Captains Log, day 453246346
Crew have been suffering restless nightmares for weeks since we left the Gumdrops Void, as I fear, these new uncharted regions of space bring with them new untold horrors. Just the other day my first officer was waking up in feverish sweats screaming 'IT'LL NEVER FINISH!' When I shook him to try get some sense out of him and ask what he meant, he could only mutter the words deliriously 'Et tu...S-Purple....' Before collapsing.
Simply horrifying.
Here we are.
After the unceremonious death of Breeding Season that bore this...
'thing' screaming out of the Void.
A quick recap for those of you who basically want to know the history into what happened before to spawn this game into existence:
I wanted to be fair and give this one a fair shout. After all, it had perhaps one of the most rocky and controversial starts we've ever seen, and despite the criticisms levied against it, the game continues to look great.
One of Team-boy Nimbus' very own, the great and might Judge Heath came down to spank the forum and let everyone know they're very naughty boys, after all, their vision, THEIR DREAM, is beyond. How could a possible change in direction or even some mitigation be suggested in the face of such Goliaths of excellence?
me doth think this game is perhaps,'maybe'
just a tad bit fucked.
The project was immediately off to a poor start from it's conception, spawned out of betrayal, anger and conflicting visions between supposedly someone arguing 'they' were the true mastermind keeping Breeding Season going (*cough* A poor choice of words. *Cough*)
The UI continues to be a mess with a never-ending sea of bugs that have left several of the crew horrifyingly purposes ejecting themselves out of the pod bay doors into space after their computers crashed for the 46th time for they had the audacity to try to talk to a shop clerk without giving the game ample breathing time not to have a heart attack.
The game pretty much all the time:~
And the developers by this point could have a whole novella written just in the endless changelogs that read 90% more or less consecutively nothing but 'bug-fixes.'
Now bug fixes are an important, they're a substantial part to any games development...but this game apparently has more holes than a piece of swish cheese being fired upon by both sides in a trench in WW1, and remains locked in perpetual locked in a perpetual state of 'it's being fixed' rather than giving the content people actually want.
I'd be hard pressed to out-right call it a scam like certain *Cough* 'devs' *Cough*
But it's awfully starting to feel kind of like that scene in
The wolf of wall street.
There's so much more to say, so much more to cover, but in truth, this post would turn into a Novel by the time I was done, and this old Space Captain has better things to do with his time than dig deeper down this weird rabbit hole than needs be.
While I hope the production improves, and those suffering from a severe case of Sunk Cost Fallacy actually get the product they want (or wake up and smell the coffee), suffice to say, this is a production amidst stormy seas...And I'm not sure the brig is gonna hold.
This is your Captain,
signing off!