1.90 star(s) 103 Votes
Jun 14, 2023
Here is the patched version for I tested it and it seems to be working.

pornforonly, I am not sure which patch you're referencing with 1.0. The current patch is on Patreon and on Steam as of 6/8/2023.


Here is a guide so whoever wants to can mod it themselves

  1. Download a dll editor. I use dnSpy ( ) use at your own risk. It seems safe though
  2. Open the win32 version of dnSpy. The files seem to be in 32-bit. View attachment 2684650
  3. Open the "game.dll" file found in the folder "Cloud Meadow Patreon Beta 0-1-4-1\Cloud Meadow Beta 0-1-4-1_Data\Managed". You can either drag and drop the file onto the open dnSpy window or go to "File>Open..." and select the "game.dll". View attachment 2684647
  4. Now it should look like this if you have opened the file. View attachment 2684652
  5. Click on the search bar that is roughly in the center of the window. It is right under the magnification setting that says "100%" and to the left of the "Options" dropdown arrow.
  6. Type related and hit enter. Now there should be a list of assemblies below the search bar. We want "AreRelated". View attachment 2684655
  7. Double-click on the "AreRelated" assembly. It should look roughly like this without the red lines. View attachment 2684666
  8. There is a thin white line between the portion we are editing and the other portions of code. So it is easiest to just right click on the "AreRelated" code highlighted or Right-click anywhere close to that line.
  9. Now select "Edit Method (C#)...". If done correctly it should look like this: View attachment 2684670
  10. Now go through the code and everywhere it says "return true" change it to "return false".
  11. Now click "Compile" down in the lower right-hand corner.
  12. Go to "File" in the upper left-hand corner and select "Save Module..." This should pop up: View attachment 2684673
  13. Click "Ok"
  14. If you followed the steps properly your game should be patched. Test by attempting to breed monsters that are closely related.
Hope this helps.

Thanks again to cbmcbmcbmcbm and BaeyDesola for being the ones I learn this information from.
No Longer Works, multiple errors 1711482751545.png
Mar 7, 2024
What´s wrong with the development of this shit? From what i´ve seen, cloud meadow is sitting on a shitton of art (art stopped cuz there is nothing to draw anymore, and artist got hit by a bus), so at least 1/3 is done or being worked on, No idea about writing and design, that can destroy project if it causes endless reworks and remakes, or just sheer "burnout" or is it the programming side? The programmers did leave if i´m not mistaken.

i know of the drama around breeding season, but i have no idea if any new drama popped out.


Jul 19, 2023
What´s wrong with the development of this shit? From what i´ve seen, cloud meadow is sitting on a shitton of art (art stopped cuz there is nothing to draw anymore, and artist got hit by a bus), so at least 1/3 is done or being worked on, No idea about writing and design, that can destroy project if it causes endless reworks and remakes, or just sheer "burnout" or is it the programming side? The programmers did leave if i´m not mistaken.

i know of the drama around breeding season, but i have no idea if any new drama popped out.
Nobody is working on this game, they should abandon the project at this point but they are still making money of it so i guess they won't


Oct 19, 2020
Nobody is working on this game, they should abandon the project at this point but they are still making money of it so i guess they won't
They're working on it but I will not support the patreon until I actually see the new content not nsfw part ,it's the farming,item rarity and new type of breed monster rarity since the migration update the dungeon become more problem to go in theres chance you crashing after a fight.
I check that 0.2.0 shared I still don't see any content improvements for farming except story mode and crash in summer when you try get the instant grow fertilizer.
There's a progress since last year only slow I hope someone keep sharing the new version.


Jul 19, 2023
They're working on it but I will not support the patreon until I actually see the new content not nsfw part ,it's the farming,item rarity and new type of breed monster rarity since the migration update the dungeon become more problem to go in theres chance you crashing after a fight.
I check that 0.2.0 shared I still don't see any content improvements for farming except story mode and crash in summer when you try get the instant grow fertilizer.
There's a progress since last year only slow I hope someone keep sharing the new version.
"Working on it" yeah if you can call that work.


Oct 19, 2020
"Working on it" yeah if you can call that work.
Bruh try request new version of cloud meadow at here because the main post only 1.4.3b the actual patreon is 2.0b if you call that not working on it what you call that? Im pretty sure next update would be bug fix since I counter many bug on 2.0 this version already had story mode advancement.
Feb 11, 2022
I only vaguely know about the controversy surrounding this game and Breeding season and I searched through the thread a bit and....has no one bothered to look at the Patreon and Steam production updates they release every few months? Most recent one was at the beginning of February. They are free to look at:

- The entire original programming team save 1 person left
- They were not back on track for production until Summer and not 100% on track until winter.
- Spurple was nearly killed in a car accident and has only recently recovered.

While I have my fair share of problems with how this game has been handled over the years (I was always annoyed with how frequently Spurple spent time on Darkest Dungeon mods that his this title) I still think its important to keep up with the available dev logs so we can shit fling with confidence at their incompetence.
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Reactions: panaeon


Apr 10, 2022
I only vaguely know about the controversy surrounding this game and Breeding season and I searched through the thread a bit and....has no one bothered to look at the Patreon and Steam production updates they release every few months?
Let me explain a few things. There was a project Breedeing Season once. Flash(ancient tech now dead) game with farm where you can bread different "monsters". Game was incomplete and shitpurple was the artist. Rumors said he wormed his way almost to th leading role, but - only ALMOST. Most of monster art was drawn by him. Then some magic happened - and that great pal left the team denying them any right ro use any of his art. Project died.
And then - shpurp magically reppears on patreon with his new project "definitely not the breeding farm" made on unity engine.
There was dozen and a half of hot animations and a shitload of promises - for story, for mechanics, for breeding etc.
People believed and started to throw money on him. Income was skyrocketing, so as promises. Thats what I could find about 5 years ago.
But in the years passed only a few animations was added, not even one of promised mechanic finished, instead there was several "redraw" companies. "Redrawing dungeon", "redrawing chars", "redrawing food", redrawing his shit was endless without any progress.

Version naming system changes a few times, 2.*** became 0.1.2** ans so on - every time without ANY ACTUAL PROGRESS. And for some magical reasons team changes few times. Artists(there was few legendary names in team), coders, managers - all them. They left and new ones were introdused. Just to leave after some tome WITHOUT ANY ACTUAL PROGRESS.

Now, a few months prior their income started to shrink. I wonder why?
As for so called "progress" - all these YEARS there was regular redraw streams. "Drawing future chars" streams. "Drawing shit for other games" streams. And tons and tons of "I decided to redraw shit_name" streams. With no actual progress.
So - no, that scammers can't do anything.

- The entire original programming team save 1 person left
- They were not back on track for production until Summer and not 100% on track until winter.
- Spurple was nearly killed in a car accident and has only recently recovered.
- Not the first time. Not the second, nor the third.
- They lost their tracks after about a year after their income exeeded 10k. That was few years ago.
- Thats karma for ya. Maybe is sounds harsh, but from what I've seen in my life - not the scariest of all possible variants. Still I doubt he undestands anything.

While I have my fair share of problems with how this game has been handled over the years (I was always annoyed with how frequently Spurple spent time on Darkest Dungeon mods that his this title) I still think its important to keep up with the available dev logs so we can shit fling with confidence at their incompetence.
Giving the amount of money they milked out, this project deserves to be made into locked story thread, an example why people should not trust scammers.
You know when someone try to milk their patrons - we can say the project "turned into cloud meadow" without additional explaining. Although there is some other applicants for that kind of title.


Feb 27, 2023
Let me explain a few things. There was a project Breedeing Season once. Flash(ancient tech now dead) game with farm where you can bread different "monsters". Game was incomplete and shitpurple was the artist. Rumors said he wormed his way almost to th leading role, but - only ALMOST. Most of monster art was drawn by him. Then some magic happened - and that great pal left the team denying them any right ro use any of his art. Project died.
And then - shpurp magically reppears on patreon with his new project "definitely not the breeding farm" made on unity engine.
There was dozen and a half of hot animations and a shitload of promises - for story, for mechanics, for breeding etc.
People believed and started to throw money on him. Income was skyrocketing, so as promises. Thats what I could find about 5 years ago.
But in the years passed only a few animations was added, not even one of promised mechanic finished, instead there was several "redraw" companies. "Redrawing dungeon", "redrawing chars", "redrawing food", redrawing his shit was endless without any progress.

Version naming system changes a few times, 2.*** became 0.1.2** ans so on - every time without ANY ACTUAL PROGRESS. And for some magical reasons team changes few times. Artists(there was few legendary names in team), coders, managers - all them. They left and new ones were introdused. Just to leave after some tome WITHOUT ANY ACTUAL PROGRESS.

Now, a few months prior their income started to shrink. I wonder why?
As for so called "progress" - all these YEARS there was regular redraw streams. "Drawing future chars" streams. "Drawing shit for other games" streams. And tons and tons of "I decided to redraw shit_name" streams. With no actual progress.
So - no, that scammers can't do anything.

- Not the first time. Not the second, nor the third.
- They lost their tracks after about a year after their income exeeded 10k. That was few years ago.
- Thats karma for ya. Maybe is sounds harsh, but from what I've seen in my life - not the scariest of all possible variants. Still I doubt he undestands anything.

Giving the amount of money they milked out, this project deserves to be made into locked story thread, an example why people should not trust scammers.
You know when someone try to milk their patrons - we can say the project "turned into cloud meadow" without additional explaining. Although there is some other applicants for that kind of title.
Fuck me if it isn't the most comprehensive layman's summary i've ever seen ITT. Bravo.
Sep 30, 2023
Based summary, first time I see it explained this coherently.
I still have a void in my heart for breeding stuff. THe Japanese slave trainer thing was the only one that came close.


Oct 19, 2020
Does any new version available after 0.2.0 the migration Lamia kinda doing game crashing bug in dungeon for some reason including summer solstice event I can't get that Instant growth fertilizer keep crashing after end fight in 0.2.0.
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Apr 10, 2022
I knew something about S-purple rubbed me the wrong way but I never understood what. After going through the Breeding Season thread for a while I have a better understanding of the situation. Thank you for the summary!
You're welcome. The sole purpose of that post is to prevent people getting milked without knowing the circumstances beforehand.
What makes me sad - is that AFAIK Breeding Season team never recovered from that incident. That is a bad thing especially now with all those free game engines to create with.
Still it would be 100 times better just enjoy good games instead of getting scammed over and over again.


Apr 8, 2021
Let me explain a few things. There was a project Breedeing Season once. Flash(ancient tech now dead) game with farm where you can bread different "monsters". Game was incomplete and shitpurple was the artist. Rumors said he wormed his way almost to th leading role, but - only ALMOST. Most of monster art was drawn by him. Then some magic happened - and that great pal left the team denying them any right ro use any of his art. Project died.
And then - shpurp magically reppears on patreon with his new project "definitely not the breeding farm" made on unity engine.
There was dozen and a half of hot animations and a shitload of promises - for story, for mechanics, for breeding etc.
People believed and started to throw money on him. Income was skyrocketing, so as promises. Thats what I could find about 5 years ago.
But in the years passed only a few animations was added, not even one of promised mechanic finished, instead there was several "redraw" companies. "Redrawing dungeon", "redrawing chars", "redrawing food", redrawing his shit was endless without any progress.

Version naming system changes a few times, 2.*** became 0.1.2** ans so on - every time without ANY ACTUAL PROGRESS. And for some magical reasons team changes few times. Artists(there was few legendary names in team), coders, managers - all them. They left and new ones were introdused. Just to leave after some tome WITHOUT ANY ACTUAL PROGRESS.

Now, a few months prior their income started to shrink. I wonder why?
As for so called "progress" - all these YEARS there was regular redraw streams. "Drawing future chars" streams. "Drawing shit for other games" streams. And tons and tons of "I decided to redraw shit_name" streams. With no actual progress.
So - no, that scammers can't do anything.

- Not the first time. Not the second, nor the third.
- They lost their tracks after about a year after their income exeeded 10k. That was few years ago.
- Thats karma for ya. Maybe is sounds harsh, but from what I've seen in my life - not the scariest of all possible variants. Still I doubt he undestands anything.

Giving the amount of money they milked out, this project deserves to be made into locked story thread, an example why people should not trust scammers.
You know when someone try to milk their patrons - we can say the project "turned into cloud meadow" without additional explaining. Although there is some other applicants for that kind of title.
This kind of shit really personifies how horrific people on F95 are. Lies, bullshit and celebrating death or near killing of someone. Really classy, good job.


Active Member
Mar 27, 2019
This kind of shit really personifies how horrific people on F95 are. Lies, bullshit and celebrating death or near killing of someone. Really classy, good job.
Are u sure u quoted the correct message / in the correct thread for this comment? cuz istg i've reread that quote 3x and still couldn't find exactly what u meant by "(...)Lies, bullshit and celebrating death or near killing of someone."
1.90 star(s) 103 Votes