
Nov 15, 2017
you mean they need another 8k more for this?? why do they need a higher salary on that?
On their patreon the next goal is 26k a month for secondary team members, i understand that making games can cost a lot of money, but this
literally kills any will I had for supporting them, I had the math on how much each member on the team makes a month done before and I find it really strange that the game isn't making more progress, I live on Brazil, around here making 3k dollars a month developing a independent game is a dream, not a possibility, especially since 3k dollars here is around R$ 12k, I don't live on their region, but I imagine that 3k a month is a lot of money for making a game alone or with a small team of 7 people with 2 members getting half of that

All I want to say is, they are being well paid for making something but aren't being very true to their promise, even if at the beginning they didn't make that much ...


Feb 27, 2018
Playing this game for a couple of minutes for the first time and I can already see why so many people are pissed at the devs. Graphically wise it actually looks pretty good, I see that a lot of detail and care was put on the sprites and overall atmosphere, but as soon as you start playing you can already feel all the shortcomings of the game.

The controls are incredible clumsy, theres no visual or sound feedback for when you interact with the menus or scenario, it seems like you are in some sort of vacuum because nothing reacts to the player's actions. Why does the game has to show me every single line of dialogue being skipped when I choose to skip a conversation? Just close the dialogue window, thats incredible lazy game design.

The combat is also very weird, again, barely any feedback to any of the player's actions. At times it seems like everything is bugged because I don't hear sound effects or theres no animation of the enemies being hit. A lot of effort was put into the description of the items and attacks, but why none of that was put into the battle itself? When you finish a battle the game just shoves a menu showing your earned xp out of nowhere in the middle of the screen and thats it, no sound effects or animations to make the act of finishing a fight feel rewarding or satisfactory, its just so awkward.

The dialogue is servisable as far as porn games go and the sex animations and sprites are very well done at least. I still have to play with the farming system a little more to get a feeling of it, but overall this definetely doesn't feel like a game that has been in production for 3 whole years, more like 3 months. Shame because I really like the art style of this game, it LOOKS gorgeous, but plays like garbage.

sucker punch

Mar 10, 2018
well, i see what you are saying but you cant add in new content without first working on the bugs plus some of the things you are talking about are to be expected in the finished product only that , this is not finished yet . cut them some slack and at least try to be understanding not just trashing someone's work just because some sounds here and there are missing.
  • Haha
Reactions: DannyhelMont


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2018
well, i see what you are saying but you cant add in new content without first working on the bugs plus some of the things you are talking about are to be expected in the finished product only that , this is not finished yet . cut them some slack and at least try to be understanding not just trashing someone's work just because some sounds here and there are missing.
dude they've been developing the game for 3 years they should hire sound designer 2 years ago practically when their own money back then was nearly 50k a month but thanks to S-purple, Team nimbus monthly earning is decreasing and went down to 18.5k monthly earning

sucker punch

Mar 10, 2018
there must be a reason for that as well , all i know and all i can say is , we all have different milestone , maybe they dont have the need for a full time sound designer yet


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2018
there must be a reason for that as well , all i know and all i can say is , we all have different milestone , maybe they dont have the need for a full time sound designer yet
really?? but isn't the update is getting slower have you not notice how their update is??? like 3.10a, 3.10b, 3.10c, 3.10d and so on and so forth.... do you really want to take patiently on how long are they gonna release like in 8-10 years to make a fully game??
  • Like
Reactions: silentangel


Aug 7, 2018
No incest? on patreon? i mean look at Breeders of the Nephelym and Station Master, if there's a will there's a way. These Devs are either dumb or pussies that are afraid to have their game terminated like the last one even though the last one was terminated because of internal problems. (fighting with each-other over rights to artwork or some shit... no one really cares)


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2018
No incest? on patreon? i mean look at Breeders of the Nephelym and Station Master, if there's a will there's a way. These Devs are either dumb or pussies that are afraid to have their game terminated like the last one even though the last one was terminated because of internal problems. (fighting with each-other over rights to artwork or some shit... no one really cares)
Patreon doesn't allow incest anymore due to "reasons"
  • Like
Reactions: cumsniper


Nov 15, 2017
dude they've been developing the game for 3 years they should hire sound designer 2 years ago practically when their own money back then was nearly 50k a month but thanks to S-purple, Team nimbus monthly earning is decreasing and went down to 18.5k monthly earning
So, your saying they got nearly 50k a month 2 years ago?? holy shit ...

there must be a reason for that as well , all i know and all i can say is , we all have different milestone , maybe they dont have the need for a full time sound designer yet
Look friend, sure, people have their problems and all that, but this is a fucking industry and their game is for sale, they gave milestones and promises to the people who believed that it was a good game and worth giving their support, then the developers went and never delivered, ignoring their promises and milestones .... i doesn`t matter were you are, when you sell something, specially something still being made, you have to stick to what you say your selling, this is like buying something online only for the seller to send you something else entirely, it`s not right, no matter if the seller had "problems" or not ... if we start sticking up for people who do this kind of shit, other people well think they can do the same .... seriously, i have enough of that with the AAA gaming industry now days ...

sucker punch

Mar 10, 2018
well , like i said , its up to them , you cant continue funding them if they are not delivering what they promised and there is always another option of supporting or buying another game that you like. it cant surely be the only fish in the sea :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2018
They did have nearly 50k or over 50k this was time of cloud meadow is sparking up to popularity in hentai gaming and after S-purple side story the reason why breeding season game was cancelled which is the tumblr post he made was released 2016(im pretty sure you have read S-purple on his statement... if not i'll DM you if you havent read it) but sometime around 2017-2018 its starting to lose a lot patreon supporters which is that fans of breeding season knows what's happening to H-bomb leader managing the dev team of cloud meadow(until today H-bomb is still part of cloud meadow) as of why updates are getting slower and only few changelogs were fix in the game.

Kalyadranoc this discussion has been said many times but at least its informative to say on what's going on behind the scenes of every game dev team on how they made game
  • Angry
Reactions: Judge Heath

Judge Heath

Game Developer
Oct 7, 2019
dude they've been developing the game for 3 years they should hire sound designer 2 years ago practically when their own money back then was nearly 50k a month but thanks to S-purple, Team nimbus monthly earning is decreasing and went down to 18.5k monthly earning
This is the post that finally made me cave and register here to deal with some of the absolute blatant misinformation being told. I shall no doubt regret this given the overall tone of this thread so far.


1) "Cloud Meadow Used to Make 50,000 USD!"
No, the above quote is not true. Graphtreon alone proves it false, but we can also show that cloud meadow, while it's had some dips, it has overall trended forward.
Screenshot (38).png
As you can see in August 2019 we had 21,886.08 USD in earnings. Does it LOOK like we ever had more than twice that value ever in the history of our project? No? Good. Glad you're keeping up.

The pledge value each month fluctuates because people dip in and out, but they pay their money upfront and then give it to us. I've fallen off on posting the monthly values of what we'd actually made each month, because there wasn't much point and it was getting low penetration acording to metrics on post views and such, but I might have to pick it up again so next time I can just link this and the history of our earnings. We track our milestones internally based on earnings, not on pledges, because while the pledged value changes based on people dumping some money in, and then jumping back out so they don't get hit with the fee at the beginning of the month, those folks tend to return, so we keep them consistently.

I saw someone complaining about how we 'promised a free release'. We never did any such thing (Any picture proof is either a case of misunderstanding, taking it out of context, or us being stupidly over optimistic in the early months of the project when me and S-Purple were trying to pull it all together in the first place after H-Bomb blew up). We promised -cheaper- releases than we have currently planned, and we sure as fuck promised a free release for everyone who ever pledged to us so much as a dime (and that money actually transferred), but never have we promised a full free release of the game ever.

Currently the plans on Steam Early Access are as follows.

1) Everybody who paid us so much as a dime on Patreon will be getting a free copy of the final game when we do the full launch.
2) Steam Early Access will be for people who want to get off the crazy buggy ride that is patreon. Updates will come slower, content will be less on the early access version and locked based on what's available in the story version of the game at that point in time. Codes will be unavailable, etc. In return you get super stable, small, optimized versions that update every time we finish fully debugging a section of the game story and push that out, and you get it for a one time cost rather than having to keep paying every month to keep up to date. It's a release valve for people who want off Mr.Bone's Wild Ride. We plan on releasing it for $15.00 at this stage.
3) $30.00 final sales price, due to a lot of things like the time and effort that have gone into it, the sales figures of games based on their pricing (games with prices below $25.00 USD tend to have significantly lower sales overall because price = quality in many a consumer's mind), and discussions among the team members who helped make it.

3) What the fuck is going on with their version numbers?!
On the version numbers, which I admit is entirely on us for making them obscure and nonintuative. First, go look at the very first tag on our Patreon Posts, which is "Game Builds", and see there's 233 game builds post at the time of me making this no doubt ill advised attempt to put down some of the misinformation being tossed around in here.

We had the alpha version waaaaay the hell back, and that was a simple thing, notice all builds are called Alpha vX or Beta vX. When we swapped to the Beta because we felt he game was SOMEWHAT stable and playable at that point and worthy of the title when we knew what the hell we wanted out of it, we reset the version numbers and started prefacing everything as Beta rather than Alpha.

The version numbering changed as well. When we made the swap to beta it went to a vA.B.C.De system.

A= This is the final version of the game, 1.0 when it happens.
B= This is the completed story arcs. There's 3 of them in the game planned, we've not gotten through any of them because we're busy on mechanics and such and animating the lewd scenes instead of necessary animations for story shit.
C= This is the parts of the story arc, in the 1st one there's 3 story arc parts, which basically run down as "mine boss" "ruined lab" and "poachers". It defines whichever one we're currently working on.
D= This number used to tick up once at the end of each month, now it ticks up any time we add a major new feature or a fully animated HD scene or something equally significant.
e= This letter represent hotfixes. Any time one goes in it's because we pushed a version with some rapid bug fixes, or some other minor changes that don't add an entirely new thing to the game.

I hope this explains to you guys what the hell is going on with the version numbering and how they function.

Now, in addition to this, we also have a percentage number and a pair of numbers in each build Right now it's something like 73% 2_15.

The 73% represents overall completion of all 15 progress bars. The 2_15 represents how many of those progress bars are at 100%. Together they SHOULD give you an idea of how complete the game is, which is to say "yeah we're almost done building the skeleton as we go but there's very little meat on these bones." We're currently working on the farm refactor and the dungeon fixes will come after that, and we've almost finished adding in all of the HD sex animations at this point.

4) They Don't have a sound designer!
I mean, yes. We do? His name is Lewd K and he's been working with us for something like 6 months now, where the hell do you think the sounds for the sex scenes came from? Combat sounds are currently slated to be added in as well over time, as well as various ambient and action noises we've already had made.
Screenshot (39).png
He's literally right there in our front page credits. And I know some of the people in this thread were complaining about us posting updates about combat animations rather than sex stuff so they couldn't have missed the sound pieces we put up for folks to see when Lewd K first joined us.

5) Whatever the hell this hot mess is
They did have nearly 50k or over 50k this was time of cloud meadow is sparking up to popularity in hentai gaming and after S-purple side story the reason why breeding season game was cancelled which is the tumblr post he made was released 2016(im pretty sure you have read S-purple on his statement... if not i'll DM you if you havent read it) but sometime around 2017-2018 its starting to lose a lot patreon supporters which is that fans of breeding season knows what's happening to H-bomb leader managing the dev team of cloud meadow(until today H-bomb is still part of cloud meadow) as of why updates are getting slower and only few changelogs were fix in the game.

Kalyadranoc this discussion has been said many times but at least its informative to say on what's going on behind the scenes of every game dev team on how they made game
I'm sorry... I literally have no idea what you're smoking. H-Bomb buggered off and nobody's seen any sign of him since he took down that blog post where he slandered S-Purple. Further, our updates are getting faster and have been for a while now. Our updates used to be once a month and now we often release somewhere between 5 and 10 builds a months, or 2-4 non hotfix builds. I don't know what you're going on about in loss of patrons because that's also not true, as can be seen from the earnings reports above, and anybody who looks up Team Nimbus on Graphtreon.


I'll be around occasionally to answer any further questions about our policies or design choices, at least for anybody who has the decency to be polite about how they ask, though if you tl;dr this post and miss something? That's not my problem. I'm not going to try and justify our decisions on a lot of things, but I felt like this thread was too big a nexus point for a portion of the community observing us to not dip in with my own response on the issues being brought up, at least on the issues where people were either misinformed, outright lying to make us look bad (seriously guys, do you think we need help with that?), or had brought up something that was obscure and easy to misunderstand.
Last edited:


Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 16, 2016
This is the post that finally made me cave and register here
Hi, welcome!

We are really happy to have devs directly interacting with us.

On the other hand, are you really sure? :LOL:

Most of the users here are really civil and able to have a proper discussion. Unfortunately not all of them. However we are always around.

I hope you will enjoy your time here.

Judge Heath

Game Developer
Oct 7, 2019
Hi, welcome!

We are really happy to have devs directly interacting with us.

On the other hand, are you really sure? :LOL:

Most of the users here are really civil and able to have a proper discussion. Unfortunately not all of them. However we are always around.

I hope you will enjoy your time here.
Me and a few other members of the team have been following the thread for a while now, I realize I'm sticking my hand into a bear trap given the sheer amount of vitriol directed at us. If I lose my hand it'll be because of my own foolishness.

I do appreciate the welcome though ^_^


Sep 28, 2019
This is the post that finally made me cave and register here to deal with some of the absolute blatant misinformation being told. I shall no doubt regret this given the overall tone of this thread so far.


1) "Cloud Meadow Used to Make 50,000 USD!"
No, the above quote is not true. Graphtreon alone proves it false, but we can also show that cloud meadow, while it's had some dips, it has overall trended forward.
View attachment 422355
As you can see in August 2019 we had 21,886.08 USD in earnings. Does it LOOK like we ever had more than twice that value ever in the history of our project? No? Good. Glad you're keeping up.

The pledge value each month fluctuates because people dip in and out, but they pay their money upfront and then give it to us. I've fallen off on posting the monthly values of what we'd actually made each month, because there wasn't much point and it was getting low penetration acording to metrics on post views and such, but I might have to pick it up again so next time I can just link this and the history of our earnings. We track our milestones internally based on earnings, not on pledges, because while the pledged value changes based on people dumping some money in, and then jumping back out so they don't get hit with the fee at the beginning of the month, those folks tend to return, so we keep them consistently.

I saw someone complaining about how we 'promised a free release'. We never did any such thing (Any picture proof is either a case of misunderstanding, taking it out of context, or us being stupidly over optimistic in the early months of the project when me and S-Purple were trying to pull it all together in the first place after H-Bomb blew up). We promised -cheaper- releases than we have currently planned, and we sure as fuck promised a free release for everyone who ever pledged to us so much as a dime (and that money actually transferred), but never have we promised a full free release of the game ever.

Currently the plans on Steam Early Access are as follows.

1) Everybody who paid us so much as a dime on Patreon will be getting a free copy of the final game when we do the full launch.
2) Steam Early Access will be for people who want to get off the crazy buggy ride that is patreon. Updates will come slower, content will be less on the early access version and locked based on what's available in the story version of the game at that point in time. Codes will be unavailable, etc. In return you get super stable, small, optimized versions that update every time we finish fully debugging a section of the game story and push that out, and you get it for a one time cost rather than having to keep paying every month to keep up to date. It's a release valve for people who want off Mr.Bone's Wild Ride. We plan on releasing it for $15.00 at this stage.
3) $30.00 final sales price, due to a lot of things like the time and effort that have gone into it, the sales figures of games based on their pricing (games with prices below $25.00 USD tend to have significantly lower sales overall because price = quality in many a consumer's mind), and discussions among the team members who helped make it.

3) What the fuck is going on with their version numbers?!
On the version numbers, which I admit is entirely on us for making them obscure and nonintuative. First, go look at the very first tag on our Patreon Posts, which is "Game Builds", and see there's 233 game builds post at the time of me making this no doubt ill advised attempt to put down some of the misinformation being tossed around in here.

We had the alpha version waaaaay the hell back, and that was a simple thing, notice all builds are called Alpha vX or Beta vX. When we swapped to the Beta because we felt he game was SOMEWHAT stable and playable at that point and worthy of the title when we knew what the hell we wanted out of it, we reset the version numbers and started prefacing everything as Beta rather than Alpha.

The version numbering changed as well. When we made the swap to beta it went to a vA.B.C.De system.

A= This is the final version of the game, 1.0 when it happens.
B= This is the completed story arcs. There's 3 of them in the game planned, we've not gotten through any of them because we're busy on mechanics and such and animating the lewd scenes instead of necessary animations for story shit.
C= This is the parts of the story arc, in the 1st one there's 3 story arc parts, which basically run down as "mine boss" "ruined lab" and "poachers". It defines whichever one we're currently working on.
D= This number used to tick up once at the end of each month, now it ticks up any time we add a major new feature or a fully animated HD scene or something equally significant.
e= This letter represent hotfixes. Any time one goes in it's because we pushed a version with some rapid bug fixes, or some other minor changes that don't add an entirely new thing to the game.

I hope this explains to you guys what the hell is going on with the version numbering and how they function.

Now, in addition to this, we also have a percentage number and a pair of numbers in each build Right now it's something like 73% 2_15.

The 73% represents overall completion of all 15 progress bars. The 2_15 represents how many of those progress bars are at 100%. Together they SHOULD give you an idea of how complete the game is, which is to say "yeah we're almost done building the skeleton as we go but there's very little meat on these bones." We're currently working on the farm refactor and the dungeon fixes will come after that, and we've almost finished adding in all of the HD sex animations at this point.

4) They Don't have a sound designer!
I mean, yes. We do? His name is Lewd K and he's been working with us for something like 6 months now, where the hell do you think the sounds for the sex scenes came from? Combat sounds are currently slated to be added in as well over time, as well as various ambient and action noises we've already had made.
View attachment 422387
He's literally right there in our front page credits. And I know some of the people in this thread were complaining about us posting updates about combat animations rather than sex stuff so they couldn't have missed the sound pieces we put up for folks to see when Lewd K first joined us.

5) Whatever the hell this hot mess is

I'm sorry... I literally have no idea what you're smoking. H-Bomb buggered off and nobody's seen any sign of him since he took down that blog post where he slandered S-Purple. Further, our updates are getting faster and have been for a while now. Our updates used to be once a month and now we often release somewhere between 5 and 10 builds a months, or 2-4 non hotfix builds. I don't know what you're going on about in loss of patrons because that's also not true, as can be seen from the earnings reports above, and anybody who looks up Team Nimbus on Graphtreon.


I'll be around occasionally to answer any further questions about our policies or design choices, at least for anybody who has the decency to be polite about how they ask, though if you tl;dr this post and miss something? That's not my problem. I'm not going to try and justify our decisions on a lot of things, but I felt like this thread was too big a nexus point for a portion of the community observing us to not dip in with my own response on the issues being brought up, at least on the issues where people were either misinformed, outright lying to make us look bad (seriously guys, do you think we need help with that?), or had brought up something that was obscure and easy to misunderstand.
Tyvm for explaining everything to some people here and ofc for the game. <3 <3


Oct 19, 2018
This is the post that finally made me cave and register here to deal with some of the absolute blatant misinformation being told. I shall no doubt regret this given the overall tone of this thread so far.


1) "Cloud Meadow Used to Make 50,000 USD!"
No, the above quote is not true. Graphtreon alone proves it false, but we can also show that cloud meadow, while it's had some dips, it has overall trended forward.
View attachment 422355
As you can see in August 2019 we had 21,886.08 USD in earnings. Does it LOOK like we ever had more than twice that value ever in the history of our project? No? Good. Glad you're keeping up.

The pledge value each month fluctuates because people dip in and out, but they pay their money upfront and then give it to us. I've fallen off on posting the monthly values of what we'd actually made each month, because there wasn't much point and it was getting low penetration acording to metrics on post views and such, but I might have to pick it up again so next time I can just link this and the history of our earnings. We track our milestones internally based on earnings, not on pledges, because while the pledged value changes based on people dumping some money in, and then jumping back out so they don't get hit with the fee at the beginning of the month, those folks tend to return, so we keep them consistently.

I saw someone complaining about how we 'promised a free release'. We never did any such thing (Any picture proof is either a case of misunderstanding, taking it out of context, or us being stupidly over optimistic in the early months of the project when me and S-Purple were trying to pull it all together in the first place after H-Bomb blew up). We promised -cheaper- releases than we have currently planned, and we sure as fuck promised a free release for everyone who ever pledged to us so much as a dime (and that money actually transferred), but never have we promised a full free release of the game ever.

Currently the plans on Steam Early Access are as follows.

1) Everybody who paid us so much as a dime on Patreon will be getting a free copy of the final game when we do the full launch.
2) Steam Early Access will be for people who want to get off the crazy buggy ride that is patreon. Updates will come slower, content will be less on the early access version and locked based on what's available in the story version of the game at that point in time. Codes will be unavailable, etc. In return you get super stable, small, optimized versions that update every time we finish fully debugging a section of the game story and push that out, and you get it for a one time cost rather than having to keep paying every month to keep up to date. It's a release valve for people who want off Mr.Bone's Wild Ride. We plan on releasing it for $15.00 at this stage.
3) $30.00 final sales price, due to a lot of things like the time and effort that have gone into it, the sales figures of games based on their pricing (games with prices below $25.00 USD tend to have significantly lower sales overall because price = quality in many a consumer's mind), and discussions among the team members who helped make it.

3) What the fuck is going on with their version numbers?!
On the version numbers, which I admit is entirely on us for making them obscure and nonintuative. First, go look at the very first tag on our Patreon Posts, which is "Game Builds", and see there's 233 game builds post at the time of me making this no doubt ill advised attempt to put down some of the misinformation being tossed around in here.

We had the alpha version waaaaay the hell back, and that was a simple thing, notice all builds are called Alpha vX or Beta vX. When we swapped to the Beta because we felt he game was SOMEWHAT stable and playable at that point and worthy of the title when we knew what the hell we wanted out of it, we reset the version numbers and started prefacing everything as Beta rather than Alpha.

The version numbering changed as well. When we made the swap to beta it went to a vA.B.C.De system.

A= This is the final version of the game, 1.0 when it happens.
B= This is the completed story arcs. There's 3 of them in the game planned, we've not gotten through any of them because we're busy on mechanics and such and animating the lewd scenes instead of necessary animations for story shit.
C= This is the parts of the story arc, in the 1st one there's 3 story arc parts, which basically run down as "mine boss" "ruined lab" and "poachers". It defines whichever one we're currently working on.
D= This number used to tick up once at the end of each month, now it ticks up any time we add a major new feature or a fully animated HD scene or something equally significant.
e= This letter represent hotfixes. Any time one goes in it's because we pushed a version with some rapid bug fixes, or some other minor changes that don't add an entirely new thing to the game.

I hope this explains to you guys what the hell is going on with the version numbering and how they function.

Now, in addition to this, we also have a percentage number and a pair of numbers in each build Right now it's something like 73% 2_15.

The 73% represents overall completion of all 15 progress bars. The 2_15 represents how many of those progress bars are at 100%. Together they SHOULD give you an idea of how complete the game is, which is to say "yeah we're almost done building the skeleton as we go but there's very little meat on these bones." We're currently working on the farm refactor and the dungeon fixes will come after that, and we've almost finished adding in all of the HD sex animations at this point.

4) They Don't have a sound designer!
I mean, yes. We do? His name is Lewd K and he's been working with us for something like 6 months now, where the hell do you think the sounds for the sex scenes came from? Combat sounds are currently slated to be added in as well over time, as well as various ambient and action noises we've already had made.
View attachment 422387
He's literally right there in our front page credits. And I know some of the people in this thread were complaining about us posting updates about combat animations rather than sex stuff so they couldn't have missed the sound pieces we put up for folks to see when Lewd K first joined us.

5) Whatever the hell this hot mess is

I'm sorry... I literally have no idea what you're smoking. H-Bomb buggered off and nobody's seen any sign of him since he took down that blog post where he slandered S-Purple. Further, our updates are getting faster and have been for a while now. Our updates used to be once a month and now we often release somewhere between 5 and 10 builds a months, or 2-4 non hotfix builds. I don't know what you're going on about in loss of patrons because that's also not true, as can be seen from the earnings reports above, and anybody who looks up Team Nimbus on Graphtreon.


I'll be around occasionally to answer any further questions about our policies or design choices, at least for anybody who has the decency to be polite about how they ask, though if you tl;dr this post and miss something? That's not my problem. I'm not going to try and justify our decisions on a lot of things, but I felt like this thread was too big a nexus point for a portion of the community observing us to not dip in with my own response on the issues being brought up, at least on the issues where people were either misinformed, outright lying to make us look bad (seriously guys, do you think we need help with that?), or had brought up something that was obscure and easy to misunderstand.
if this is what it takes to get a full reassuring and well thought out response from you guys...


your mom's a hoe.
1.90 star(s) 106 Votes