RPGM - Claire's Quest [v0.27.2] [Dystopian Project]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    One of the better RPGM games. The artwork and scenes are very well illustrated, the world building is surprisingly good, and there are no noticeable bugs or typos in dialogue. This game doesn't stray too far from the general formula of a female protagonist on a grand adventure who slowly gets corrupted, but it is executed well. The submenus, gallery, and particularly the quest log are implemented in a stylish and effective manner, with a little more quality than I'm used to seeing in an RPGM game. Worth a few hours playtime.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    SalemStyle Jutsu

    I'm glad to see more RPG maker porn games coming along and this one comes with actual player choice without annoying requirements. Dystopian Project is quickly becoming one of my favorite development teams.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game lots of options for multiple playthrough, the story is also quite good. I personally love the artstyle for the scenes and there is quite a few of them. The game is also updated frequently with new content making it fun to comeback and see what's been implemented. 5/5 !
  4. E
    5.00 star(s)


    The first ever RPGM game that actually speaks to the RPG player in me. Very nice CGs, cool skill levelling, amazing story.

    I can't wait for this game to be completed in a couple of years and a walkthrough/walkthrough mod being released. I've tried every aspect and can't say anything bad about it, the unfinished quests and teases are no reason to take off score. Amazing RPGM game, probably the only good one.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    There's not exactly an overwhelming amount of content yet, but that's as far as my complaints go.

    Edit: When I say there's not a ton of content, I should clarify that I mean the story doesn't progress that far, but there are many ways in which you can approach different situations, so there is quite a bit of content for those of you that enjoy replaying a game to see all paths/options.

    The writing is organic and far above average.
    The story is well thought out and interesting enough.
    The art is pretty and the characters mostly attractive.
    A quest journal is very much appreciated.
    The corruption of Claire is somewhat quick, but also not done in a way in which you think it's ludicrous. Not to mention, you can choose to be more defiant (though, I never do, which is really my problem).

    I don't plan on returning for quite a while because I don't like to play one update at a time, but I'm so excited for the future of this game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely do review games on this website, but for this, i just had to do it. This game has it all dude! I barely made it out of the prologue and it has tons of routes, tons of CG, tons of fetishes. I am amazed how well they integrated the RPG element into the game. It doesn't feel like a chore, unlike a lot of other RPGM games, it flows and make you excited about what it's coming next. The next element that mixes really well with the RPG elements, is the story, and believe me, there is a lot of it. The next things that mix well into this already well established broth of goodness are the choices. And they REALLY do matter. There are 4-5 different ways out of the prologue alone, and on top of that every different route leads to a different situation, that the MC gets herself in, i.e it's not one of those fake choices where no matter what you choose, you end up in the same situation, after the choice. And finally, the CG, to top it all off. What is there to say about em? You have to be blind not to appreciate the uniqueness of it. The only thing that id like to see is some animations, but lets not be greedy here. This review is coming from a guy, who despises RPGM games, as they are usually clunky, grindy and anti-fappable. But this right here is an example of a quality product, no matter the engine it was made on. The work and effort put into it is visible and i am giving this a full 5/5 score. Cheers!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The art style is unique and some of my favorite one of any game. It is at least a good change from all the 3D games.
    The gameplay is also to be commended as the RPG does play a role and is not an annoyance.
    And the variety of events also keep things interesting. Hopefully there will be more added soon and not just stop at overhauling the existing ones.
    A lot of bugs for now but overall I like the direction and it will be better than the original in the end.
    Well worth playing.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    omg, this game! It has everything. I love the way you're able to get by with different tactics.

    There are so many fetishes, so much to do already. High replayability as well due to different available routes.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Oveall: Nice game, i like such an open world rpgs. Stunning art, and dicision making. Sexy main hero. Main ingridient of this game and why it gains from me 5 stars is story. In this cruel world where you play that pity girl very hard to survive. Using every possibility to survive and progress story is just very rare in gamedev. Nothing to say about audio.