While at least one tier above your typical H-RPGMaker that's been put through an MTL meatmincer, this game at this stage of development (ver. 22.3) is average at best. The initial promise of engaging gameplay totally devoid of any form of combat or grinding made by the devs a long long time age has not been kept. While there is no combat (which is a good a good thing as quite often in lewd games, the combat side tends to be disconnected from the porn side, the only connection being a defeat or game over rape scene - players looking to play a porn game, not a primitive dungeon crawler with boobs and impregnating goblins will be spared this nonsense here), there is grinding, not noticeable at first, but increasing as the game progresses.
Instead of levelling up through combat or spending money earned through doing repetitive jobs, our heroine is faced with making choices in her epic journey through some faux-Renaissance realm recently invaded by barbaric monsters, which results in raising (or lowering) one (or two) of her four character traits: defiance, seduction, intrigue and depravity. Basically, this makes it a virtual novel at heart rather than a classic dungeon crawler, although go-find-pick-give exploration with some arcade moments is also present there. In theory, this allows for different scenarios to play out, depending on the MCs statcheck outcome, but as this is a porn game after all, most players will be looking for the lewdest scenes to take place, which encourages a certain style of play and often makes the player pause for a moment before taking their decision, as oftentimes they result in raising one stat at the expense of lowering another. It is still possible to build a well balanced PC whose just as perverted as she is kickass as she's smart as she's charming, but it requires either a thorough read of a walkthrough, or self-experimentation with a lot of save-scumming, or using in-game trainers or cheats. Such setup works really well early in the game, but as it progresses, one starts to notice either rushed implementation of new story items (quests), which are not properly balanced in terms of reward-cost or blatantly obvious choices that push the story in one direction. And speaking of direction...
The story is a bit all over the place, to put it mildly. The main plotline is the travails of a young woman escaping the horrors of monster invasion, having possibly lost her momma dear and not knowing whether her daddy is still alive or not. But that main story line soon gets nudged aside by seemingly smaller quests, tasks and casual jobs that you actually forget why again Claire is in a foreign land fucking horses and bulls in stables and barns when she's not busy sexually taming local wildlife or spreading faith by spreading legs or getting stuck in holes in walls or doing this or that. I finished playing the current built and ended up with 22 different quests/jobs opened and not concluded yet as they're still work in progress. And speaking of work in progress...
This game's development started in 2016 and it shows its age. While not bad-looking, the graphics, especially tilesets and character sprites look outdated and not in a charming retro style that some other games are able to convincingly pull off. The featured fetishes, possibly shocking and groundbreaking 5-6 years ago also feel cliched and overused in [insert current year]. And speaking of fetishes...
I don't know, perhaps I'm the only one who noticed, but with such a wide variety of scandalous sex scenes and NPCs, there isn't even one lewd scene featuring a male who is a genuinely nice person, sincerely interested in intimacy with Claire. All nice guys in the game so far are not interested in our heroine that way and neither she is in them, so the only cocks she fucks or sucks belong to lecherous old men, sleazeballs, drunks, thugs, underage boys, rapists, decadent plutocrats, possessed werewolves, beasts and imaginary creatures including futas. To add insult to injury, all the characters Claire is able to open her heart to are... other women. I wonder why that is. For those players who get off mainly or exclusively on heterosexual sex and romance involving regular guys, there is virtually nothing there. In that sense, the game has quite a sadistic feel to it, the term 'sadistic' referring to actual works of Marquis de Sade, their recurring theme being the plight of women, receiving nothing but pain, deception and misery from men.
To sum up, the game would have been a solid 4 stars if it was a finished or almost finished product, with a clear story line that leads somewhere definite (and perhaps other that settling down in a quiet little barn), but at the current prolonged state of incompletion, no more than 3 stars it is from me.
Instead of levelling up through combat or spending money earned through doing repetitive jobs, our heroine is faced with making choices in her epic journey through some faux-Renaissance realm recently invaded by barbaric monsters, which results in raising (or lowering) one (or two) of her four character traits: defiance, seduction, intrigue and depravity. Basically, this makes it a virtual novel at heart rather than a classic dungeon crawler, although go-find-pick-give exploration with some arcade moments is also present there. In theory, this allows for different scenarios to play out, depending on the MCs statcheck outcome, but as this is a porn game after all, most players will be looking for the lewdest scenes to take place, which encourages a certain style of play and often makes the player pause for a moment before taking their decision, as oftentimes they result in raising one stat at the expense of lowering another. It is still possible to build a well balanced PC whose just as perverted as she is kickass as she's smart as she's charming, but it requires either a thorough read of a walkthrough, or self-experimentation with a lot of save-scumming, or using in-game trainers or cheats. Such setup works really well early in the game, but as it progresses, one starts to notice either rushed implementation of new story items (quests), which are not properly balanced in terms of reward-cost or blatantly obvious choices that push the story in one direction. And speaking of direction...
The story is a bit all over the place, to put it mildly. The main plotline is the travails of a young woman escaping the horrors of monster invasion, having possibly lost her momma dear and not knowing whether her daddy is still alive or not. But that main story line soon gets nudged aside by seemingly smaller quests, tasks and casual jobs that you actually forget why again Claire is in a foreign land fucking horses and bulls in stables and barns when she's not busy sexually taming local wildlife or spreading faith by spreading legs or getting stuck in holes in walls or doing this or that. I finished playing the current built and ended up with 22 different quests/jobs opened and not concluded yet as they're still work in progress. And speaking of work in progress...
This game's development started in 2016 and it shows its age. While not bad-looking, the graphics, especially tilesets and character sprites look outdated and not in a charming retro style that some other games are able to convincingly pull off. The featured fetishes, possibly shocking and groundbreaking 5-6 years ago also feel cliched and overused in [insert current year]. And speaking of fetishes...
I don't know, perhaps I'm the only one who noticed, but with such a wide variety of scandalous sex scenes and NPCs, there isn't even one lewd scene featuring a male who is a genuinely nice person, sincerely interested in intimacy with Claire. All nice guys in the game so far are not interested in our heroine that way and neither she is in them, so the only cocks she fucks or sucks belong to lecherous old men, sleazeballs, drunks, thugs, underage boys, rapists, decadent plutocrats, possessed werewolves, beasts and imaginary creatures including futas. To add insult to injury, all the characters Claire is able to open her heart to are... other women. I wonder why that is. For those players who get off mainly or exclusively on heterosexual sex and romance involving regular guys, there is virtually nothing there. In that sense, the game has quite a sadistic feel to it, the term 'sadistic' referring to actual works of Marquis de Sade, their recurring theme being the plight of women, receiving nothing but pain, deception and misery from men.
To sum up, the game would have been a solid 4 stars if it was a finished or almost finished product, with a clear story line that leads somewhere definite (and perhaps other that settling down in a quiet little barn), but at the current prolonged state of incompletion, no more than 3 stars it is from me.