Even though is quite a low version number, they are actually around 55% through the development of the game. They've pretty much finished the majority of the foundation (behind the scenes tech and code), they just have to finish developing a decent story, sound work, level design, and animations.
I would agree, but every single time they update 1 thing, 4 other things brake. I'm still encountering problems with things such as:
- after the Mine quest is done I have to wait out around 1-2 months in-game time so I would get refreshed variant of the dungeon, otherwise right after the quest all dungeon has are empty oiled version of levels that have nothing within them;
- I have to save the game before every single fight because for some reason game may decide not to end the battle even though all of my enemies are dead and the only way to get out of the comabt is to redownlaod the last save. it may happen every fight/every 2 fights/every 3 fights - its a random really. This one is jsut mind boggling due to how uncomfortable it is to save the game before EVERY SINGLE encounter;
- farm expantion is locked behind "a crysttal" that is not in the game anymore (?), I was able to complete all the quests but I didn't find the crystall that used to fall from the 1st boss in the earlier builds, thus I can't get nor Chimera, nor Dragons, nor any other add. buildings;
- farm help doesn't work. It just doesn't function;
- farm's help that has to bring stuff works some time, but after like 2-3 days it simply stops working. And if I try to remove workers from the slots it may glitch out, thus making those slots forever being occupied by those monsters, yet not being funktional while also making those monsters no longer available in any way possible. You' re jsut kinda stuck with it until the end;
- some of the food doesn't work. You feed your team with different stuff that should give +2/+1 or other stuff but you just end up waisting resources without any kind of improvement. Usually it happens to a food that is made out of 2 same ingridients which gives you 2nd grade of that ingridient, but it jsut doesn't work;
- dungeon island system keeps being broke. I still can wonder off the island into the middle of the sky pretty damn often and jsut skipp an entire level or get the shortcut wherever I want;
- Monsters sometimes can glitch out and simply loose all of their stats all of a sudden. I can't even say anything more becuase it just happens randomly. It may happen, it may not happen, but if you saved your game without noticing it you're kinda screwed. 1 time I got all of my monsters up to 100 on every single stat and then I found out that the game decided to restart my monsters setting all of them back to their base stats... What point is there to play this game if all of your progress can be zeroed all of a sudden?
This is just a short variant of all the glitches I encountered, and these are ones that keep being un polished from build-to-build. What is mind boggling is that some tof them are jsut straight up game-breaking or they diminish all of the fun out of the game. A few builds already passed through and they are still not fixed.
What I'm trying to say is - I don't really understand why their team keeps on adding different stuff instead of fixing stuff that basically makes the game unplayable?
They don't jsut have to finish their game, they have to fix a lot, A LOT of shit every single time they update something. As if right now game doesn't really feel liek 55%, more like 25%.
And don't even get me started on "porn for ants" pixels and not proper HD sex scenes... This theme is jsut over the topic of absurdity. And I will never forgive them not making HD sex scene with Jubelle. NEVER!
p.s. also some of the game design is straight up just bad. I still cannot comprehend who the hell decided that stamina system is "fun" in any way possible? Hell yeah, walking with the speed of a snail is just so much fun in a dungeon crawling game, woohoo! Also in a bredding-based game with insane amount of monsters and monster variations there are still no ways to group monsters the way you personally like. For example set a barn that is dedicated specifaclly for your combat team, or for your "breeding monsters", or for cats and Dragons only (just as example). When you have more than 10 monsters game becomes in running around simulator, since every single day monsters change their location and you have to look for specific monster if you want to feed him. Now imagine having 20+ monsters with 5 different barns - you have to run at all of them to understand where is the one you're looking for. And when you add newely hatched one... well its fun running around 5 different barns all the day. And don't even start on "no incest in bredding monsters game". You're telling me that I can go on a market, buy a monster as some kind of a slave, give her a collar that literally tells "Breeding slut", than fuck that monstergirl whenever I want, get her pregs, and then literally go to the vendor and sell her with her child. BUT incest? Noooo, that is just too much, boy. I really don't understand on who the hell thought that these game design decisions would make game "more fun".