RAPED". Don't get me wrong, rape content here and there is okay, but 90% of the content is Claire being raped/rough fxxked is just boring.

Players don't get REWARDED with scenes if they finish the quest bravely or wisely. Most cg needs player to intentionally fail. So basicly if you choose to be defiant/intrigue, then you won't get much sex content. Basicly Clarie is meant to be depraved. Since she's a female protagonist, how can players immerse themselves? I for one, am neither a sadist nor a masochist.

2 The art-sytle. Not saying 2D-art is bad,but it is not beautiful enough to support a high-level game like this. The drawings quickly become repititive. High-quality 3D models & renders & animation should been used at the beginning.

3 The lack of real lovers. Claire should have 4 ultimate lovers to pursuit like in Battle for Luvia, each attribute leads to a different lover in the end. Or have a harem like in Peasant's Quest. Not just thugs, thugs, thugs, monsters, monsters ,monsters.

The game doesn't feel like a porn game with rpg style, instead it feels like a rpg game with some porn added (specificly rape-porn & monster-porn)


Feb 10, 2019
I've played this game for some days and decided to quit. Appearantly, this game is developed by a whole group of staff so it has great plot & lore & lots of content. Compared to other games developed by 1-3 people, this game is indeed on a much bigger scale.

However there's something fundementally "wrong" with it.

1 The name should be changed to "Claire's quest to be RAPED". Don't get me wrong, rape content here and there is okay, but 90% of the content is Claire being raped/rough fxxked is just boring.

Players don't get REWARDED with scenes if they finish the quest bravely or wisely. Most cg needs player to intentionally fail. So basicly if you choose to be defiant/intrigue, then you won't get much sex content. Basicly Clarie is meant to be depraved. Since she's a female protagonist, how can players immerse themselves? I for one, am neither a sadist nor a masochist.

2 The art-sytle. Not saying 2D-art is bad,but it is not beautiful enough to support a high-level game like this. The drawings quickly become repititive. High-quality 3D models & renders & animation should been used at the beginning.

3 The lack of real lovers. Claire should have 4 ultimate lovers to pursuit like in Battle for Luvia, each attribute leads to a different lover in the end. Or have a harem like in Peasant's Quest. Not just thugs, thugs, thugs, monsters, monsters ,monsters.

The game doesn't feel like a porn game with rpg style, instead it feels like a rpg game with some porn added (specificly rape-porn & monster-porn)
I agree with some of your points but I Like this game because of the 2d art. small developers rarely get 3D renders right. specially with the monster stuff
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
I've played this game for some days and decided to quit. Appearantly, this game is developed by a whole group of staff so it has great plot & lore & lots of content. Compared to other games developed by 1-3 people, this game is indeed on a much bigger scale.

However there's something fundementally "wrong" with it.

1 The name should be changed to "Claire's quest to be RAPED". Don't get me wrong, rape content here and there is okay, but 90% of the content is Claire being raped/rough fxxked is just boring.

Players don't get REWARDED with scenes if they finish the quest bravely or wisely. Most cg needs player to intentionally fail. So basicly if you choose to be defiant/intrigue, then you won't get much sex content. Basicly Clarie is meant to be depraved. Since she's a female protagonist, how can players immerse themselves? I for one, am neither a sadist nor a masochist.

2 The art-sytle. Not saying 2D-art is bad,but it is not beautiful enough to support a high-level game like this. The drawings quickly become repititive. High-quality 3D models & renders & animation should been used at the beginning.

3 The lack of real lovers. Claire should have 4 ultimate lovers to pursuit like in Battle for Luvia, each attribute leads to a different lover in the end. Or have a harem like in Peasant's Quest. Not just thugs, thugs, thugs, monsters, monsters ,monsters.

The game doesn't feel like a porn game with rpg style, instead it feels like a rpg game with some porn added (specificly rape-porn & monster-porn)
At that point, it kinda feels like you're telling the creator to change most of the game to your liking...

1. There's quite less rapey feeling if you have the right stats. If you want to play her as a precious innocent little princess, don't get mad things go to rape. The game is smut heavy, the story isn't a nice one about a girl having a pretty life. The intro itself states it clearly : the story is pretty dark.

2. 3D should have been used instead because the 2D art doesn't work for the game ? Sounds like you're spoiled over generic 3D renders made with Playmate and whatever else. The quality of the art of this game is, by very far, superior to what most game does. The artist is very talented. Honestly, seeing you diss them saying 3D renders would be superior feels quite disrespectful to the person having drawn all of this.
Sure, posing models isn't necesaarily easy, to making actual colored drawings for scene is, I think, way more work, especially when they're this good.

3. This isn't a dating game. You're telling the creator to turn this into a dating sim. This is not what this game is made to be.

In conclusion, your list of "things fundementally wrong with this game" is no more than you disliking how the creator handles their ideas, and you wanting them to release a game tailor-made to your tastes.
At least that is all that I see in there.

You have a right to not like the game. You have your own tastes, your are entitled to that, and to your opinion. What you aren't entitled to, however, is to say the game has fundamental issues because it doesn't cater to your specific tastes. The world isn't there to please you, and the creator isn't either.
There are, I'm sure, plenty of other games that would be a better fit for your tastes than this one.

But please, don't be like that. You're disrespecting people's hard work for no reason, since you won't get them to change the game to your specifications anyway.


May 1, 2020
2 The art-sytle. Not saying 2D-art is bad,but it is not beautiful enough to support a high-level game like this. The drawings quickly become repititive. High-quality 3D models & renders & animation should been used at the beginning.

3 The lack of real lovers. Claire should have 4 ultimate lovers to pursuit like in Battle for Luvia, each attribute leads to a different lover in the end. Or have a harem like in Peasant's Quest. Not just thugs, thugs, thugs, monsters, monsters ,monsters.

The game doesn't feel like a porn game with rpg style, instead it feels like a rpg game with some porn added (specificly rape-porn & monster-porn)
I don't really agree with your review, but I'd like to focus on these especially. Rutonat's response is pretty solid regarding the 2D/3D art styles, and I'd just like to chime in and say that I personally feel that 3D art kinda clashes with RPGM games, because 3D styles tend to be hyper-realistic, which isn't something the rest of the game looks like. That's a personal opinion though, I know there are many people who enjoy 3D art in RPGM games too.

About the lack of lovers, I'd like to point out that the game is incomplete, and there do seem to be 2 people who might develop into lovers. I forget their names, but the baker you meet in Hooktown, and the Restaurant owner in Rathpike who gives you the quest to go to Narfu. Something might develop with them later on, but that being said, this is more of what you'd want as opposed to whatever vision the creator has.

I'd like you to explain the last comment a bit more if you could, though. How would you define a porn game with RPG style?
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Jan 24, 2018
I've played this game for some days and decided to quit. Appearantly, this game is developed by a whole group of staff so it has great plot & lore & lots of content. Compared to other games developed by 1-3 people, this game is indeed on a much bigger scale.

However there's something fundementally "wrong" with it.

1 The name should be changed to "Claire's quest to be RAPED". Don't get me wrong, rape content here and there is okay, but 90% of the content is Claire being raped/rough fxxked is just boring.

Players don't get REWARDED with scenes if they finish the quest bravely or wisely. Most cg needs player to intentionally fail. So basicly if you choose to be defiant/intrigue, then you won't get much sex content. Basicly Clarie is meant to be depraved. Since she's a female protagonist, how can players immerse themselves? I for one, am neither a sadist nor a masochist.

2 The art-sytle. Not saying 2D-art is bad,but it is not beautiful enough to support a high-level game like this. The drawings quickly become repititive. High-quality 3D models & renders & animation should been used at the beginning.

3 The lack of real lovers. Claire should have 4 ultimate lovers to pursuit like in Battle for Luvia, each attribute leads to a different lover in the end. Or have a harem like in Peasant's Quest. Not just thugs, thugs, thugs, monsters, monsters ,monsters.

The game doesn't feel like a porn game with rpg style, instead it feels like a rpg game with some porn added (specificly rape-porn & monster-porn)
Dude this game is in the genre of dark fantasy what leads to dark erotica.

1.- As I said, most of the dark erotica games tend to go to the rape things, but you telling that this game is only rape its totally a farse, many scenes are consensual and the rape scenes are totally avoidable if you have the right stats even there is one mision where you can get captured and r*ped (even this is optional) to finally kill them saving your life, making this game better because you actually have an option that leads you to a scene where you are victoriuous.

2.- bro, no offense but that is totally bullshit, the art style have so many changes per image that makes it unique and better than most of the 2D and 3D art of here, thats only your opinion, not a fundamentally wrong or error.

3.- thats very earlier to say that, the game is creating his world and quest to makes it more playable since is the premise of this game, so thats the right focus the game had to be, even in this state you can spot 2 possible lovers in this earlier state.

In the end im telling you this because are things that you tell makes the game bad but those are things out of context that only mean you were expecting a game that it doesnt have anything of what it says in his intro and that is... Dumb


Dec 15, 2017
How does one save Aster during the Fat Jack quest?

EDIT: Guess the key to figuring it out was to ask here and then immediately figure out the issue. You can open the red chests on tables and such in the guys house.
Jul 22, 2019
High-quality 3D models & renders & animation should been used at the beginning.
god no, the last thing we need is another game with generic daz goblins, high quality 2d art is way way better than 3d stuff like 99% of the time. Even the best 3d stuff out there tends to have this weird uncanny valley shit going on.

there's plenty of scenes without needing you to walk around getting raped, and they're all in gallery anyway.


Apr 20, 2020
I've played this game for some days and decided to quit. Appearantly, this game is developed by a whole group of staff so it has great plot & lore & lots of content. Compared to other games developed by 1-3 people, this game is indeed on a much bigger scale.

However there's something fundementally "wrong" with it.

1 The name should be changed to "Claire's quest to be RAPED". Don't get me wrong, rape content here and there is okay, but 90% of the content is Claire being raped/rough fxxked is just boring.

Players don't get REWARDED with scenes if they finish the quest bravely or wisely. Most cg needs player to intentionally fail. So basicly if you choose to be defiant/intrigue, then you won't get much sex content. Basicly Clarie is meant to be depraved. Since she's a female protagonist, how can players immerse themselves? I for one, am neither a sadist nor a masochist.

2 The art-sytle. Not saying 2D-art is bad,but it is not beautiful enough to support a high-level game like this. The drawings quickly become repititive. High-quality 3D models & renders & animation should been used at the beginning.

3 The lack of real lovers. Claire should have 4 ultimate lovers to pursuit like in Battle for Luvia, each attribute leads to a different lover in the end. Or have a harem like in Peasant's Quest. Not just thugs, thugs, thugs, monsters, monsters ,monsters.

The game doesn't feel like a porn game with rpg style, instead it feels like a rpg game with some porn added (specificly rape-porn & monster-porn)
this is a game wich has a female protagonist not to immerse the player into a female role but instead to concentrate allmost entirely on the female protagonist to be sexualised instead of having a harem of less well characterised females. Its a typical Corruption based game another example is karryns prison in wich you only have 1 woman in the entire game yet its not made for women or other players that wish to immerse themselfes in the role of a woman or wish to sexualise men. It is entirely on purpose that theres mostly thugs monsters and animals that get to fuck claire because those arent the characters that are being sexualised instead they are ment to add different levels of depravity to the scenes that our poor claire that started out so innocent has to endure.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2020
this is a game wich has a female protagonist not to immerse the player into a female role but instead to concentrate allmost entirely on the female protagonist to be sexualised instead of having a harem of less well characterised females. Its a typical Corruption based game another example is karryns prison in wich you only have 1 woman in the entire game yet its not made for women or other players that wish to immerse themselfes in the role of a woman or wish to sexualise men. It is entirely on purpose that theres mostly thugs monsters and animals that get to fuck claire because those arent the characters that are being sexualised instead they are ment to add different levels of depravity to the scenes that our poor claire that started out so innocent has to endure.
Well, at least Karryn's Prison has one male love interest and an oafish male admirer of Karryn. This game is an exercise on how to completely separate male lust from male adoration of women and female adoration of men. Other lewd games do that too, for obvious reasons, but this one is pretty extreme in its denial of carnal aspects of... love.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Lets all just agree that dom futa Claire is the best path and it needs to be expanded.
Not necessarily (i mean, i'm a switch so i will have my fun either way), but i do agree that having a permanent dick (or having the ability to pop it any time you want to bang someone) would be nice indeed. But in that case they'd need to edit a lot of scenes to incorporate this new ability so it prolly ain't gonna happen outside of sisterhood.
Kind of a shame i know. :giggle: :coffee:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
Well, at least Karryn's Prison has one male love interest and an oafish male admirer of Karryn. This game is an exercise on how to completely separate male lust from male adoration of women and female adoration of men. Other lewd games do that too, for obvious reasons, but this one is pretty extreme in its denial of carnal aspects of... love.
Well, the world the game takes place in is pretty messed up by all the conflicts it has. You can also pretty easily see the absolute gap in riches between poor and rich people. I'd say this isn't the best breeding grounds for niceties and learning to love someone rather than just fucking and running.

Lets all just agree that dom futa Claire is the best path and it needs to be expanded.
I didn't even knew there was something like that. Guess I really have missed a lot of content...
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