May 26, 2018
And where is this TeamNimbus.CloudMeadow.Utilities thing and how to open.
He is using a tool called DnSpy. Every unity game has a manged folder and inside -> Assembly-Csharp.dll running it through DnSpy results in reversing functions and calls (by dumping from memory I believe). By doing a bit of digging he found the function that checks if a code is valid.

think of it like this

if (user.input == "Weak Willed") {
unlockgallery = true;

But yeah I'm not surprised how the artist is acting I was following Breeding Season pretty closely and saw how he acted on the chans. I don't believe the project will ever be finished, but if it falls through right now at least we have something. I'm glad I never gave him money tho lol.
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May 1, 2019
Thanks for the tip, but this you can do it in the game, why use DnSpy to do the same thing, I wanted to find the cheat not to check if it works.
This project will take forever, till no one will start to give money for this project, The End.
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Jun 28, 2020
Game Build: Beta (75% 3_15) v0.1.0.3

Attachments (3)

Can you tell, what is the album code?


New Member
Jun 30, 2020
Hi everyone

I have Cloud Meadow Beta-0-1-0-0 version and the only thing that I care about this game is the sex scenes XD, but the problem is there is no sound while playing one of these scenes. I found in sound settings that sex scenes have sound and I also remember in rule34 site when searching about Cloud Meadow I found all recorded videos of the game's sex scenes with sound.

Can anyone tell me how to get sound for sex scenes ? Also, what is these puchased codes ?

Thank you for the help.
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Dec 29, 2018
I can't seems to buy an egg from that green lady, everytime i choose "sure" or "show me What you got" the shopping screen doesnt pop up. Hwhy is this happening?


Oct 19, 2018
wow after all this time, the dungeons are still broken as hell. still freezes in the middle of a fight.


May 1, 2019
Cloud Meadow (75% 3_15) v0.1.1.0b



  • Dungeons no longer reset if you haven’t completed the first dungeon quest.
  • Nerfed enemy scaling by 40%
  • Enemies scale more with the current floor than the player level
  • Nerf the random random of enemy bonus swiftness from “0 to 5” to “-3 to 3”
  • Monsters that are unavailable will have their status mentioned in the tooltip
  • Changed first cooking tutorial from Shrubstick Tendies to Baguette, also gave the player the correct recipes & some additional Shrubstick Seeds
  • Players who have previously completed or skipped the cooking tutorial will receive some bonus Shrubstick Seeds
  • Message and item prompts will now last longer (2 seconds, was 1 second)

  • Fixed all monsters disappearing when the player has more monsters than barn capacity - however the extra monsters will not be available and may leave the farm due to neglect.
  • Fixed all inventories acting like the food bin after using it.
  • Fixed not being able to remove items from the food bin.
  • Fixed items not being removed from the shop inventory when being bought
  • Fixed Jerkian’s collisions on the market day not letting the player in and out of the Union Barrack.
  • Fixed an issue where you could buy unlimited amounts of items
  • Fixed monsters bought from Jerikian having a blank palette
  • Fixed monsters already having a blank palette with a consistent check
  • Fixed doors in the dungeons reappearing when they shouldn’t.
  • Doubled the wait time to unstop the player from moving from 1/20 of a second to 1/10 of a second
  • Fixed the Mill not correctly producing refined items.
  • Fixed the Mill not confirming that you received refined items.
  • Fixed Jobs eating monsters, the entire monster job system was remade from the ground up to promote stability.
  • Fixed an issue when monsters abandoning the farm during the night would cause an endless sleep loop
  • Fixed an error caused by talking to Montalvo
  • Fixed an issue where monsters would work twice as fast as normal.
  • Fixed an issue where monsters would only work on 2/3rd of the field.
  • Fixed Eve x Female Holstaur animation showing Evan x Female Holstaur
  • Zooming the camera while the player is sleeping should be centred on the bed
  • Corrected materials on Farm Mill building and Food Bin
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1.90 star(s) 106 Votes