that's exactly what happened, though the dev, I forgot his name
H-bomb, but one of the peolple of the art Vanilly said once in one of her streams that h-bomb never care about the project, that someone that he loved dump him or somenting like that (i cannot remember at the moment) and he was missing for a long time, i mean, s-purple is a piece of shit, but h-bomb don't help too....the only people that worked hard in the project was Vanilly and Fleet.
ok I'm not gonna lie, I'm posting partly to get the ability to post links but i am genuinely curious if cloud meadow's a good game, I see a lot of people saying its a decent concept but buggy as balls is that true?
It depends what you can accept, the game is buggy as hell, if you looking for a porn breeding game, well, is not there, the old game was a lot better, this one he is trying to make a dungeon crawler with some porn, but is failing in both categories, it has been almost 1 year without anything usefull...the animations are good, don't get me wrong, but that you can see at rule34, the gameplay is horrible in any possible way, the "breeding" is basic, the "planting" is boring, the dungeon is bad.