Wow, so much there is a certain amount of anger in this thread!
Actually, lot of criticism here are justified, but there is also serious resentment which may be a more questionable.
Is the cloud meadow team stalling content? Well if you launch the game and look around just a few minutes you will see that the game count tons of little nicely crafted charters in Clovertons, lots of illustrations, recipes, loading scene, environmental details, items, dungeon and even sometime a bit of porn. Do you care about that? Aside from the porn, probably not that much. But still, designing pepperoni bushes and bear-shark bakers take time. If you hire a guy for fixing you sink and at the end of the day he repainted your ceiling and changed you car battery, you can complain and throw him out of your house without any payment, but not call him lazy. But maybe some peoples like pepeoni bushes as much as porn and thier game and a ready to pay for them and if that's so, those people cannot be called naive or dumb for that.
Is S-purple to blame for the end of breeding season? Probably a bit as he was second on board of the project. So technically he would have been responsible to some degree to anything good or bad that would have append to this project. Is it fair that people here seem to blame him more that h-bomb for not carrying on breeding seasons? Well anyway, what the point of blaming H-Bomb for anything? He is not working on any game for the moment and just disappeared. Who would care about listening your complain about a guy that have no project and just disappeared. You cannot criticize a work that do not exist. But I’m pretty confident that if one day H-Bomb restart breeding season or any other project, there will be suddenly tons of people to remember us how he sunk breeding season all alone and explain us why he should be the only one to take the blame.
Is S-Purple conducting his project like crap? That’s very likely to be the case, conducting project is a profession. You can become an engineer and even a doctor on the field of conducting software development project. And even people with this kind of education and a lot of experience screw a project from time to time.
How to avoid this to fuck up your project like that? There are three solutions: you can be highly competent and a bit lucky or you can keep making simple projects. Cloud Meadow is extremely ambitious in term of mechanism and content, even more that Breeding Season that was probably too complex. On the other hand the fans mostly accepted to fund S-purple based on the quality of his art, not because he showed them a PhD in software design. So the mess that the development of Cloud Meadow is at this point was bound to append. Wait, I forgot the third solution. That’s because no one like it: be more patient, keep throwing cash and try to hire even more peoples to do the work. Seriously, it suck and it’s slow and expensive and you better to ask yourself if it’s really worth it and how much more you are ready to pay before going down this way. But actually that’s also a solution frequently used in industry, because when you want to try something new and ambitious (at least for you) that mean you are pushing your own boundary, so you are always at the limits of what you master. If the formation and experience of S-purple mainly revolve around art and design, I wouldn’t be surprised that in some domain, Cloud Meadow propelled him face first thought certain limits of his knowledge. And for information, I never was a Patreon of Breeding season or Cloud Meadow, so I can eagerly defend this product that I used but never payed for

tl;dr: It was bound to become a mess, no matter the dev. It may become good one day if it survive.