hey guys, i cannot seem to get the windows version to work with Wine on a Mac, does anyone have a Mac version or some advice to get it to work? The first overhaul demo worked just fine, but now it just gives me a program error
All games that are made in RPG Maker MV can run on a Mac [conversely, no game made in earlier versions of RPG Maker, such as RTP Ace or whatever, can run on a Mac.]. Therefore, since since game is indeed RPG Maker MV, it runs fine on a Mac. You just need to modify it a little bit.
A while ago, I copied this procedure from this site: I wish I had noted on which thread I found it, and who the author was, but I didn't note it; just know that I'm not intelligent enough to have come up with this by myself, but that it does work fine, as I've applied it to many Windows-only MV games.
So here goes:
1. Take this RPGM MV mac
game base:
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taken from another RPGM MV mac version of a game.
2. In the Window's RPGM MV version of the game you downloaded, there is a folder called 'www'.
3. Right click the
game base, Show Package Contents, browse to Contents > Resources.
4. Move the 'www' folder into the 'Resources' folder inside of RPGM MV mac
game base.
4. Rename it to 'app.nw', and move package.json into 'app.nw'.
5. Open package.json in a text editor and edit these lines:
"main": "www/index.html", to "main": "index.html",
"icon": "www/icon/icon.png" to "icon": "icon/icon.png"
6. And you're done! Rename the app to whatever you want, for example 'Coceter Chronicies v.12b.app'.
Sometimes the game may not open so you may have to do this: (you don't need to since it's already patched in this RPGM MV mac game base I've supplied.
start up Terminal, go to the folder the Game file is in (named CoceterChronicles by default), and enter these commands:
chmod +x Game.app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs
chmod +x Game.app/Contents/Frameworks/nwjs\ Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs\ Helper
chmod +x Game.app/Contents/Frameworks/nwjs\ Helper\ EH.app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs\ Helper\ EH
chmod +x Game.app/Contents/Frameworks/nwjs\ Helper\ NP.app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs\ Helper\ NP
ref Fenoxo forums:
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