cloud meadow is a bait and switch for s-purple to lure people into playing the terrible jrpg he wanted to make all along. this isn't even the first time he tried this. broquest and breeding season both had massive scope creep under him with him inserting tons of his own ideas that massively deviated from the original concepts. dude only cares about making his personal dream game and he thinks the best way to do that is to hijack other projects and mislead people.
To be fair they run a very tight show on the discord as well, speak out a bit and you get bonked lol. They recently increased their dev team size, brought on actual coders and such.. They had more content back in 2018 or whatever, but they nixed almost all of it to make room for improvements to code. It's probably not a passion project for the coders if it's taken them this long to get this far, though there's also a potential bottleneck on stage creation as well. it takes about a month for whoever's building a level of the dungeon to build said level, and I think there were multiple people working on it. still, 5 years does seem like too long of a time to take on this. it certainly doesnt scream that they are trying their hardest :/
and I should say that the art has been mostly stagnant for this whole time, so if there was actual direction to the project there was plenty of time to build out more than there is now. They did create new HD animations for the human sex scenes, which apparently take about a month a pop, and there are like 20 of em.. I just wish they were more open about the development progress, like a normal company would have to be with their share holders (patreons). It kinda screams cost plus contract, where there is no need to be efficient as the person paying is already locked in to whatever, so costs balloon.